snatched (part 1)

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*changed name Bc of James Charles scandal*

Hope you like it!

Tony POV

Its been 3 months, 17 days and 2 hours since Peter was kidnapped by hydra, and it was hell.I've been working nonstop I don't think I've slept in 4 days, and eaten in 2.

And honestly? Mostly everyone was a wreck. Nat became more distant, colder. Clint and Sam stopped cracking jokes, just one or two occasionally.  Steve stopped being, well the nice and kind Steve we all know and love. Wanda started to lose control of her powers, they just went on and off whenever they wanted.

But Bucky? Bucky was the worst. He's been in his room for days, scared out of his mind that they'll turn Peter into the next winter soldier, he never smiles and he rarely talks or even eats.

New York City's crime rates have gone up 75% with the disappearance of Spiderman. There are posters and signs all over the place saying 'where are you Spiderman?' Or 'we need you spiderman' and, well we need Spiderman.

So when I heard Peters class was coming for a field trip, I knew it was going to be bad.

Peter's POV

I don't know how long I've been here, but every second was torture.

But I knew the team was coming to get me. They had to be, or did they just decide to forget about me because I've been here for a while, I hope not.

They've been torturing me for codes, formulas, passwords to the compound but I haven't given in because, well, why would I? I over heard someone though that if I don't give them answers soon, they're going to make the '*insert scary hydra name that I can't think of*' I don't know what that is, but I'm scared of it.

Just then someone walked in, one of my torturers "Hello Subject #2123!" oh that's right, they gave me a subject name, couldn't even call me. 'Peter'
"Are you ready to give some answers?" I shook my head "No? That's alright." He turned back towards the door and called. "Bring the cart out!"

A man brought a cart out that was filled with knives, whips, guns, and so much more

"So!" He brought my attention back to him, grabbing a shin-crusher, (look it up, it's real) much bigger than a regular one. This took up my entire leg. "We'll get started with a new device that we just got! It's called a crusher, mostly used for just shins but we had it modified for legs too! So we're going to ask you some questions and if you don't answer them correctly, your shin will be crushed from the bottom to the top! Ready to get started?"

Tony POV

Peter's class was here, the rest of the team was talking to them, i was supposed to be there, but I was on a lead.

The GPS tracker in the suit was disabled, but I can probably figure out what location the suit was hacked from. (idk if that's true)

About an hour more of working, something beeped up on the screen. It was a location, 57 miles away.

"Friday where's the team?" I questioned to the thin air

'They appear to be in the training room with Midtown Tech sir.' Friday's Irish voice came through

"Thanks" I said as I ran out

I got to the training room out of breath and slammed the doors open and everyone looked over hear. It was a surprise that everyone was actually there.

"I found him." I breathed out and all their eyes widened and they rushed to door.

"Woah woah woah, wait a sec," I started "we can't all go."

There were shouts of protest and questions coming at me.

"We can't all go because it's a small base, to much attention towards us, five of us will go." I reasoned.

*more protests*

"Friday pick 5 avengers." I told her

'Well, my random Avengers generator has picked Sargeant Barnes, boss, Captain Rogers, Clint, and Natasha.'

"Haha suckers, let's go!" Clint yelled running out of the room with the rest of he chosen avengers (including me) behind him.

"Everyone on the quinjet when you're done!" I called.

~~~time skip~~~

We were all loaded on the quinjet, tapping or humming, none of us could sit still so I gave a plan.

"Okay, so Steve, Clint and I will take down the guards, Nat and Barnes will locate and take Peter to the quinjet. Got it?" There were nods in response.

"Let's go get our Peter back." Clint said with excitement, yet in a serious tone.

Natasha POV

Bucky and I were searching through the facility when we heard voices

"How did they find us! Whatever, just don't let them get subject #2123!"

"Who found us?" A different voice asked.

"The avengers."

Then, an instantly recognizable voice started shouting. "HELP! PLEASE HEL-" and Bucky and I started running towards that voice

"Shut it! You'll get us found!"

"That's the poi-" Peter was cut off by a loud BANG that silenced him.

As we got to a hallway of rooms, we tried to figure out which one Peter was inside.

"There, now you can't talk." We heard from the last door on the right, so we ran there and opened the door to find 5 guys in a circle talking.

"Hey fellas." I greeted before I charged, Bucky following my lead.

<<pretend there's a quick fight scene right here>>

When we were done with those guys, we turned to see an unconscious Peter, and he looked horrible and I gasped and covered my mouth.

His nose was all twisted and bloody, he had no shirt or pants, just short boxers which made it a lot worse. His entire torso was bruised and covered in whip marks, knife cuts and two or three gun shots, his right leg from the lower thigh down was completely swollen and bruised and looked like it had been crushed, he had a deep cut along his forehead. Worst of all, on his lower left hip, it was a brand that said in big black letters
                              PROPERTY OF HYDRA
                                   SUBJECT #2123

I looked over at Bucky and he had tears in his eyes with pity on his face.

"Pick him up, gently." I managed to squeak out, he nodded grimly.

I turned on my comms (is that how you spell it?) to hear Tony asking me if we got Peter.

"Yah, we got him." I stammered

"Is-is he ok? Did they hurt him?" Clint asked.

I stayed silent.

"Oh god, I'm bringing him to Bruce back at the tower, now. Meet me at the entrance." Tony demanded

We ran with Peter to the entrance and gave him to Tony.

Tony POV

Bucky gave me Peter and he looked terrible.

"What the hell did they do to him." I whispered

I forgot my comms were on and cap and Clint were asking me what happened so I turned it off.

"Im getting him to Bruce." I told Nat and Bucky

"Isn't it easier to take him to the doc-"

"Bruce knows about Peter, and the rest of the team wants to see him probably." I cut Natasha off

"Don't hurt him anymore." Ordered Bucky

"I won't." I said as I flew off.

Bruce's POV

I was in the meet and greet with everyone except the 5 chosen avengers, but no one could sit still, we all gave short answers. We were all there, but none of us were actually there.

That is until Tony came rushing in, yelling at me "BRUCE! MEDBAY! NOW!"

Even though he said my name, everyone went rushing out.

"You guys can just leave now" I added as I was running out

"But we don't leave for another half hour!" I heard faintly through the hallway.

There's part 1! Sorry it was short, only 1,300 words next one will be longer I promise.

School starts on Wednesday and starting then I'll be updating once during the weekdays and once on the weekends but no specific days.

There's supposed to be only 2 parts to this...should there be 3??

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