Confusing Feelings (Peter Quill/Star Lord x fem!reader)

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Peter couldn't believe how much Terra, or rather Earth, had changed since he'd been taken by Yondu. Everything was newer, shinier, and busier. Sure, compared to the technology he was used to, some of the tech was obsolete, but still. As he looked around, Peter found himself wishing he'd stayed on the ship with Groot. The teenage tree had sass a mile wide, but it was better than being assaulted with all these memories.

While Peter wasn't fully Terran, he'd spent his childhood here. Now that he was back, Peter couldn't help but remember his mom. He remembered all the good times they'd had before she'd been taken from him. He remembered school and his teachers, even though he wasn't too fond of either. And he remembered you, his best friend and first ever crush (that wasn't a celebrity).

Having a crush at the age of eight was different than having one as an adult. It was purer, more sweet, and there was no awkwardness. Peter reached into his pocket and felt the crumpled up note he'd kept all these years. He had written it to you one day and passed it to you during class. It read: "Do you like me? Check yes or no." Silly, Peter knew, but back then, it didn't matter and nothing could erase the elation he'd felt when he got the note back with a big check next to the word "Yes".

But things were different now. Peter hadn't seen you since the day Yondu took him. He had no idea where you were or if you were even still alive. He didn't know if you were married or had kids or anything. Plus, he doubted you'd even remember him. How wrong he was.

"Can I assume that you're Peter Quill?" a man with an eye patch practically barked at Peter. Peter flashed his signature smirk. "That's me. But I prefer Star-Lord in front of the others, 'kay?" The man in front of him did not look impressed. "Nick Fury. I called you here because we have a problem. An alien problem. I was told you could handle that. My guys are good, but the last time we had to deal with aliens, it didn't end so well for New York." Peter nodded. "We're your guys."

Fury led Peter and the rest of the Guardians, minus Groot, inside the enormous building. "The is Avengers Tower. All the information you need is here, along with your new teammates. Play nice and I won't kick your sorry ass off my planet, got it?" Peter was about to answer when Drax spoke up, "How can one's ass be sorry?" Peter and Rocket groaned as the group stepped into an elevator.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, the Guardians were greeted by several new faces turning in their direction. A man built like an ox stepped forward first. "I hear you're the ones going to help us with our problem. Steve Rogers," Steve greeted, offering Peter his hand. Peter's eyes widened. He'd heard about Captain America as a kid, but seeing him in the flesh was incredible. Peter was in awe as the rest of the Avengers introduced themselves.

"Finally, our newest recruit, Y/F/N." Peter froze in place as you stepped forward. Your face held a smile that could only be described as radiant. "Y/N?" Peter asked. He couldn't believe it was you. You looked so different, but he could still tell it was you. "Yes?" you asked, "Do I know you?" That hurt, but then again, Peter didn't exactly look the same either and he'd been sure to introduce himself as Star-Lord.

"It's me...Peter Quill." Your eyes widened for a moment but in an instant, your arms were wrapped around Peter's neck as you hugged him. "Oh my god, Peter! It's really you!" Peter laughed as he returned the hug. "You guys know each other?" Natasha and Gamora asked at the same time. You nodded and smiled, pulling back from Peter.

"Peter was my best friend growing up first crush." Peter felt Gamora stiffening beside him. Oh yeah. In his excitement, he'd almost forgotten about the unspoken, whatever it was, between him and Gamora. Not that he didn't have feelings for her, but seeing you again, he couldn't help but remember his feelings for you. Still, it had been a long time. Who's to say those feelings still existed?

*short time skip*

They still existed. Once the briefing was over and the two of you could, you snuck away to catch up. As you talked, Peter felt those old feelings bubbling up and returning to him. You'd only become more beautiful to him. There was no way he'd be able to get you out of his system now. But what about Gamora?

"Peter?" Peter jumped back to reality when you softly said his name. "Yeah, sorry. What?" You laughed and repeated yourself, "Is there anyone special in your life?" Peter felt his heartbeat pick up. Were you asking for a reason other than wanting to catch up? "I'm not sure." Your brows drew together and you asked what he meant.

"Gamora. There's something about her. But I keep getting caught up in my feelings for someone else. I don't know which is real and which I'm just holding on to. It's confusing as hell." You laughed lightly. "I understand. Maybe you should talk to both Gamora and this other person. That would probably help in sorting out your feelings."

Peter turned to face you fully. Your (e/c) eyes were regarding him with such care and concern, it took him back. He hadn't had anyone care that much since his mom died. "Y/N, I-" he was cut off by a blue and white blur racing into the room. "PIETRO!" you squealed. Peter blinked to clear his vision and saw a silver-haired man holding you bridal style. "Put me down, Piet."

Pietro placed you back on the floor and kissed your temple. "Who is this?" he asked, looking at Peter. "This is Peter. An old friend. Peter, this is Pietro. He's my boyfriend who was away on his mission for far too long." The teasing in your tone made Peter's heart clench a little. "I apologize, Princessa. But I interrupted your conversation, no? I shall let you get back to it." You kissed Pietro's cheek before he sped away again.

Peter cleared his throat while he stood up. "Actually, I need to get back to the Milano. You can never tell what that teenage plant is going to get into." You frowned a bit, but shrugged. "Alright. It's been good seeing you, Pete. I'm glad we get to work together." After one last hug, you walked away to find your boyfriend, leaving Peter alone with nothing but his confusing feelings, his memories, and a crumpled up note in his pocket.

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