Dark-Haired Neighbor (Loki x fem!reader) Neighbor/Highschool AU

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You were 13 when you first met your dark-haired neighbor and his fair-haired brother. Loki was a year older than you, but sometimes even seemed older. That didn't stop the two of you from instantly hitting it off. You were constantly over at each other's houses and, as you grew, so did your feelings for Loki.

It finally all came to light when you were nearly 18 and Loki had a girlfriend. You had no idea you could hate someone so much. You weren't sure if you were jealous or if you had a real reason for hating her. One thing was for sure, it was affecting your every day nature and your father was having none of it.

"I've already told you, that boy's no good for you, Y/N." You rolled your eyes. Your father had always been protective. But Loki's presence in your life and the fact that you had feelings for him made him even more over protective. "Daddy, I know what you said. I can't help how I feel though. Loki's my best friend. He's always there for me. I-I love him, Daddy."

Your father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. You'd had boyfriends before, but this time felt different. It was clear this wasn't some crush you were going to be able to move passed. "Sweetheart, I don't like it, but I understand. Right now, there's nothing you can do. He has a girlfriend and I did not raise you to break apart relationships." You let out a wail and hugged him. He held you close and tried to soothe you.

A few days of avoiding Loki later, there was a knock at your bedroom door. Your father was at work so you were on your guard. Luckily, it was locked. "Y/N! OPEN UP!" Thor boomed from the other side. You let out a sigh and got up from the bed. Thor coming over and yelling was never a good sign.

"What do you want, Thor?" you snapped the moment you opened the door. Thor was fuming. You'd never seen him angry before. "Why are you ignoring Loki?!" You rolled your eyes. "Loki knows where I live. He is perfectly capable of coming over here when he's not attached to that-that succubus at the hip," you seethed. Thor looked confused. "Succubus? You mean Nebula?" You eyes narrowed at the mention of her name.

Thor took a second to consider what you said and then he smiled. "You are jealous." You crossed your arms over your chest and let out a huff. "I am NOT jealous. I just don't like her." Thor wasn't fooled for a minute. "You're in love with him. You love Loki." You groaned. "Thor, can you please drop it. It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does," another voice said. Thor moved slightly and you could see Loki behind him in the hallway. Thor looked just as surprised as you were. "I, uh, think I'll let you two talk." He left before you could beg him to stay. You didn't want to face Loki alone. You couldn't. Loki took a couple large strides into the room. "Is it true, Y/N?" His words dripped with something akin to seduction. Even at the young at of 19, Loki had a silver tongue.

You sniffled and looked away. Your were beyond embarrassed and that usually resulted in tears. Loki used his fingers to cup your chin and turn your head towards him. "Y/N? Please talk to me, darling." You suppressed a sigh. You loved when he called you that.

"I can't talk to you, Loki. I can't tell you anything. You have a girlfriend. I can't tell you that I love you when you'll only break my heart." You looked at him with wide eyes. You hadn't meant to say that. Something about talking with him always made you tell the truth. It was like you were physically incapable of lying to him.

"I don't." You furrowed your brows and he clarified, "I do not have a girlfriend. Not anymore. My relationship with Nebula lasted only a couple of days. I realized there was someone else I would have rather had by my side." He carefully wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. Your heart began thumping against your rib cage. You'd been close to Loki before, but this was definitely different.

"L-Loki?" He smiled and let go of your chin in favor of wrapping his other arm around you too. "Yes?" You asked what he was doing and he answered, "I am simply showing the woman I love, my best friend, that she belongs in my arms." You felt a small smile creep onto your lips. "You love me?" He laughed. "I do." Before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to his.

Your kiss was short lived, however, when you heard a sharp voice cry out, "You better get your hands off my daughter this instant, boy, or you're going to pray you had." You were mortified. "DADDY!" Loki pulled away, but only enough to be able to face your father. Your father looked beyond pissed.

"Daddy, it's okay. Loki's not hurting anyone. And besides, I kissed him." The anger on your father's face turned to shock. "I didn't hear that." He turned and around and marched down the hall, muttering to himself. Loki turned to you. "Do you remember how you used to sneak out and come over at night when we were younger?" You arched a brow. "I was thinking you could do it again and we can continue this tonight." You giggled, prompting him to kiss you again. "It's a date."

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