She's My Girlfriend! (Sam Wilson x fem!reader) Fake Dating AU

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"I really wish Nat and Wanda would stop trying to set me up with every girl they meet," Sam grumbled to Steve and Bucky. Steve gave a chuckle and Bucky smirked. "Why? What's wrong with the ladies they chose? I thought they were all nice girls," Steve commented. Same groaned. He knew they weren't going to leave him be so he said the first thing that came to mind. "Because I already have a girlfriend."

Sam's confession was met with silence. Natasha and the others had rounded the corner just as he finished saying it. "Bull, Wilson. If you had a girlfriend, we'd know about it." Sam did his best not to look away from the red-head. "We've been keeping it quiet." Natasha arched a brow. "Really? Why?" Sam internally panicked for a second. Then, you came into view.

"Because we work together. There she is! Y/N!" You looked up from the files you were holding and gave Sam a smile. When you noticed everyone looking at you, you grew confused. Sam was at your side in a instant. He leaned in close and kissed your cheek before whispering, "Please help me out here. I'll explain later." You gave a slight nod.

"You're dating Y/N?!" You resisted the urge to cut eyes at Sam. He had a lot of explaining to do. "Uh, yeah. Sam, baby, I thought we weren't telling anyone yet." Sam gave you a grateful smile. "Sorry. I couldn't help it." You laughed and hugged him. "You owe me," you whispered in his ear before continuing out loud, "Well, now you know I guess. Anyway, I've got some work to finish up. See you for dinner, Sam?" Sam nodded and smiled. "Absolutely." He kissed your cheek again and let you go.

Later that night, Sam met you in your room in the Tower. As soon as you opened the door, you grabbed Sam by the front of his t-shirt and pulled him inside. "You wanna tell me what that was all about?!" you demanded sharply. Sam held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I will. But first, I did bring you something." You looked at the tub of ice cream in his hands and smiled. "You're forgiven. Now seriously, what's up?"

Sam dished out the ice cream and sat with you. As you ate, he laid out everything that had happened. "I panicked and you were the first person I saw." You hummed and took another spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. "So yeah...that's what happened." You hummed again as you hid a smile. You knew Sam hated it when you did that, but you needed a little bit of revenge for what he was making you do.

"Oh come on, Y/N! Say something." He looked at you with those big puppy dog eyes and you finally smiled. "Okay, Sam. I'm not happy about how this happened, but you know I'll help you out. I know what it's like to have someone constantly trying to set you up. Get this; Maria keeps trying to set me up with Coulson. Sweet guy but not my type." Sam looked shocked for a minute and then started laughing. You soon joined in.

Sam stopped laughing and watched you. You looked positively radiant when you laughed. Actually, you looked beautiful all the time. If Sam was being honest, he really liked you. As more than a friend. Now he had the opportunity to act like your boyfriend without giving away his feelings. He could avoid the awkwardness if you didn't feel the same.

"Alright, Sam. We have to get our stories straight if the team asks any questions." For the next several hours, the two of you talked about your "relationship". You talked until you both fell asleep. Then, the next morning, Sam woke up to an unfamiliar weight on him. He opened his eyes and saw that you had both fallen asleep on the couch and you were now laying on top of him.

He smiled a little and pushed a bit of hair from your face. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, "I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend. I love you, you know. I only wish I could tell you when you're awake." He let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes again. The next time he woke up, you weren't with him. He heard noises from the kitchen as he sat up.

"Morning, sunshine!" you greeted when you saw him. You passed a plate of food over to him. "Eat up. We're going on a date today. With Nat and Clint." Sam's eyes went wide. Why on earth would you plan a double date with two of the most observant people in the world? Being that close contact with them would give your lie away. "W-What?" You gave him a Cheshire Cat grin.

"Kidding." Sam let out a sharp exhale then laughed. "Thanks for the heart attack first thing in the morning." You giggled, sitting down next to him. "Any time, Sam." You leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "But really, we do have training today thanks to our wonderful Captain."

After training and getting cleaned up that day, Sam made his way to your room again. He'd told everyone that you were going out on a date that night. Unfortunately, Tony had a better idea. A homemade dinner on the roof with candlelight and music. You had agreed, which Sam wasn't too happy about. If you slipped up even once, the entire could find out in a matter of minutes. But he knew he couldn't argue with you.

He knocked on your door and his jaw dropped open when he saw you. You were dressed in a pair of nice, form fitting jeans and a (f/c) blouse. Your hair was done differently than Sam normally saw it and you had light make-up on your face. He couldn't help but stare.

"D-Do I look okay? I never do my make-up. It took me thirty minutes just to get it somewhat acceptable." Sam swallowed thickly. "You look beautiful, babe." You beamed and thanked him. The two of you made your way up to the roof where Tony was waiting with a nice dinner all set up. "Here ya go kids. Have fun!...But not too much fun. Anyone can get up here." Sam groaned and you rolled your eyes.

For the first little while during dinner, conversation flowed easily as it always had. Then, you'd finished dinner and the only sound was the soft music Tony had left playing the background. Sam suddenly felt awkward. It wasn't often you two didn't have something to talk about.

"Hey, Sam? Would you care to dance?" Sam looked taken by surprise. "Dance? I, uh, don't dance to this kind of stuff. I never learned how." You gave him a soft smile. "I could teach you." You stood up and offered him a hand. After a beat, he took it and let you lead him away from the table. He held you far from him, making you giggle. "You can get closer, Sam. I don't bite." That seemed to break Sam out of his funk as he laughed and held you closer.

You danced in silence for a bit, your head resting on Sam's chest. Then, you picked your head up and looked in to his eyes. Without saying a word, you pushed up and pressed a kiss to his lips. Sam stiffened for a brief second, then kissed back. When you pulled away, he looked shock beyond all reason.

"W-What was that for?" You licked you lips and smiled. "Because I knew you wouldn't do it. I heard you this morning, Sam. I heard it all and...I love you too. As more than a friend. I think I always have." Sam could have jumped for joy. Instead, he grabbed your face and kissed you firmly and deeply, never wanting the moment to end.

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