snatched(part 3)

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Lots of people requested a part 3 to this so here it is

This is pretty bad so sry

Tony POV

"Hey, I need a favor"

'I'm not going to clean your tower for you again.'

"It's not that, it's something else."

'What is it?'

"You know Spiderman?"

'Yah, I don't know who he is though."

"Well, he's a super sweet fifteen year old kid that was kidnapped, and he needs surgery on his leg."

'I'm a nuero surgeon, not an orthopedic'

"Please, it's a badly broken leg and this kid means the world to me, i was so lost without him, please do this for me."



'I'll be there in a minute."

"Thanks so much" I said as I hung up

"BRUCE" I called out

"What? I'm ten feet away." He told me

"He's gonna do-"

Before I got to finish an orange portal opened.

"The Queen is here." Strange said sassily

"You're right, I'm here." I retorted.

"I meant me."

"No, you're just a peasant, I'm the queen."

"GUYS! Stop arguing! We all know I'm the queen!" Clint exclaimed

"NO I'M THE QUEEN!" Sam argued

"Ok guys, you guys are all queens of different lands so can you focus on the important stuff here?" Steve The Party Pooper said

"Yah, whatever. Bruce can you put him under?" Strange told him not really caring, that was gonna change

"Wait, don't yet Bruce. Strange, come here real quick I need to talk to you in private" I demanded

He shrugged and walked out of the room to a different one with me.

We walked into a soundproof room (I don't think he knows that though so don't tell him) and we sat there for a minute before broke the silence.

"I'm sorry that I broke up with you but I don't regret it, and if that's the reason you're not really caring about this and you mess up my kids leg you will regret ever existing. So you better start actually doing this and not put minimal effort because if you don't then you just got yourself into some deep shit that you might not make out alive" I threatened, every few syllables taking a step forward until he was pressed against the wall

"Am I clear?" I asked

"Crystal." He said a bit shaky, pushing me away and walking out of the room towards medbay

I followed him to the Med-Bay a few minutes after I cooled down a bit and walked in to find Bucky, Clint, Strange and Bruce, everyone else probably went to sleep as it was 3:00 AM. (Ik oopsie big time skip but it makes life easier)

Peter was sitting up, leg elevated, drawing on Clint's sleeping face with a sharpie, Bucky was sleeping and Strange and Bruce were talking.

"Hey, whatcha drawing?" I asked Pete

"A bunch of Spiderman logos and 'Spidey's the best" he told me excitedly

I looked at Clint and saw that the words and drawings were a little messed up because of his concussion, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that.

Strange started walking over here and started talking so Peter.

"I need to check your leg beforehand, so if you could stop doing that..."

"Whatever, I was finished anyways." He replied

After a minute of checking  he sat up and decided something.

"Well, it's definitely broken." He stated

I was one hundred one percent done with him at this point.

"Well no shit sherlock, (I couldn't not do that) now can you operate or not?" I said annoyed

"Yah, I'll do it now I guess." Steven said with more *air quotes* care in his voice.

"Good. Friday ask the team if they wanna come down, they'll be mad if they can't see Petey-Pie before surgery." I told Friday as Peter playfully glared at me.

'Ok boss'

I don't know how I'm staying so calm on the outside, because on the inside I'm freaking out. I'm scared. What if he messes up and Pete's permanently damaged? What if he screws up on purpose because of me? There's so many possibilities that I don't want think of.

Within two minutes, everyone came bursting through the door, startling Steven, Bruce, Peter and I and waking up Clint and Bucky

"We're here!" They all yelled at once.

Their gaze shifted over to Clint and laughter filled the room, everyone's except Clint.

"What? What's so funny?" He asked, the laughter only got louder when he asked that.

Bruce and Strange even started laughing, and that got him even more confused.

"What? Did I sleep through a jok-no! I know what you did!" He said storming off towards to bathroom as everyone (except Peter) followed him.

"AW YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Clint fumed as he ran towards the medbay, and you heard Peters laughing grow significantly louder.

"Let's not kill the kid Clint!" Bruce scolded between laughs

"I'm getting you back for this" Clint promised Peter

"Whatever helps you sleep at night!" He retorted

"Ok, lets get this done with." Strange said and I glared at him and he looked away

"Bruce..." he trailed off, asking a silent question

"Yah." He replied grabbing something

After he found what he was looking for, he motioned to wrap it up

"We'll be waiting for you when you wake up Pete." Bucky told him

"Yah we will," I assured him

He nodded and started talking again. "Bye byee."
He told us as Strange wheeled his bed out.

~~~time skip~~~

3rd Person  POV

It's been two hours. Two hours of pacing. Two hours of tapping. Two hours of worrying. Two hours of silence, until Bruce came back in, wheeling the gurney with an unconscious Peter in it.

The pacing and tapping stopped as everyone stood abruptly and looked at Bruce expectantly'

"Well what do you want me to say? He'll wake  up in 15 minutes and I just have to put the cast on when he wakes up and he has to use crutches for 1-2 months and he'll be fine." Bruce said with sorrow in his voice

After a few minutes of silence, Tony broke it.

"Where's Strange?"

"He left, said he had other business" Bruce replied, and Tony just nodded

A few seconds after they heard a small "heyyy"

Everyone quickly jumped up from where they were sitting and saw Peter sitting up, propped against some pillows and they quickly made a little circle around him.

"How're you feeling?" Bucky questioned

"Like I was hit by a semi-truck" (hehe im evil. sry mcdreamy) Peter responded

"In a good way or bad way?" Sam asked

"Good way." Peter responded seriously "I'm tired, can I sleep?" He than begged, making the 'e' long.

"No, you have a concussion, it's bad for you. (ik that's not tru dont attack me) You need to eat and I need to put the cast on." Bruce told him (I feel like I'm making Bruce mean sry Bruce)

"I could use some food" Peter replied honestly.

"Only after you have the cast." Tony scolded

"F-i-ine I'll get the cast first, Bruce please do it quick I'm hungryyy" He said childish

Bruce chuckled "I'll try Pete." He promised "And sorry, we only have white casts."

"It's fine" Peter reassured

About a few minutes into Bruce putting on the cast, Peter started a conversation "So, what did I miss over the last three months?"

"Well, you're a senior now, tomorrow's, or today rather is the first day of summer break." Natasha told him

"So, I missed three months of school?"

"Yah, pretty much."

He nodded in understanding "What else?"

"Nothing really, you picked a good three months."

"You can go eat now-" Bruce was cut off by Clint and Peter


"-with the help of crutches"

"NOO!" was heard from the two again.

"He won't be needing crutches." Bucky told Bruce

"Yah he will." Bruce argued

"No he won't because I will be carrying him everywhere for the next 2 months" and with that he scooped Peter up and started carrying Peter to the kitchen


Hey, sorry this took so long. I have a few requests lined up and I'll be getting to those the next updates. This is a bit short, 1400 words, but at least it's out.

One more thing, 1.85K VIEWS!? WHAT? THATS CRAZY! Thanks so much for the support!

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