Prologue: Death and Reassemble

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Somewhere, New York

In a building within the busy streets of New York, a man was in the basement of the building with many papers and computers compiling data.

This man was Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D..

Nicholas J. Fury "The Bad Motherfucker"

Ever since that day, Fury has been gone underground, ever since the Avengers were disassembled by the U.S. government after they passed the Superhuman Registration Act, which forced many superheroes and other superpowered beings to work under the government and reveal their secret identities or else will be arrested.

Of course, Fury saw it as nothing but a hot piling horseshit that government has dumped on the heroes who gave their lives to help people in need, as he had a feeling the government always tried to have the Avengers under their thumbs somehow, especially regarding how the World Security Council tried to nuke New York City when Loki and his Chitauri invaded.

Sighing to himself as he drank his coffee, he reflected on the day that caused the Avengers to fall apart.

The day Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. the Scarlet Witch went insane.

Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch "Can kill you with a thought"

After her twin sons, Tommy and Billy, was killed by Ultron, an artificial intelligence bent on exterminating humanity, she suffered a total nervous breakdown and resorted to every way possible to bring her children back to life.

She resorted to using the Darkhold, a powerful grimoire of dark magic which she used to empower her Chaos Magic to give her the ability to bend reality to her will. And she did, bringing back her children, but also created a parallel reality.

Eventually, her actions and the chaos have took the lives of many other superheroes, including her own brother Quicksilver and her husband Vision, along with others like the Wasp, Goliath, Falcon, Sentry, War Machine, and worst of all, Hawkeye and Black Widow, two of the people he trusted the most.

He remembered looking over their graves, brave heroes who died not from saving the world from evil, but rather their old friend who became twisted and corrupted.

And worst of all, when Scarlet Witch managed to break free of her control from the Darkhold, and used last of her powers to destroy the Darkhold and restore original reality.

He could still hear Magneto's cry of anguish and grief. There, Fury did not saw a Mutant terrorist, but a father grieving for his children.

Speaking of anguish and grief, many people's lives that were lost cried in anger to the Avengers, asking why would one of their heroes would do this to them. Why would they hurt the people that they swore to protect.

And of course, the government passed the law, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was dissolved, mainly led by Henry Peter Gyrich, the government's liaison for the NSA who Fury KNEW was not to be trusted, since he was always against the superpowered individuals, and Norman Osborn, who was formerly the supervillain Green Goblin.

Fury thought whether the government was out of his mind or on some kind of drugs when they announced that Osborn would lead the new version of his organization, called H.A.M.M.E.R..

But then, Fury managed to dig new information regarding H.A.M.M.E.R., as Osborn's new organization was backed up by not only the government, but also a mysterious third party known as: Orchis.

The organization that was an alliance of many organizations including A.I.M. and HYDRA, Fury was also shocked to realize that former agents of both S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D., which also included its director Abigail Brand.

Fury was frustrated. What the fuck did all this mean? What was Orchis? What was their endgame?


"I would stop what you are doing if I were you." A woman's voice was heard, and Fury turned around to see someone he knew very well.

Valentina Allegra de Fontaine / Madame Viper "Has a licking fetish"

Fury glared. "I'm guessing these Orchis motherfuckers sent you to kill me?"

Viper smirked. "As expected of Nick Fury. You really are a very smart man."

"Then you should also know you made a big mistake coming after me, Val." Fury said, glaring at her.

Viper frowned, before smirking once more. "Alright, then." As she pointed her gun once more, Fury lunged at her, knocking her gun out.

They struggled, as Viper kicked Fury, and Fury pulled out his gun to shoot, only to see Viper was gone. Turning around, he was struck by Viper, who grabbed his arm to prevent him from shooting her.

Unsheathing a hidden blade within, Viper struck Fury in the stomach. Fury coughed up blood, as Viper pushed the blade in further.

Blood dripped as Fury fell onto the table, the papers and files scattering all over. As Fury backed himself against a wall, Viper approached him, with a sadistic smirk on her face. "I will give you one last chance, Fury. Surrender, and I will have you treated. Don't, and you will die."

