Welcome to the chat

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Author: Hello all! 

Y/N: Hello! 

Author: Welcome to the avengers chatroom! 

Y/N: Um the what? 

Author: The avengers chatroom! You know, where all the avengers text each other? 

Y/N: That must be chaos 

Author: Oh, it is. But now you get to observe the chaos! 

Y/N: Yay sounds fun! 

Author: It is 

Author: Btw I spent forever making this cover so I hope you like it! 

Author: Also this takes place after Civil War, assuming the avengers made up a few weeks later and are now just enjoying existence 

Pietro: And I'm not dead btw 

Bruce: And I never went to space 

Thor: And I decided to hang with the avengers rather than run off 

Bucky: And my Wakanda friends cured me and I'm chilling at the avenger's compound now 

Peter: And I'm here even 'cause why not? 

Tony: And the rest of us are here too but we're not all going to say hi because that would take forever 

Steve: The rest of us plus some special guests 

Clint: Don't spoil anything Steve! 

Steve: I'm not saying anything else! 

Nat: Good 

Y/N: Wow all of you are here, this will be good! 

Author: It is! There will be all kinds of chaos and pranks and jokes, it'll be awesome 

Y/N: Can't wait! 

Author: Great let's go! Hope you enjoy! 

*Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel or any of these characters* 

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