more broken than you

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Here's an angsty one
Hope you like it

Peter's POV

I can't take this anymore.

Aunt May died of cancer 10 days ago.

MJ moved away.

Flash's bullying is getting worse by the day

Ned is no help

Tony doesn't care, he never did, I'm just a charity case to him, like sure, he was adopting me and he said that i have to live in my apartment because I'm not technically allowed to live with him yet, but what if that's a lie and he just doesn't want me to be with him?

Anyways The avengers think I'm an annoying teen that hangs out here.

Spider-Man is just stressful.

I haven't eaten in 5 days, I'm down to 112 pounds because of my metabolism

I haven't slept in about 3 days.

My school works going downhill

My anxiety and depression is killing me from the inside out.

Now, where's that rope?

Meanwhile at the compound...










"You're dead Clint."

"Yup." He said as he ran out of the room.

"I wasn't gonna do anything."

"Oh good." Clint relieved dropping from the vents

"Hey fri? Pick a random avenger."

'My random avenger generator has picked Mr.Barton'

"HAHA SUCKERS!" He said grabbing his keys and running to the garage

~|~|~this is where the endings change, skip a few oneshots for a different ending~|~|~

Back to Peter, half hour later.

Found the rope, great.

I tied the noose and placed the chair in position and questioned what I was doing.

Should I do this?

Yes, no one cares about you.

Not what I meant, I meant should I use a razor instead?

Take a few slices, see if it's right, if not use the rope.

Good idea.

I know.

I grabbed a razor in the bathroom and cut my wrist a few times, bright red blood dripped on the white tile.

Drip, Drip...

"Doesn't feel right." I told myself walking back to my room, stepping on the chair

"Goodbye." I said, about to step off the chair when I heard the front door open and someone call out.

"Pete? You here?"

Clint, 2 minutes before

Where is he? It's been ten minutes and he's usually here right away. I started to get worried so I went inside.

"Pete? You here?" I called, no response so I looked around.

After about a minute I saw something red, glistening against the hardwood floor outside the bathroom

Wait, is that, blood?

I ran into the bathroom to find a huge pool of blood on the floor and a bloody razor on the white counter, oh god, Pete.

I run out and see a trail of blood leading to his room, following the trail, I run to his room and stop in my tracks. I see him on a chair, about to step off with a rope around his neck.

He looks at me with bloodshot eyes, I don't know how I didn't notice before, but he has dark black circles under his eyes, probably covers it up with makeup and he's unnaturally skinny, no wonder he always wears sweatshirts and sweatpants. He still has blood dripping from his wrists

I run over there and before he could do anything, pull the rope off his neck and lift him off the chair.

"stop.." he whimpered, breaking my heart.

"Pete," I grabbed him into a big hug, hot tears streaming down both of our faces. "Hey, you're ok, you're ok." I assured him.

"I'm sorry," he muttered after a few minutes

"Woah, woah, woah, hey, hey, hey it's ok. But I gotta know why kid,"

"It's just, I feel like a burden to everyone at all times and Flash at school is just, and my aunt, and I just feel so lost all the time, I'm sorry."

"Pete look at me," I told him pulling him away and grabbing him by the shoulders so he'd face me. "You are most certainly not a burden, we absolutely love having you around. You know what the team and I do every time we get to pick you up?" He shook his head "We argue for a solid fifteen minutes about who gets to pick you up because everyone wants to." I told him, tears still streaming down our faces.

"Oh, I didn't know that." He admitted

"Yah, and do you really think Tony would be taking you in if he didn't like you? Because he wouldn't. You are his world, he wouldn't function properly, I don't think any of us would." I told him pulling him back into a hug, running a hand through his hair.

"Thank you," he whispered so quietly I could barley hear him

"Of course Pete,"

Soon enough, after 5 minutes his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.

God, I can't believe I didn't notice before, I'm so stupid holy shit.

I picked him up bridal style and started bringing him to the car, grabbing some bandages and wrapping him arms on the way.

I put him in the back seat so he could lay down and started driving back to the compound , helping on him every few minutes.

We got there and I picked him up once again and started bringing him inside.

"Avengers floor Friday"

'Of course,'

The elevators door opened to reveal the team on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy,

They all turned towards us, expecting him to be awake

"Hey Pete-Oh he fell asleep," Tony said a bit disappointed

"Yah, a bit more than that" I replied "I'll put him in his room."

I put him in his room and back walked out to where everyone was sitting.

"Guys, there's something you should know." I trailed off.

"About what?" Bucky asked


"And that is?" Loki questioned

"Well, I walked into his room since he wasn't out after 10 minutes, and I well, i found him on a chair with a, um-"

Natasha gasped and covered her mouth "No," she breathed out

"Mmhm" I answered

Everyone got the hint and after a few minutes, Steve broke the silence.

"Is he ok?" He asked

"I wrapped his wrists and talked to him a little, so he calmed down, I think, well I hope he's good now."

"Tell me when he wakes up Fri"

'Sure, Boss.'

After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, Friday's voice rang through the room.

'It seems as if Peter has woken up'

Everyone stood up and started rushing to his room.

"Thanks Fri."

When we got there, we stopped rushing and walked in slowly.

"Hey, Питер" Natasha greeted

"Hey" Peter replied

"How you feeling?" Bruce asked


"Wanna go eat ice cream and watch movies?" Tony asked excitedly

"Yes!" Peter said as he jumped out of bed, making all of us smile.

"Alright lets go!"

Peter started walking towards the door until Bucky scooped him up.

"When will you learn that you don't walk when you're in distress?"

"I don't know honestly."

So then, the rest of the night was filled with movies, ice cream and laughter

Hey! Sorry it's short, and sad-ish.

Leave requests and such, I need those lol

Sorry I didn't update earlier, I had a softball game last night (we won, yay!) That ran late so I couldn't upload

Comment if you got that reference (not the title)

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