Fury gazed at Viper, before letting out a chuckle, before glaring at Viper. "Go fuck yourself, bitch."


Viper shot Fury in the head, as he fell lifeless. "A fool to the end, Fury. Such a shame." Viper said while smirking, before leaving Fury's corpse alone.

However, as she left him behind, a small device was beeping inside his pocket. The device flashed red with Avengers emblem.


Avengers Tower, New York

Inside the Avengers Tower, now currently Stark Industries' main headquarters, Tony Stark was working on his workshop.

Ever since the Avengers parted ways and the death of his best friend, Rhodey, he has been locked himself inside his workshop, continuously working day and night on his Iron Man armors. Of course, building new things was his way of coping, since he couldn't resorted to alcohol anymore, ever since it nearly drifted him apart with his friends and fellow Avengers, thanks to the "demon in a bottle", as Pepper would say.

Or like that time he got invested in the Extremis virus too much that he became what everyone called him as, "The Superior Iron Man", and after that, he vowed to never make the same mistake like that ever again, as playing God who usually end up not so well... even though he was playing human, of course.

He knew even though the Registration Act would stop him from being Iron Man, but that didn't mean he was going to retire completely. He was now working on a new and current Iron Man armor, Mark 70, made out of nanotech, that would help him out against many threats, even ones like Thanos.

As he sighed to himself and continued working on his armor, his new A.I. assistant, F.R.I.D.A.Y. called.

"Boss, you got a message on your desk." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"If its Osborn or that asshole Gyrich calling to turn in my armors again, tell him to piss off." Tony said, irritated. Osborn would usually call him again and again to turn in his armors to H.A.M.M.E.R. or else he will arrest him.

"It's not from him, boss. It's from Nick Fury." Tony looked up, confused. Putting his tools down, he went to his desk. Grabbing a drink, he checked his computer before seeing a message titled, "To Stark".

As he opened the message, he saw an audio file and a video. He played them both, and as he listened and watched, Tony's eyes widened in shock. He dropped his drink, before sitting back in shock.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y...." He said. "Activate Avengers' ID. Call them now." Tony said, fear audible in his tone.

"Who should I contact?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked, as Tony looked at her with grim expression.



Somewhere, Deep Space

Captain Marvel flew across the galaxy, having saved a nearby planet from Kree invasion.

It's been almost a year ever since the Superhuman Registration Act has dissolved the Avengers. Even though she wasn't allowed to become a hero, but Carol knew that law was only limited to Earth.

So she decided to reach out to other planets. Passing through, helping by. Something she was really good at and enjoyed to her fullest.

As she continued to flew, she heard a familiar beep. She stopped, before taking out her Avengers ID. Curious, she frowned before answering it.

"Hello?" Carol answered.

"Carol... it's Tony." Carol's eyes widened under her mask as she heard Iron Man's voice.

"Tony? What's up?" Carol asked.

"...It's Fury." Tony said.


Brooklyn, New York

Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, was in a local gym, practicing his punches.

Ever since being frozen in ice for so long and awakening in the new world, Steve thought the world has become a different place ever since the war ended.

But turns out he wasn't completely right.

The government abusing its powers, hiring supervillain to enforce the law, and having many of his fellow heroes dying or having their freedom stripped away, Steve felt nothing but deep anger at the fact that his beloved country has been rotten to the core.

Not to mention he was dealing with the loss of many other heroes, especially Sam Wilson, a.k.a. the Falcon, who died shielding him from Scarlet Witch's attacks.

As he managed to knock away one of the punching bags, he heard his old Avengers ID beeping a distress call.

Taking a breath, he approached it. "Tony..." He muttered before answering it.


New Asgard

Thor Odinson looked over the rainbow luminesce of the Bifrost bridge.

After Ragnarok, it took much time for the rest of his kingdom to be rebuilt and his people populating it once more. Even though his first time as the new king and Skyfather of Asgard was tough, but like his father Odin taught him, it was all worth the price.

