Lessons in Magic (Loki x fem!reader)

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Loki had been looking for you for hours with no luck. He couldn't believe his best friend was so difficult to find. Finally deciding on reading until you came to him, he went to the library. He pulled up short when he saw you. Your head was lying on the table in front of you. Your eyes were closed and Loki could see your back rising and falling in steady breaths. Loki smiled before brushing a strand of hair from your face.

You let out a little moan as your eyes opened. "Loki?" You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Good afternoon, pet," he greeted, his voice in a soft purr, "What are you doing?" You glanced down at the books and scrolls in front of you with a sigh. "I-I was trying to learn, but I can't. I've been trying so hard and it's just not happening."

Loki peered over your shoulder and realized that you were studying magic. It wasn't a big surprise to him. Ever since you'd come to Asgard, you'd struggled to find something to do with yourself. Something to make you feel like you belonged there with him.

"Darling, this type of power takes time and patience to master," he cooed and your frown deepened. Even though Loki was often selfish and arrogant, he had a soft spot for you. He cared for you more deeply than just about anyone else and he hated seeing you upset. Loki also knew that, if you didn't find something on Asgard to make you feel like you belonged, you would leave.

"Perhaps I can help you," he mused out loud. You looked at him again in surprise. "Really? You'd do that?" Loki gave you a soft smile. One of his hands came up to gently grip your chin. "Of course, pet. I would do anything to see you happy." You beamed and threw your arms around him. "Thank you, Loki," you whispered against him. "We start tomorrow. For now, you need to rest." Leaving no room for argument, Loki escorted you back to your chambers.

The next morning, Loki was awakened by someone jumping next to him on the bed. "Looookkkkkki," you sang annoyingly, causing the raven-haired male to glare at you. You flopped down and scooted closer to him. As if on instinct, Loki's arm went around you. "You promised to help me and I was too excited to sleep in this morning," you said as your head rested on his chest.

Loki chuckled softly, closing his eyes once more for a moment. "So I did. Alright. We'll begin after we eat. You'll need your strength, my little Midgardian." You rolled your eyes at him playfully and swatted his chest. With a grin, you sat up and practically ran out the door. "See you at breakfast, Loki," you told him before disappearing. Loki laughed again to himself.

Loki couldn't help but smiling as he watched you at breakfast. Even though you were speaking to Thor and his mother, you were fidgeting relentlessly. It was clear you wanted the meal to end quickly. "Forgive me, Mother, but Y/N and I have some business to attend, if you don't mind." Frigga looked between the two of you and smiled like she knew something you didn't. "Of course, Loki." You tried not to get up and run from the room, but as soon as the doors closed behind you, you grabbed Loki's hand and ran to the location you'd already agreed upon.

Hours passed and you still weren't making progress. While Loki wasn't surprised, you grew more and more frustrated. Tears formed in your eyes and your stance became rigid and tense. Loki pondered a moment. "What?" you asked, your voice sounded dejected. Loki reached over and took one of your hands in his.

"Everyone has magic in them, pet. Most people, however, are neither smart enough nor determined enough to try. You already have them beaten. We simply need to find the catalyst. What will bring your magic from inside you out?" You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "Don't you think I've been trying?" Loki quickly reassured you with a kiss to the forehead.

"I know you have, Y/N. You just need a little help. Now, put your arms down, you look like a petulant child." You scoffed, but saw Loki's playful smile. You retorted by sticking your tongue out at him. Loki laughed, but had to push away a few not-so-innocent thoughts. "Arms down and close your eyes, Y/N." You did as he asked. "Breathe deeply." Again, you complied. Loki walked behind you and asked if he could place his hand on your stomach. You nodded without speaking. You trusted him after all.

"Thank you. Now, continue to breathe. Picture your power, Y/N. Picture where it comes from. Picture what drives it," he instructed as wrapped an arm around you, placing his hand on your stomach. "Feel it, deep within you," he whispered. You sucked in a breath, almost forgetting to let it out. "If you want to stop, we can," Loki said. You shook your head, but didn't open your eyes.

After a moment, Loki felt a shift in the atmosphere around the two of you. He glanced at you and you were nearly glowing with magical power. "Open your eyes, pet." You did so and gasped. "What are you doing?" Loki chuckled. "Nothing at all. It's you." You laughed in disbelief and smiled. "Really?" Loki nodded and barely had time to catch you as you launched yourself at him, the glow from your inner magic fading away for the moment.

