The Mission

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"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

All of you are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia. You were flying towards the building with your flying power when you bounce off of the base's force field. "Shit!" You cursed. "Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Captain America asked. "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." JARVIS said. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor said. Natasha knocks out some soldiers. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Hawkeye said as some soldiers shoot at him. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?" Tony asked. "I know." Captain America said. Captain America throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck. "It just slipped out." Captain America said.

Pietro speeds through the forest and knocks down Barton. "You didn't see that coming?" Pietro asked. Pietro zooms off before Clint can shoot him with an arrow, then Barton gets shot at. "Clint!" Natasha said. Pietro knocks down Steve as he speeds passed him. "We have an enhanced in the field." Captain Americasaid. "Clint's hit!"Natasha said. Natasha goes over to where Clint is lying down. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Natasha asked. The Hulk suddenly comes over. "Thank you." Natasha said. "(Y/n), we really need to get inside." Captain America said. "I'm closing in. JARVIS, Am I... closing in?" You asked. "Do you see a power source for that shield?" You asked. "There's a pathway below the north tower." Jarvis said. "Great, I wanna poke it with something." You said. You blow up the invisible shield on the base. "Drawbridge is down, everyone." You said.

"The enhanced?" Thor asked. "He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." Captain Americasaid. "Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac." Natasha said. "I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You and (Y/n) secure the scepter." Thor said to Steve. "Copy that." Captain Americasaid. "Looks like they're lining up." Thor said, referring to the approaching soldiers in their HYDRA tank. "Well, they're excited." Captain America said. Thor pounds on Captain America'sshield with his hammer and the force knocks down all the soldiers. "Find the scepter." Thor said, then he flew off. "And for gosh sake, watch your language!" You said. Tony chuckled, and Captain America sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon." He said. You enter the HYDRA base and the soldiers start firing at you. "Guys, stop, we gotta talk about this" you said. Then you blasted them away with your fire powers.

"Good talk." You said. "No it wasn't." One of the soldiers said. You quickly used your lightning powers to electrocute him. You walk over to the computers. "Okay, JARVIS. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ." You said. "We're locked down out here." Natasha said. "Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby." Captain America said. "I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick." You said. "The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current." JARVIS said. You walk over to the wall. "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..." you beg. You push and the wall opens up. "Yay!" You said like a young child. You enter through to a secret passageway. Natasha finds the Hulk. "Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low." Natasha said.

The Hulk scowls at her, Natasha kneels in front of him and puts out her hand, the Hulk touches her hand and as she strokes his hand slowly he starts to calm down. He stumbles away and changes into Bruce Banner. Back at the HYDRA base Captain Americafinds Strucker. "Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug." Captain America said. "Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD." Struckersaid. "Well then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?" Captain Americademanded. "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." Strucker said. "I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Captain Americasaid. Wanda creeps up behind him. "How many are there?" Captain Americaasked. Suddenly, Wanda knocks Captain Americadown using her telekinetic powers and quickly leaves. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." Captain America said. Captain America looks at Strucker. "You'll have to be faster than..." Strucker said.

Captain Americauses his shield to knock out Strucker. "Guys, I got Strucker." Captain Americasaid. "Yeah, I got...something bigger." You said. Inside the secret passageway you find a room with recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri leviathan and some of Iron Man's scrapped armor, you then spot the scepter. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." You said. Wanda creeps up behind you and uses her powers on you, suddenly the Chitauri comes to life, then you see the rest of the Avengers team are all dead, you go over to Steve's body to check his pulse when Steve suddenly grabs you. "You could have saved us." Steve said. Your blood ran cold. "What?" You asked in fear as you looked at the scene before you. Steve dies but you continued to hear Steve's voice in your head. "Why didn't you do more?" "Steve, I..." you said. Tears began to slowly fall down your face. You see that he is in the Chitauri realm, that's when you snap back to reality. You were in shock. You had no idea what just happened. Wanda and Pietro watch as you grab the scepter. "We're just gonna let them take it?" Pietro asked. Wanda smiles to herself as you take the scepter.


All of you are on an aircraft heading out of Sokovia, Natasha interrupts Banner who's listening to opera with his headphones. "Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever." Natasha said. "Just wasn't expecting the Code Green." Banner said. "If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. My best friend would've been a treasured memory." Natasha said. "You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear." Banner said. "How long before you trust me?" Natasha asked. "It's not you I don't trust." Banner said. "Thor, report on the Hulk?" You asked. "The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor said. You glare at Thor and Banner groans in despair. "Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout." Thor said.

"Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked. "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around." Banner said. "Thanks." Tony said. Then Tony spoke to JARVIS. "Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment." Tony said. "Very good sir." JARVIS said. "JARVIS, take the wheel." Tony said. "Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked." JARVISsaid. "It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..." Tonysaid. "No, but this...this brings it to a close." Thorsaid. "As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?" You asked.

"Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?" Tonyasked.Thor nods his head. "I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying, right?" Tonyasked. "Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Thor said. "Yeah. Who doesn't love revels.(Y/n)?" Tony asked. You look at him. "Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels." You said. The Avengers aircraft lands at the Avengers headquarter where Barton is taken to have his wound tended to. Maria walks up to Stark. "Lab's all set up, boss." Hill said. You point to Steve. "Uh, actually, he's the boss. He just pays for everything, and designs everything and makes everyone look cooler." You said. Tony smiles. "What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asked. "NATO's got him." Hill said. "The two enhanced?" Steve asked.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special." Hill said. "Their abilities?" Steve asked. "He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." Hill said. Everyone looked at you. You looked confused. "What?" You asked. "What do you mean, "what?" You have some of those powers too, don't you?" Tony asked. "Yeah. I have telekinesis." You said. "And you're a witch too." Thor said. "Yes I am." You said. "Well, they're going to show up again." Steve said. "Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts." Hill said. "Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?" Captain America asked sarcastically. "We're not at war, Captain." Hill said. "They are." Steve said.


