Steve's Sister (Bucky Barnes x fem!Rogers reader)

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The Winter Soldier's brows furrowed as he looked at you and your brother. "Bucky?" Steve and you breathed out at the same time. Your eyes were wide in recognition and disbelief. "Who the hell is Bucky?" the Soldier asked. Your eyes filled with tears. "B-Bucky..." you trailed off. You moved to take a step toward him, so he raised his weapon, making Steve grab your arm.

"We have to go," the Soldier heard Steve say as he pulled you away from the destruction all around you. The Soldier left the scene, knowing that there was no way he could follow them without drawing more attention to himself or HYDRA. He had to leave. He bolted away, pulling himself further away from the two people he swore he knew from somewhere.

Later, the Soldier sat in the chair. He knew what was coming. They were going to wipe him yet again. Still, he couldn't stop thinking about his missions on the bridge. The Captain and you. "I knew them," he muttered just before they placed the mouth guard in his mouth and pushed him back. The next thing he knew was pain.

Your POV

"S-Steve, was that really him? Was that really Bucky?" You were shaking like a leaf. Steve wrapped his arm around you while cursing S.H.I.E.L.D. for calling you in. Yeah, seeing that Bucky was the Winter Soldier was hard on Steve. That was his best friend he thought was dead, after all. But you were taking in so much worse. You had loved Bucky. You had hopes to marry him one day before he had fallen off the train.

"I'm leaving, Steve. If you absolutely need me, you know where to find me. But I'm not staying around here. Not after seeing him like that. That's not my Bucky." You walked out the door and back into hiding. S.H.I.E.L.D only called you in when they desperately needed you. But now you were done. You couldn't do it. You couldn't look at Bucky and not remember everything he'd meant to you. And that broke your heart more than anything.

*time skip: Bucky's POV*

Bucky stood in the museum, hat pulled down over his eyes. "Bucky Barnes," he muttered as he read. The Captain, Steve, had called him Bucky. And so had you. When Bucky finished reading about the man he supposedly was, he turned his attention to the information on Captain America and you. Bucky's eyes instantly found your picture.

"Y/N Rogers, sister of Steve Rogers, nurse turned S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. After her brother was put in the ice and lost, she volunteered herself for the same experiment. Once she was enhanced, she was also put in the ice to be unfrozen when the Captain was found." Bucky hummed a little and closed his eyes. As he sighed, he felt a memory straining to break through the cloud still hanging around his brain. Taking a deep breath, Bucky let the memory wash over him.

A giggle and the feeling of someone tracing random patterns on his arm woke Bucky. He cracked his eyes open to see your face smiling down at him. "Good morning, Doll," he greeted, voice thick with sleep. You giggled again and pressed your lips to his cheek. "Good morning. How about we spend the day together? You're shipping out soon and I want to spend as much time with you as I can." Bucky grinned. "Sounds great. I should go now though before Steve wakes up. I think he'd have a heart attack if he knew we were sleeping together." Another kiss was placed to his lips and he began to rethink leaving.

Bucky slapped his hands to the top of his head. The pain came with the memory, but Bucky actually welcomed it. That one little memory meant HYDRA's hold on him was weakening. And it was a happy memory. He'd been happy. He'd had a relationship. He was certain he'd been in love with you.

Over the next several days, more memories came back to him. He remembered how you had met and how you were always there when he and Steve got into fights. He remembered almost everything. But the clearest memory in his mind was the last time he'd seen you before he'd fallen off that train.

Music played softly in the background as Bucky danced with you in his arms. He hummed in your ear and you kept sighing. You sniffled, making Bucky stop for a moment. "Oh,'t cry. You know I can't stand to see you cry." You sniffled again. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just that you're leaving again so soon. We've already been apart for so long."

Bucky chuckled a little and dropped a quick kiss to your cheek. "I know, sweetheart, but I promise, I will do whatever it takes to come back to you. And when I do, you and me? We're gonna get married, okay?" You sniffled again even as you laughed a little. "No, Y/N, I'm serious this time. I want to marry you and I will, if you'll have me." In answer, you crashed your lips into his.

Bucky let himself smile again. There were times when he could almost still feel your lips against his. He was still petrified of Steve finding him, but he knew he needed to seek you out. That's what he was doing now. That's why he was in Bucharest. He'd gotten a lead that sent him there. He only hoped this one would pan out. Bucky made his way slowly up the stairs of the apartment complex. When he reached the door he was looking for, he paused. Would you even want to see him? Steeling his nerves, Bucky knocked on the door.

It slowly opened a second later. He saw your (e/c) eyes peeking through the crack. "Y-Y/N?" Bucky asked. You opened the door a little more. "You remember?" Bucky gave a little shrug. "I'm not here to hurt you. I've been looking for you. You're the only person I can truly remember." The door was then opened complete and you pulled Bucky inside.

"Talk." Bucky sighed. At least you hadn't shot him or anything. "I'm B-Bucky. You're Y/N Rogers, sister to Steve Rogers. You were in the super soldier program too. You went in the ice shortly after your brother. I learned that at the museum." You hummed, crossing your arms over your chest. Still, you didn't move to kick him out so Bucky continued talking.

"But I actually remember you. I remember what you were to me. You were my fiance. The woman I loved and who loved me." Your brows furrowed. "Bucky...what's the last thing you actually remember?" He told you about the clearest memory of you dancing and him proposing. You smiled a little. "You do remember, but not everything. I'm not your fiance, Bucky." You shook your head. "No one knows but you, me, and the Brooklyn courts," you began.

You pulled away from Bucky, breathless after your kiss. "Actually, why wait? We could get married in a few days. We just need a blood test and the marriage license from the courts." You blinked in surprise. "Really? You would get married so soon?" Bucky laughed a bit and kissed your nose. "Baby doll, I don't need any more time to know that I've got the best girl on my arm right now. I want to marry you as soon as possible."

"We got married the very next chance we had before you shipped out again. We didn't get a honeymoon, but that didn't matter. You were right. I loved you so much." Bucky took a step closer."You were my wife? Do," he began before taking a deep, but shaky breath, "Do you think you could love me again?" Your tongue darted out to lick your lips. "I don't know, Bucky. I don't know you anymore." Bucky's face fell, but you grabbed his flesh hand. "But I'd like to try." You moved even closer to him until your noses were practically touching. "I'd like that too," Bucky whispered.

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