Avengers Chat

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Tony created a chat. 

Tony renamed the chat [Avengers Chat] 

Tony invited Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Sam, Rhodes, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Peter.

Tony: Hey guys, this is the official Avengers chatroom.

Clint: Hey.

Nat: Sup.

Peter: Omg hi guys luv you all.

Nat: Shut it kid.


Sam: Man can you turn the caps lock off?

Tony: On it. Brb 

Thor: Hello I have returned with normal-sized letters.

Nat: Joy 

Steve: How do I add people?

Tony: Click on the plus button at the top.

Tony: Wait who do you want to add? This is all of us 

Steve invited Bucky.

Tony: Aw no I hate that guy.

Bucky: Likewise, Stark.

Steve: Guys chill we can be friends.

Tony: *glares daggers*

Bucky: *throws daggers*

Tony: [Steve deleted this message]

Steve: Language!

Tony: Your bestie is throwing knives at me.

Steve: Bucky no.

Bucky: Whatever 

Pietro: Oh hey guys wassup?

Rhodes: Idrk 

Sam: Watching Tony and Steve war 

Wanda: Again? 

Pietro: Fun 

Bruce: You guys are spamming.

Nat: Deal with it. 

Wanda: Vision is vibrating from all the messages.

Vision: Yes, I suspect this is a negative side effect of being able to join such chat rooms as a device. 

Wanda: Let's get you a phone 

Tony: That's probably smart

Wanda: Bye guys.

Wanda left the chat.

Vision left the chat.

Clint: Nat wanna go shopping?

Nat: Sure I have Tony's credit card.

Tony: Wait Nat how?

Nat left the chat.

Clint: lol see ya.

Clint left the chat.

Tony: Dammit. Bye guys, kid be good.

Tony left the chat.

Peter: Wdym I've been so quiet this whole time?!

Thor: Fear not small earth child, I think you have been well behaved.

Peter: Thanks but I'm not a kid 

Bruce: lol

Rhodey: lol

Sam: lol

Steve: What does lol mean?

Peter: Laugh out loud

Steve: Kid that's rude

Bucky: Don't laugh at Steve kid

Pietro: Come on man

Peter: No guys lol means laugh out loud

Steve: Oh.

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Sam: ...

Sam: Kid what have you done

Peter: Uh... oops?

Peter left the chat.

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Sam silenced notifications.

Sam left the chat.

Rhodes: Yeah that's probably smart. 

Rhodes silenced notifications. 

Rhodes left the chat.

Bruce: Guys seriously stop.

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Bruce: ...

Bruce silenced notifications.

Bruce left the chat.

Thor: Oh I understand midgardians, this is funny. Lol

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Wanda joined the chat.

Wanda: Guys you're breaking Vision.

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Thor: lol

Wanda kicked Vision out of the chat.

Wanda: Sry Vis you would have malfunctioned

Wanda left the chat.

Tony joined the chat.

Tony: Guys what the heck?!

Steve: lol

Bucky: lol

Pietro: lol

Thor: lol

Tony silenced Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Thor.

Tony: You four children can't type here until you've learnt how group chats work.

Tony left the chat. 

Wanda joined the chat.

Wanda: We got Vision a phone, I'm adding him.

Wanda invited Vision.

Vision: Thank you Wanda. That was... unpleasant.

Wanda: Yw <3

Wanda left the chat.

Vision left the chat. 

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