And as of his family, even though his father and mother were gone, he knew he still had his family, the Avengers. Even though the new law that the Midgard's government has passed that caused him to leave, Thor still knew they were strong at heart, and one day they might return.

As he smiled over his kingdom, seeing the Asgardians happily chatting and living by, he heard his Avengers ID beeping. "Stark?" He said, as he answered the call.


Wakanda, East Africa

T'Challa, also known as Black Panther, was stopping a local smugglers of vibranium.

Suspecting that they might be affiliated with Ulysses Klaue, he personally located and hunted them down. However, they were just mere smugglers who got lucky with their heist, not involved with Klaue whatsoever.

Ever since Erik Stevens, also known as Killmonger, who was also his cousin N'Jadaka, tried to take over Wakanda, T'Challa has been focusing more on the security of his nation. Even though his mother, Queen Ramonda, along with his sister, Shuri, was constantly helping them out, even overseeing the country while he was with the Avengers, ever since the Superhuman Registration Act, tensions between the U.S. and Wakanda has becoming worsening.

Especially given the fact that some of the smugglers he have been dealing with were H.A.M.M.E.R. agents. While angered and disgusted, he knew there was nothing he could do, since Osborn was protected from the higher place.

As T'Challa let one of the smugglers go, he heard his Avengers ID beeping. Frowning inside his mask, he answered the call.


Triskelion, Washington, D.C.

In the former building of S.H.I.E.L.D., many government operatives can be seen guarding the morgue. All of them stayed silent until the doors were opened and the Avengers came inside. They all had grim expressions.

Captain Marvel walked up to Maria Hill, the former deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., staying silent as she stood next to the metal table with white cloth covering the body.

"...Where is he, Hill?" Captain Marvel asked. Hill stayed silent, before looking at the body, as if gesturing her to take a look at it for herself.

Captain Marvel slowly approached the table, her heart pounding in fear. She makes it to the table and is about to remove the cloth, hands shaking. She stops for a few seconds, and calmly breathes. She instantly removes the cloth and met with a sight she dreaded until coming here.

Right in front of her is the corpse of her closest friend, Nick Fury.

Captain Marvel trembled, as she covered her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes before they fell.

Captain America grimaced, clenching his fist tightly in anger as he shut his eyes and looked away from the sight of the man who helped them over the years.

Iron Man simply looked down.

Thor took off his helmet, as to say his farewells.

Black Panther stood still, but he also held his head down.

Captain Marvel, fell onto the floor, finally losing it.

"Carol!" Captain America shouted, as he quickly rushed to her, as the rest of the Avengers did as well, helping her up.

"I'm... I'm alright...." Captain Marvel said, as she continued to sob, as the rest of the Avengers comforted her, all the while S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked down in sadness. Some of the agents lost it as well, tears falling down from their eyes as they mourned their former leader.


The Avengers sat still inside the Triskelion.

They were still going through many emotions: Anger, grief, sadness, despair. Nick Fury, their closest friend who was responsible for helping them out in many occasions have died.

According to Hill, Fury had gone underground at some point after the Superhuman Registration Act and H.A.M.M.E.R.'s establishment. They managed to find Fury when they found his emergency beacon that Hill kept in case something might have happened to him, and she and her former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who remained with her tracked him down... and found their former leader dead.

Hill presumed that Osborn might have been involved somehow, as he knew the bastard was shady and Fury discovered something and he had him killed to silence him, but they couldn't find any sufficient evidence to prove it.

Which the Avengers thought it was bullshit.

As they sat in silence, Hill came in.

"Before Fury died... he wanted you guys to see this... it was his last wish should he died..." Hill said, as he gave the five heroes an USB memory.

Captain America looked at her with saddened eyes. "Hill, are you..."

"I'm alright, captain. I'm... just fine." Hill said, turning around, trying to avoid eye contact out of sadness. "Anyways... we knew this was something important since Fury wouldn't just give it to me out of the blue, so... just please look it over."

Hill said, before leaving. The Avengers looked at each other, before Iron Man stepped up. "I got this." He said, before having the USB memory connected to his armor.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., what've we got?" Tony asked.

