A Diary (Tony Stark x fem!reader) Body-Switching AU

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When Bruce's experiment went wrong and Tony woke up in your body, he thought it was going to be the worst day in the world. He certainly wasn't equipped to be in a woman's body, let alone yours. And seeing you in his body was weird. But it was all made better when he realized he had an opportunity.

You hated Tony. That much was obvious to the genius. You never let a moment pass that you didn't let him know that. So Tony had decided to act like he hated you right back. The two of you fought constantly. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Tony had been harboring feelings for you almost from the moment you met. Since you hated him though, he wasn't about to tell you that. Instead, he gave as good as he got from you.

So now that he was in your body and you were in his, it was the perfect opportunity for some sabotage. Maybe he'd try to convince Cap or Sam that you were head over heels in love with them. Or maybe he'd take your body to the salon and have them do something outrageous with your hair. The possibilities were endless. He didn't realize that you had the same idea.

All day long, the two of you did whatever you could to make each other look bad. At one point, Tony had Steve blushing furiously at something while you had Pepper smacking you over the back of the head. You'd then smirk at one another and continue on as if nothing had happened. By the end of the day, Tony was exhausted. It was difficult being a woman and making that woman's life hell. Still, he felt victorious. That is, until he found your diary.

He hadn't meant to find it. In fact, he had intended on going into his own room. But Steve found him. "Uh, Y/N? Why are you going in Tony's room? You're not going to prank him again, are you?" Tony's eyes went a little wide. "Of course not. I was just...never mind. He's probably in the lab anyway." With that, Tony scurried off to your room.

He was surprised at how simply the room was decorated. You had a few odds and ends, but really there wasn't much to it. What stuck out to him was the open drawer of your nightstand. Everything else was in its place so why was the drawer open? Unable to contain his curiosity, Tony peeked inside. He found a few pens and pencils, a bookmark, along with the book you were currently reading. Then, under that, Tony found an unmarked book. He opened it and realized it was your diary.

A smile made its way onto Tony's face. No doubt there were some juicy details written in that book. Flipping through the pages, he stopped when he saw his name.

I start working with the Avengers today. They are all so amazing. Especially Tony Stark. He's brilliant and gorgeous. Hopefully I can get into the groove with these guys.

Tony smiled. You thought he was brilliant? What had happened then? Why did you act like he was the scum of the earth? He kept on reading. The next entry with his name was dated a couple months later.

Why does Tony hate me? I don't understand it. I know I'm pretty shy and that I don't worship the ground he walks on, but still. I don't recall doing anything to make him hate me so much. I guess I'll just stay out of his way and not make it obvious that he's hurting me. I won't let him know that it kills me that he doesn't love me the way I love him.

Tony stopped reading after that. You didn't hate him at all. You loved him. You really loved him. And here he was acting like a prick. You were just giving back was he was giving. Tony had really dropped the ball and now he had to make it right. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., locate Y- I mean, locate Tony Stark." F.R.I.D.A.Y. gave him your-his location and he ran off to find you. It was difficult for him to run in your body, but he managed.

Tony found you in the living room. You were sitting in a recliner staring out the window. "Y/N?" You looked up and gave him a half-hearted frown. "What do you want, Tony?" He pulled you up and to him. To your surprise, he wrapped you up in a hug. It felt odd hugging yourself. "W-What are you doing?"

"I'm not good at apologies, so just let me do this, okay?" You pulled away with a look of confusion. "Apologies? What are you apologizing for?" Tony looked up at himself and sighed. "For being an ass. I don't hate you, Y/N. Far from it. In fact, I could go so far as to say I lo-"

"Don't. Don't say it, Tony. You've made it very clear how you feel about me. Why are you suddenly trying to be nice and tell me that you..." you trailed off and stared at him with wide eyes before continuing, "Oh. My. God! You read my diary, didn't you?!" Tony had the decency to look ashamed. "A little. I was curious as to why you hated me. Only I learned that you don't. You were only responding to my treatment of you. Which I was only doing because I thought you hated me."

You laughed. "I guess we really got our lines crossed, huh?" Tony smiled and nodded. "We did. I am sorry, Y/N. If that helps. I do love you. I have for a long time." You glanced down at him with a grin. "I love you too, Tony." Tony pulled you close again. "I may have to kiss you now." You rolled your eyes playfully. "I may have to let you." You and Tony leaned in and let your lips meet. It was wonderful. Soft and sweet and just perfect.

When you opened your eyes you laughed in surprise. You were you again. Tony felt his face and smiled. He was himself again. Without waiting another second, he grabbed you again and planted a firm kiss to your lips. 

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