The Best Kind of Hunt (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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Bucky was like a kid on Christmas morning. He was bouncing off the walls while he waited for you to wake up. He had a plan and he couldn't wait to put it into action. Sure, it might have been childish, but he knew you'd love it. "Buck, calm down. She'll get up soon." Bucky nodded but as soon as he sat down, his leg began bouncing. The day was that important to him.

When Bucky had first met you, he kept his distance. He was still relatively new to the compound and didn't quite trust his own mind yet. But after a while, you had sort of forced your friendship on him. That friendship grew into something more faster than either of you could help. Now, you'd been together for a couple of years and Bucky was ready to take the next step.

The sound of someone entering the kitchen brought Bucky back to reality. You came in, yawning and stretching. Bucky was out of his seat in an instant and gathering you in his arms. "Bucky," you squealed lightly, giggling when he leaned in to kiss your cheek. "I made breakfast for you, Doll. Well...I helped. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" you asked and Bucky nodded. "Yep. So eat up, sweetheart." He ushered you into your seat so you could eat. While you were eating, he darted off, leaving you with Steve. "What is all this about?" Steve simply gave you a sly grin and held his hands up. "I'm not saying a word. Buck would kill me if I ruined the surprise." You let out a dramatic sigh. "Fiiiiiinnnnne!" You ate as quickly as possible, finishing as Bucky walked back in the room.

"Surprise?" you questioned, making him laugh. "Not yet. Go get ready." You playfully glared at him, but did as he said. You knew when Bucky set his mind on something, you could very rarely change it. In your room, you found Bucky's favorite outfit (that you could wear in public) laid out on the bed as well as a card. You picked up the card to read it. In Bucky's elegant handwriting was written:

Y/N, I know it's silly but I thought I'd do something different today. All around the compound there are 8 plastic eggs and one basket. Each egg will have a clue to the next egg and then to the basket. The basket contains your surprise! The first egg is located in your favorite room of the compound. Good luck. I love you! Love, Bucky

You couldn't help but smile. You'd always had a fondness for scavenger hunts and Bucky knew that. So, you quickly dressed and went to Bucky's room. That was your favorite room. Bucky wasn't there and the egg wasn't in plain sight so you had to hunt for it. It took a lot longer than you thought it would, but you found the egg tucked away in the drawer you often "borrowed" Bucky's shirts from.

The next egg is where Barton spends most of his time.

You were glad that Bucky had picked out pants for you. "The damn vents," you muttered to yourself. Still, you weren't going to let the location get you down. You wanted that surprise. That meant up into the vents for you. You traveled the vents for what felt like hours. But you found it and moved onto the next egg and then the next, and the next until you had all eight eggs. You opened egg number 8 and it read:

You've found the final clue. The basket is in the place we first said "I love you."

You beamed. You knew exactly where to go. You and Bucky had confessed your love for each other on the rooftop of the compound. You'd both had been training all day and wanted the fresh air. You remembered feeling Bucky's eyes on you while you looked out at the sunset. "I love you, Y/N," he'd all but whispered. You had smiled at him, wrapping your arms around him and telling him that you felt the same.

The basket was sitting on a table on the roof. You'd honestly expected it to be hidden as well as all the eggs were. You approached the basket and found 5 more eggs in the basket. These eggs were numbered. You arranged them in order and began to open them. Reading the message, you let out a gasp as tears filled your eyes. Y/N, will you marry me?

Someone cleared their throat behind you. You turned to find Bucky down on one knee holding a small box in his hands. Inside the box was the most beautiful, simply ring. "B-Bucky," you choked out. You never expected this. "What do you say, Doll?" You nodded and squeaked, "Yes. Absolutely yes."

Bucky stood, gathering you in his arms yet again. "Really?" You nodded again. "I love you so much, Bucky." Bucky buried his face in your hair, fighting back tears of his own. "I love you too. I can't believe you said yes." You giggled lowly. "Oh Bucky, I can't wait to be your wife. You are the best man I ever could have asked for." Bucky pulled back so he could smash his lips to yours in a kiss that he hoped conveyed everything he was feeling in that moment. He was going to make sure you knew exactly how much he loved you every single day for the rest of your lives.

(I've now seen Endgame, but please don't spoil it for others! That would be beyond rude.) 

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