"I think that's enough for now. We'll work again tomorrow." To his surprise, you didn't argue. The grin never left your face for the rest of the day either. "Out of curiosity, what were you picturing? Feeling?" You suddenly looked a little embarrassed. "Oh, I'm not sure exactly...just a memory I guess." Loki arched a brow. "You can't lie to me, Y/N." You rolled your eyes and stepped away from him. "It's a secret."

*time skip*

You and Loki worked together every single day and soon, you were producing magic no other Midgardian had before. To say Loki was impressed was an understatement. He was so proud of you and yet, so frustrated at the same time. You still wouldn't tell him what it was that seemed to pull the magic out. Anytime he asked, you'd either clam up or give him a shy smile and tell him it was a secret. He decided to ask Frigga.

Frigga smiled at her son. "What?" Loki asked. Frigga laughed lightly. "You truly haven't figured it out?" she questioned, making Loki's brows furrow. "I wouldn't have come to you if I had." With a shake of her head, Frigga stood and beckoned Loki over to the balcony.

"Look down. What do you see?" Loki did as Frigga asked and saw you, practicing yet again. Only this time you looked more than a little irritated. "She's figured it out," Frigga said, "She knows exactly what it is that drives her. She's been practicing on her own to prove herself wrong." Now, Loki liked to consider himself fairly intelligent but for the life of him, he could not figure out what Frigga meant.

"Mother, enough riddles, please. Tell me." Frigga shook her head. "It is not for me to tell, Loki. I will ask you this: What is the difference between Y/N's practice now and her practice this morning?" Loki's brows drew together again. Frigga placed a kiss to her son's cheek and smiled fondly at him. "You, Loki. You are not with her."

It took barely a second for his mother's words to register in his mind. He was your driving force? That made no sense. You were no threat to him. Were you? "How? Have I done something to her? To warrant her hatred?" he thought out loud. Frigga shook her head. "No, Loki. While hatred and revenge are strong motivators, there is an even more powerful one." Loki frowned a little.

Loki himself have experienced loathing. He had felt the need for revenge. He had wanted to make others hurt. But there was only one thing that made him do the right thing...his mother. And Thor. Maybe not them as people, but the feeling he held for them. The love he had for them.

"Love...Y/N loves me?" Frigga beamed. "And you love her. I see the way you look at her, Loki. You are her magic and she brings out the best of you." Loki pressed a kiss to Frigga's cheek and darted from the room with a quick, "Thank you."

Before Loki knew it, he was standing in front of you. You jumped and pressed a hand over your heart. "LOKI! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" you screamed, causing Loki to laugh. "That won't do. For if you are dead, how can I tell you what I came here to tell you?" One of your brows rose, prompting Loki to take a step closer to you.

"What is it?" you asked, trying to hide the slight tremble in your voice. Loki reached for your hand. "In a moment. I want to try something first, with your permission?" Once again, you granted it. Loki spun you around so your back was pressed against his chest. You let out a squeak, making Loki laugh.

"Focus your power," he whispered into your ear. You did as he asked without hesitation. After a beat, Loki leaned down more and, in a hushed voice said, "I love you." Underneath his hand, Loki felt your stomach grow warm and he watched as magic practically exploded from your fingertips.

You both stood there, looking at the damage you'd accidentally caused. Loki chuckled. "I suppose we'll have to work on that. I can't have you destroying part of the palace every time I say those words." You spun around to glance up at him. Your eyes were wide and Loki kissed the tip of your nose before continuing.

"And I plan on saying them every moment I have a chance, if you will only allow me." Your bottom lip trembled slightly. "Y-You meant it?" Loki used a free hand to cup your cheek after moving a strand of hair from your face. "Of course, pet. Have you ever known me to say something I didn't mean?...To you at least."

"I love you too." Loki leaned in and brushed his lips over yours. It was you, however, who closed the gap between you. A warmth spread through Loki like he'd never felt before. Whether it was his magic, your own, or just the love he felt for you, he would never know. But he never wanted it to leave. If that meant he had to spend eternity right there with you in his arms and his lips pressed to yours, so be it. 

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