more broken than you (alternate ending)

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People requested an alternate ending where peter 😵🔫😭


p̸e̸t̸e̸r̸s̸ p̸o̸v̸-- a̸n̸ h̸o̸u̸r̸ b̸e̸f̸o̸r̸e̸

Time for the suicide note, the apology note, the explanation.

Dear whoever is reading this,

Its sad to think that just nine years ago, when I was just seven years old, I believed in knights and fairytales and happy endings, until I was struck by reality and the demons came. I wasn't waiting for my happy ending anymore, I was waiting for it [pain and/or life] to end.

In truth I liked the pain, because I felt as if I deserved it, which I did.

I got sick of waking up every morning to fight the demons that left me so tired the night before.

And well, my demons in my head were to strong for the angels outside of it, the demons won the fight today.

The world had drained me, and in the end, I'm just part of the generation of fucked up kids with scars on their wrists.

I'm sorry,
Peter Parker, a.k.a spiderman

ps, im happy now

I set the note down next to my spidey suit, tied the noose and checked the time.

2:45, someone will be here in fifteen minutes, gotta go fast

I stepped on the chair and sat there, thinking, 2:50, now.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I stepped off. After a few moments, everything went black.

c̤̈l̤̈ï̤n̤̈ẗ̤s̤̈ p̤̈ö̤v̤̈

I got here early so I went inside to get Peter to surprise him because I can.

I crept into his apartment quietly and started to tip-toe to his room. I quietly open his door and when I did, I saw something I never wanted to see.

I saw Peter Parker, this sweet innocent fifteen year old kid hanging limply in a rope that's tied to the ceiling fan.

I quickly sprang to action, yanking it off the fan and pulling the rope off his neck, I cradled his head in my lap as I saw his fingers were blue. I quickly checked for a pulse only to find that there was none, I tried anything I could think of to help him, cpr etc. But nothing worked

I broke into tears as I ran my fingers through his, soft, curly, chestnut hair.

I sat there for ten minutes after deciding to call Tony to come with the team, I couldnt bear move him.

I whipped out my phone and called Tony.

'Yes Clint?' He answered so kindly

"Bring uh- bring you and the team to ugh- *sniffle* Peter's apartment."

'You ok Barton? Is Peter ok? Did some-'

"Just come, and bring everyone" I told him as I hung up.

тony pov

When Clint called me telling me to come to Peter's apartment, I was really confused.

"Everyone in the car, we're going to Peter's apartment." I told the team

"Didn't Clint go get him? And everyone?" Wanda asked. (Everyone is wanda, bucky, tony, clint and nat btw, the rest are on a mission or something)

"He called me and said bring everyone to the apartment like five times so yah, everyone." I replied, not telling them Clint was crying.

(-(-(-time skippp-)-)-)

We pulled up to his apartment and walked in, taking the elevator upstairs and getting a few stares. We walked in and yelled for Clint and Peter.

"In here" Clint sniffled quietly from Peter's room.

t̰̃h̰̃ḭ̃r̰̃d̰̃ p̰̃ḛ̃r̰̃s̰̃õ̰ñ̰ p̰̃õ̰ṽ̰

They walked in and observed the scene around them

Clint was cradling what looked to be a sleeping peter in his lap, crying with a rope a few feet away.

After a few moments, they realized what it was. Peter Benjamin Parker, aged 15 had taken his own life today.

The first to react Tony dropped on his knees in front of Clint and checked his pulse, nothing. He leaned forward and started sobbing into Peter's chest, saying a few words "Peter, oh my god this is all my fault I'm so sorry. Peter why, Peter no, Peter please..."

Next to react was Bucky, he was pacing and talking to himself, and well, he started out in English, "There has to be something right? Did you-попробуйте cpr? рот в рот? должно быть что-то, что мы можем сделать, чтобы сохранить его в живых. вы не можете так поступить, вы не можете пойти с ребенком, вы не можете." (try cpr? mouth to mouth? keep it alive. you can't go like that, you can't go kid you can't.)

Natasha calmed Bucky down, also speaking in Russian. She eventually started crying with Bucky, hugging him.

Last was Wanda, she almost lost it. She couldn't bare to loose another brother and yet it had happened, her powers went off, breaking things in the kitchen and living room.

After ten minutes, Natasha noticed the suit and note that laid on his bed.

"Guys," she started between sniffles "there's a note."

They had read the note, which made everything so much worse. Everyone started sobbing again.

This is the end, the end of a life, the end of someone who many people loved, the end of joy for some, and the end of pain for one. This was the end of Peter Parker.

Hehehehe :)))

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