"This memory contains many files involving an unknown data regarding Orchis, boss. Also, it has a video file personally recorded by Fury himself." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Orchis?" Captain America asked.

Iron Man said nothing, before playing the video. The video then showed recording of Fury on the camera.

Fury sighed. "Avengers. If you are watching this... then it means I am dead or something worse happened to me."

Carol tightened her grip as she looked at her friend's recording with sadness.

"Anyways... The reason why I have gone underground is that I wanted to learn more about this bullshit of a Registration Act causing you guys to torn apart. I know something didn't smelled right, so I had to do some digging, and my gut instinct was fucking right." Fury said.

The Avengers tensed. What could have Fury found?

"This whole H.A.M.M.E.R.... and new laws... it's all a fucking cover up for Orchis." Fury said, as the heroes frowned at the mentioning of that name again.

"That name again..." Black Panther muttered.

"Orchis is an organization that's behind everything. The Registration Act, H.A.M.M.E.R., and even causing Scarlet Witch to lose control and killing most of your friends..." Fury said, while angry.

The Avengers' eyes widened in shock. "WHAT!?" They all shouted.

"So Wanda going crazy and her powers going berserk wasn't her fault after all..." Carol said, angered, as other Avengers agreed in anger.

"No wonder Ultron was able to come back after we destroyed him..." Tony noted, angered yet curious on how Orchis managed to rebuilt Ultron, as the first time they fought and defeated him, they ensured his destruction.

"Orchis wanted all this to happen because they want every single superpowered being on this planet exterminated. Mutants, wizards, enhanced, and any people you can call, 'Super'. They want to make sure humans are the sole dominant species on this planet." Fury said, his tone now angry.

"I see... they are afraid of powers they cannot control. Much like Magneto and other Mutants, they want to ensure humanity will be safe no matter what underhanded tactics they use." T'Challa said grimly.

"Then they are either mad or nothing but fools... most of those with power has used them to defend their homes and family!" Thor exclaimed, clearly angered at losing many of his fellow heroes due to Orchis' machinations.

"But that's not just the only fucking problem. Most of Orchis members are made up of different organizations you have fought, including HYDRA and A.I.M... but also S.W.O.R.D... and even S.H.I.E.L.D.." Fury said grimly.

The Avengers were shocked at the fact that even some of the organizations they trusted.

"If S.W.O.R.D. is really part of Orchis... then does that mean... Brand...?" Carol thought. Abigail Brand, the director of S.W.O.R.D., was dedicated to protecting Earth and other extraterrestrial race, even though she wasn't a pleasant person. But could she actually have betrayed them...?

"The details regarding the members of Orchis will be contained in this drive that I left, along with the message that I am recording. But to you Avengers, I want to say this." Fury said, before sighing.

"The world is now a different place ever since you broke apart. But now, you need to come together again. If Orchis succeeds in their goals... then the people of this planet are doomed. I trust the five of you will take them down... and save the world. Fury out." Fury said, before ending the message.

"...Nick." Carol said, as she folded her arms closer.

Tony sighed. "Saving the world is his last wish... that sounds like Fury alright."

"Aye. Fury would not have let those foul villains not escape from their treachery." Thor agreed.

"Our families and friends are in danger because of Orchis. We will not let them threaten who we have left to us." T'Challa said.

Steve then stepped forward. "We already have the data regarding Orchis and its members. Tony, do we know who they are?"

Tony then activated the data on his armor. "Judging by the analysis, Fury was right. Orchis has many members that was part of different groups we have fought or allied with."

He then showed holograms of many members who were part of Orchis, who included Osborn and Gyrich.

"Osborn AND Gyrich... why am I not surprised?" Tony said, angrily sighing.

"The guy was an asshole, so it wasn't easy to figure out he was part of them." Carol said, bitterly thinking about Gyrich insulting many of her friends.

"And it appears Osborn is part of the organization." T'Challa added.