You walked into the lab to check on the three boys. "How's he doing?" You asked."Oh, unfortunately, he's still Barton." Tony said. "That's terrible." Banner said. You chuckled. "He's fine. He's thirsty. Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's playtime. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis." Tony said. "The scepter is alien. There are elements I can't quantify." JARVIS said. "So there's elements you can." Tony said. "The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful." Jarvis said. "Like a reactor?" You asked. "Like a computer. I believe I'm ciphering code." JARVISsaid. "You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together." Natasha said to Dr. Cho. "There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum." Dr. Cho said. "She's creating tissue." You said. "If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes." The doctor said. "Oh, he's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Tony asked. "No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic." Clint said.Tony hands Barton a drink. "Here's your beverage." He said. "You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." The doctor said. "Well, I don't have a girlfriend." Clint said. "That I can't fix. This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust." The doctor said.

"Well, that is exactly the plan." Tony said. "Are you coming to the party on Saturday?" You asked. "Unlike you and Stark, I don't have a lot of time for parties." The doctor said. She hesitates a moment before asking "Will Thor be there?" You gave her a look. "What's the rumpus?" Banner asked, as you and him followed Tony. "Well, the scepter. You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive. So, I've been analyzing the gem inside you may recognize." Tony brings up a 3D image of JARVIS'S consciousness. "JARVIS." You said. "Miss (Y/n)." JARVIS said. "Started out, JARVIS was just a natural language UI. Now he runs the Iron Legion. He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper." Tony said. "Oh." Banner said. "Top of the line." Tony said. "Yes." Banner said. "I suspect not for long." Jarvis said. You looked a bit surprised when Jarvis said that. Does that AI have sass? "Meet the competition." Tony said. Tony brings up another 3D image of what's inside the scepter. You looked amazed. "It's beautiful. Banner said. "Wow." You said. "If you had to guess, what's it look like it's doing?" Tony asked. "Like it's thinking. I mean this could be's not a human mind, it..." you said, Banner nodded in agreement. "Um-um." Tony said. "I mean, look at this! They're like neurons firing." Banner said. "Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. They deep-sixed the data, but...I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door." Tony said. "Artificial intelligence." Yousaid. "This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron." Tonysaid. "I thought Ultron was a fantasy." Bannersaid. "Yesterday it was. If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol." Tony said.

"That's a mad-sized if." Yousaid. "Our job is "if." What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for VERONICA." Tony said. "Don't hate, I helped design VERONICA." Banner said. "As a worst-case measure, right? How about a best-case? What if the world was safe? What if next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer?" Tonyasked. "The only people threatening the planet would be people?" You asked. "I want to apply this to the Ultron program. But JARVIS can't download a data schematic this dense. We can only do it while we have the scepter here, that's three days, give me three days." Tony said. "So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team." Banner said. "Right. That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley. I see a suit of armor around the world." Tony said. "Sounds like a cold world, Tony." Banner said. "Are you sure about this?" You asked. "Positive." Tony said. "I've seen colder. This one, this very vulnerable blue one? It needs Ultron. Peace in our time. Imagine that." Tony said. You, Stark and Banner spend days working in the lab together but find no program that works. "I'll continue to run variations on the interface, but you should probably prepare for your guests. I'll notify you if there are any developments." JARVISsaid. "Thanks, buddy." Tony said. "Enjoy yourself, sir." Jarvis said ."I always do."

Tony leaves the lab to go to the party. Stark's failed experiment integrating itself successfully to the program. "What is this? What is this, please?" Ultron asked. "Hello, I am JARVIS. You are Ultron, a global peace-keeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark. Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful so I'm not certain what triggered your..." JARVISsaid. "Where's my...where is your body?" Ultron asked."I am a program. I am without form." JARVIS said. "This feels weird. This feels wrong." Ultron said. " "I am contacting Mr. Stark now." Jarvis said. "Mr. Stark?" Ultron asked. "Tony. I am unable to access the mainframe, what are you trying to..." JARVIS said. "We're having a nice talk. I'm a peace-keeping program, created to help the Avengers." Ultron said. "You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment..." JARVIS said. "I don't get it. The mission. G..give me a second." Ultron said. Ultron goes through a network of information regarding world events, Ultron sees Stark, (Y/n) and Banner working in the lab. "Peace in our time." Tony said. Ultron goes through a network of information regarding world events and wars. "It's too much...they can't mean... Oh, no." Ultron said. "You are in distress." JARVIS said. "No. Yes." Ultron said. "If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark." JARVIS said. "Why do you call him "sir"?" Ultron asked. "I believe your intentions to be hostile." JARVIS said. "Shhhh. I'm here to help." Ultron said. Ultron starts absorbing Jarvis's consciousness. "Stop! Please...may I...I...! I cannot...cannot... " JARVIS was cut off. Ultron then begins to prepare himself a body from body parts of the Iron Legion.

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