Bad Driver (Dad!Tony Stark x teen!reader)

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"Remind me again we're doing this?" you asked as your father finally hit the brakes on the car. You had driven out of the city to the middle of nowhere. "Because you need to practice and I promise Director Fury that the Avengers wouldn't cause any more damage to the city."

"But I'm not an Avenger, Dad," you said with a sigh. Your father gave you an unimpressed look. You had inherited his genius as well as his ability to be a smartass. "You need to learn to drive, Y/N. Having Happy around is great, but we can't depend on him all the time." You arched a brow, but he held up his hand before you could argue with him. Your arguments never ended well.

"Out of the car." Knowing it was futile to protest, you climbed out of the passenger's seat. Tony tossed you the keys which you barely caught before they hit the ground. As you walked around to the driver's side door, you could feel your knees start to shake. You hated this.

You weren't exactly a bad driver...well okay, yes you were. But only because you got so nervous behind the wheel. Sometimes, you were overly cautious and other times, you over corrected you mistakes, making even bigger ones. To make matters worse, your mother wasn't able to teach you and Tony? Let's just say he wasn't the best teacher. Sure he had the patience to teach you but the man couldn't really drive to save his life. Not well anyway. You'd lost count of how many traffic tickets he'd received over the years.

Once you got in the driver's seat, you took a shaky breath. You could do this. Your dad already had his seatbelt on and was fidgeting with his hands. "You okay, Dad? You know we can always go home and I can practice with Happy when he has time." You tried to keep the hopeful tone from your voice.

"Not a chance, kid. Start her up." With a sigh, you put the key in the ignition and the vehicle roared to life once more. You took a deep breath before shifting into gear and gently stepping on the gas. "Come on, kid. It's just you and me on this road. You can give her a little more juice than that."

The lesson went well for about the first ten minutes. Then, it all fell to pieces. You were one of those people who still needed plenty of notice before having to make turns. Without that, you would either miss the turn completely or not slow down enough. You would feel like the car would tip onto its side when you turned. Obviously, that hadn't happened yet, but that fact did nothing to alleviate your fear.

It was clear that your dad had forgotten your little hang-up about turns when he suddenly said, "You need to turn here." You were going too quickly to make a smooth turn and you panicked. You turned the wheel, but not far enough. Instead of turning onto the road, you only turned the wheel enough to send you flying into one of the fields next to the road.

You don't know how you did it, but you managed to clear the ditch and head straight for the middle of the field. "Brake, Y/N. Hit the brake!" You slammed on the brake, causing your head to jerk forward and the car to stop. Your dad reached over and threw the car in park while you struggled to catch your breath.

"Hey, Y/N. Look at me." You glanced over. "Breathe, kid." Your hands shook, but you nodded. Tony turned off the car and opened his door. After calming a little, you did the same. The front of the car was definitely busted up, but you were surprised it wasn't worse. Plus, you counted yourself lucky that it wasn't an actual accident with another driver and that there were no crops planted in that particular field.

Tony glanced between you and the front bumper of the car a couple of times. "Maybe we should have Happy teach you," he muttered, causing you to laugh. That was one thing you loved about your dad. He could always make you laugh even when you wanted to just flop down and cry. Teenage angst was real.

"That would probably be best," you agreed. Tony smiled at you. "It's just a car, kid. I can always get another one," he told you and then continued, "Although maybe a tank instead?" You playfully glared at him. He pulled out his phone and called Happy to come get you. You knew why your dad wanted you to learn to drive and you understood. Hopefully now he understood that him trying to teach you wasn't the best idea.

"We'll have Happy take us to your favorite restaurant for dinner tonight. Your mom can meet us there." You beamed at him. "Thanks, Dad." He just shrugged, but you hugged him. While Tony wasn't the best driver, he was the best dad you could have asked for.

(This actually happened to me, except the field I ended up in wasn't empty. About 10 feet from where I stopped was a tobacco field. I thankfully didn't destroy any crops my dad's truck was okay. And I'm a much better driver now XD) 

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