snatched (part 2)

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3rd Person POV

"Everyone move!" Bruce yelled at the team and they made a path for him.

Just then, Steve, Natasha, Bucky and Clint ran in.  "We're here" Clint panted

Questions were being shouted at Bruce when he was trying to do his doctor stuff, and he had enough. "Everyone silent or everyone out!" They all shut up. "Thank you."

Within the next 10 minutes, everyone slowly trickled out, everyone except Tony, Bucky, and Natasha.

"Did you find out what happened?" Tony asked quietly

Bruce nodded quickly "He uh, he has a broken nose that I reset, a deep cut on his forehead that required stitches, a moderate concussion, 3 bruised ribs and 2 broken, so I put on a brace, a uh, brand mark on his lower left hip and his, oh god, his left leg from the upper-knee down shattered, so that'll have to have surgery.."Bruce finished pretty green.

Natasha had tears in her eyes, Bucky was looking at the floor, covering his face with his hands and Tony was staring at a wall, hand in a fist over his mouth, as a tear drop ran down his face.

"Might wanna get the team." Bruce muttered before typing on his computer.

"Hey friday, call the rest of the team down" Tony mumbled

'On it.'

A few minutes after everyone came down, they heard a small voice

"My leg hurts."

Peter's POV

I had this dream, a dream that Bucky and Natasha rescued me and brought me back to the compound and now I'm safe, I hate when I dream like that because i know it's not true. This one felt different though, like it was real, but I know it's not.

I woke up to blinding white lights and a shooting pain in my leg.

"My leg hurts." I said groggily

"Peter!" I heard at least 12 people say at once.

"That's my name." I told them.

They all came into my line of vision and I saw that it wasn't a dream, they actually got me.

"It wasn't a dream? You actually came?"

"Of course we did Pete, you really think we'd leave you there?" Wanda exclaimed

"No," I replied "how long was I there?"

"3 months, 17 days." Supplied Natasha

"Oh, longer than I thought. Anyways my leg still hurts, and I'm dizzy." I said trying to change the subject

"Well that makes sense, as you have a concussion and a, well shattered leg" Bruce said like he was reluctant to tell me.


I felt this feeling in my stomach, one that I don't like and I know what's gonna happen.

"I don't feel so good..." I muttered

"Here's a bucket." Bucky said handed me one and I threw up the very little food that I had left

"Thank you."

"Hey Pete you're gonna have to have surgery on your leg." Bruce said quickly

"Oh well that's a way to tell him. 5 minutes after he woke up 'oh hey you're gonna need some surgery' Couldn't tell him later?" Tony scolded

"Sorry." Bruce mumbled.

"Why do I have to have surgery?" I questioned

"Your leg is, uh, your bone is um, it's ah-"

Tony cut Bruce off "What Bruce is trying to say is that your bones out of place so they'll have to move it back."

"How long do I have to have a cast?" I asked and everyone turned to Bruce expectantly.

"Well, since you're supposed to heal about 3x faster than normal people, I'd say a month because it takes about 3 months for a non-enhanced human to heal, but given that you haven't eaten a lot or slept a lot in the past few months, about 2 months at the most." (Learned that from greys anatomy 4x4)

"Two months! Nooo that's too long!" I complained and everyone laughed.

"Sorry kiddo, you gotta wear it." Clint sympathized.


Fridays voice rang though the room 'Boss, are you aware that Midtown Tech is watching you outside the Med-Bay?'

Wait what! That's my school! Is that my class? I tried to lean up but Nat pushed me down as everyone else made a little protective wall around me

"You have a concussion, no sitting up." She reasoned (idk if that's true)

"No I was not aware they were here." Tony turned to my class "What are you doing here?" He asked angrily

"Well the group still had thirty minutes left of the tour, so, we waited 15 minutes where the meet and greet was taking place and realized you were probably not coming back, so we came here because you said you'd be here." The tour guide, Connor explained

"Didn't I say you can just leave?" Bruce demanded

"Well yes but-"

"No buts, now did you see who was back there." Tony asked bossily

There was a murmur no's but one loud yes

"YES! IT WAS PETER PARKER!" A voice that I recognized as Cadence's rang through the now silent room. (Ned and MJ aren't there btw I realized that when I was editing)

"Dammit." Clint whispered

"No it wasn't, it was um, it was Nick Smith"Sam tried

He turned around and I gave him a look like 'that was pathetic' and he just stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm sure that was Peter Parker!" Cadence exclaimed.

"Ok, I don't care, just to be clear, that was not Peter Parker" Tony cut her off

"Ok, whatever." Cadence gave up.

"Now, you can leave now, we need to annoy our little insect in red tights with our over-protectiveness and love. Now Shoo shoo." Clint shathered (yes I made up that word, no I don't know what it means)

"Arachnid!" Nat and I scolded in unison

"Oh whatever, point is, GET OUT!"

He and Tony ushered the class out and turned back to me, along with everyone else.

"So, does your leg hurt?" Sam asked stupidly

"No, it feels as pain free as it was 3 months ago." I said sarcastically

"Oh, well that's good. Right?" He asked again in serious tone

"Oh god." Was heard throughout the room from various people.

"Does your leg hurt bad? Need pain meds?" Looks like mother Steve is coming out again.

"No I'm good, I can bear it." No I can't this hurts a lot

Steve nodded his head, unsatisfied that I didn't take them.

"Jack has really missed you, he's been at your door a lot, scratching at it." Bucky told me.

Jack is his 3 month old, well 6 month old now golden retrieve-husky mix and he is the cutest thing you'll ever see. (Pic up top of a puppy)

"Aw, really?"

Bucky just nodded his amused, when Bruce got back to the serious stuff.

"The more we wait, the worse the leg is getting, do you want to have to surgery now or later tonight?"

"I'd honestly rather have it now to get it over with." I replied

Bruce turned to Tony next "Call him."

"I don't want to call him, anyways he's a neuro-surgeon not an orthopedic surgeon."

"Tony." Bruce said threateningly

"Fine. I'll be right back." He said walked out of the room.

"Hey. I need a favor"

That one was longer! 1600 words. Today's the first day of school, oh god wish me luck. It's 6:00 in the morning because I woke up early, ugh it's to early.

I know you know who Tony called, and he'll be in the next part along with the surgery and recovery, that's coming out this weekend.

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