Tears of the Widow (Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader)

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Natasha had learned at a young age that love was for children. It brought out the best and the worst in people. It made them do crazy things. It made them show sides of themselves they preferred to keep secret. Love made people crazy and stupid. Natasha knew this. She knew it, but it didn't stop her from falling in love with you. Not one bit.

When you and Natasha first met, she didn't think you'd get along very well. You were her opposite in a lot of ways. You were a hopeless romantic and typically very optimistic. You were the one giving others pep talks when Steve couldn't. But after a while, you and Natasha grew closer and eventually you began a relationship. That had been a couple years ago and Natasha couldn't be happier. That is, until the day you went out on a mission on your own.

Your mission was supposed to last a week. Too easy, right? So when you called in a few days later, Natasha was worried. Her brows furrowed as she heard your weak voice say, "Compromised...Had to abort...Send help." Natasha jumped to her feet, but Fury told her to stand down. She gaped at him as Steve got up to head out. "I'll bring her back, Romanoff."

Natasha spent the time she was waiting training. She trained harder than she had in a while. Anything to keep her mind off the fact that she had not been allowed to go to you personally. Luckily, she only had to wait a few hours. As soon as she heard the announcement that the Quinjet was coming in for a landing, she practically dropped the knife she was working with and ran out to meet Steve.

The second she saw you, Natasha got angry. Not only had your mission been a disaster, you didn't look good at all. You were beaten and bloodied. And you were unconscious in Steve's arms. Steve rushed passed Natasha with an apology and Natasha rounded on Tony and Fury. "This is on you," she said in the most threatening voice she could muster, "If she dies, there will be no place for you to hide." With that, she turned and followed after Steve.

*time skip*

It had been nearly a week since Steve had brought you back from your failed mission. An entire week and you still hadn't woken up. Natasha rarely left your side. When she did, it was only at Steve's behest. "You won't be any good to her if you don't eat, Romanoff," he kept saying. But as soon as she had eaten and showered, Natasha was back at your side. And she wouldn't let anyone near you except Helen Cho, the nurses, and Steve.

Finally, eight days after you returned, you let out a soft groan. Natasha was instantly on alert. "Come on, baby. Wake up for me," she whispered. As you continued to move more, Natasha felt tears pricking her eyes. Emotions she'd long since shut away were coming to the surface. And when you finally opened your (e/c) eyes, the dam burst. Tears actually fell from Natasha's eyes, surprising everyone in the room. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, was crying.

You looked at Natasha. "Oh, baby, hey. Don't cry," you croaked as your own eyes began to fill. Steve got you a glass of water. "Nat, come on," you cooed after you had a drink. You took her hand and scooted over on the bed. With a surprising amount of strength, you managed to pull Natasha into the bed next to you. You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm okay now." Natasha rested her head in the crook of your neck. You ran your fingers through her red locks. "I don't why I'm crying," she whispered to you. You gave a motion for everyone to leave the room. "It's okay to cry, Nat. You are always so strong. You never let your emotions out. So, you cry as much as you need to, my love."

Natasha cried a little longer while you held her and continued running your fingers through her hair. When she stopped crying, she looked at you with red eyes. You gave her a soft smile. "There she is. Feel better?" She nodded. "I should be asking you that," she replied. You laughed. "I told you I'm okay. I'll heal." Natasha didn't say anything so you gave her lips a peck.

"I missed you, Nat." With a little effort, you turned so you were on your side, looking directly at her. With a gentle hand, you reached over and wiped a stray tear off her face. "I missed you too. I didn't realize how much I had to lose until I almost lost you. Now I know why Clint kept Laura and the kids hidden."

"Yes well, you can't keep me hidden away I'm afraid. But I'll be more careful and no more solo missions, okay?" you promised, running your thumb along her cheek. Natasha just stared into your eyes. She just laid staring. You didn't say anything else because you could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was thinking and she'd tell you when she was ready.

"What if we both left? Just found somewhere to lay low? I need time. I need time alone with you. I never want to feel this helpless again. I don't want to feel like I'm going to lose you." You leaned over and kissed her again. "I'd like that. Even if only for a while. We'll go to some far off location. Just you and me." Natasha sighed sadly. She was probably just kidding herself.

"Hey, look at me," you whispered. She met your gaze once more. "I mean it. If you want a vacation, we'll go. If you want out of S.H.I.E.L.D., we'll go. Just say the word. I will go with you anywhere because I love you to death, Natasha Romanoff. And I know you were trained to believe that love is for children, but I think you know now that it isn't the case."

"You're right. I do. I love you too, Y/N. I want out. I want to have a chance to grow old with you. To adopt a dozen children with you." You giggled. "A dozen is a lot. How about we compromise and say half a dozen." It was Natasha's turn to laugh as her eyes began to feel heavy. "Sleep, Nat. I'll be here when you wake up. We can talk more about our dozen kids." Natasha smiled sleepily. "Half dozen," she corrected as her eyes fell shut. 

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