"Figures. Once a Goblin, always a Goblin." Tony said, angered. He remembered that he wasn't Green Goblin anymore, but now went by Iron Patriot, who was supposedly the new symbol of America, as a fusion of him and Cap. It pissed off Tony personally since the fact that the Iron Patriot's armor schematic was based on Rhodey's War Machine armor, which was literally spitting on his name.

More names came up, including Killian Devo, Alia Gregor, Erasmus Mendel, Kelvin Heng, Andreas and Andrea von Strucker, Adrian Toomes, Justin Hammer, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Johann Fennhoff, Monica Rappaccini, Grant Ward, and more...

Carol's eyes widened in shock when she found the name: Abigail Brand. "Brand, you bitch..."

Tony clenched his fist when he saw Justin Hammer's name, along with Kelvin Heng, who was codenamed, Feilong.

"That's the asshole who tried to kick me out from the company.... and looks like he and Hammer has been busy." Tony said, before pulling out a file that shocked him the most.

Stark Sentinels Mark 1

"Son of a bitch..." Tony said. Now that they were building Sentinels out of his own tech, with HIS name, now they've crossed the line.

As the data files were complete, the Avengers now knew what to do.

"So this means the we are officially reassembled, right?" Tony asked.

Thor laughed. "At last! We have united once more to fight for Midgard!"

"No matter what happens, we will protect this world." T'Challa said.

"Fury knew we have what it takes. We're going to fight for the world and him." Carol agreed, as Steve nodded.

"We lost too many of our friends, including Fury. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. This might make us the enemy of the government, but it's the risk we're going to take. Most of us are going face enemies we don't know, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Even if we might not save the world..." Steve stopped, before looking around his team, before nodding. "We'll avenge it, whatever it takes."

Tony smirked. "That's the Cap I know." Steve smiled back, before holding up his fist.

"Avengers..." Captain America said.

"ASSEMBLE!" The Avengers shouted, as they held up their fists as well.

A/N: And done!

Wow... my first Avengers story-no.... My first Marvel story!!!

I always wanted to do an Avengers story with a team roster of my own, which included some of my favorite Avengers.

The Big Three - Captain America, the OG Steve Rogers because he's the GOAT. (Because no offense to Sam Wilson Cap, but Steve is way better.)

Iron Man. Who is luckily based on his MCU version, because we all know how much of an asshole he is in the original 616.

Thor, who is thankfully not like his MCU version. (No offense to Chris Hemsworth, since he's awesome.)

Black Panther, because he's the Legend. (RIP Chadwick Boseman)

Captain Marvel: I decided to change her current costume into her old Ms. Marvel costume, since I liked that one better. The difference is the logo, where the lightning is replaced with her star emblem.

Also, Carol looks way better with long hair, I think we can all agree.

So if you guys are wondering why I killed off many of the heroes was because I wanted to show how high were the stakes here, since the five Avengers here might be Earth's only hope.

...Also because the idea of Scarlet Witch as a villain terrified me, in both comics and the MCU.

As for the main villains, Orchis, they are NOT my OC villain group, but rather actual villain organization in the canon Marvel comics.

They are X-Men greatest villains yet who completely want to destroy all Mutants... and to make matters worse they are also led by Professor X's ex-wife I've mentioned above.

But Moira and X-Men villains like Mister Sinister and Nimrod (a Super-Sentinel who inspired Sentinel Mark X in Days of Future Past movie) won't appear here. I have plans for Orchis to be split into two divisions: One led by Red Skull and other Avengers villains and other led by Sinister. Red Skull's Orchis will be the main villains here.

As for Sinister's Orchis, they will be one of the villains of my other story, Project Graylight, which will crossover with X-Men and see them in conflict with the SCP Foundation.... Taeho's going to love tearing these guys apart... both literally and psychologically.

As for Norman Osborn (not like Willem Dafoe version since the comic version is way more evil), he is Iron Patriot here like the comics... although I am planning on a scenario where he bonds with the Carnage symbiote and becomes... the Red Goblin.

Wooh!! (deep sighs) Wow... sorry. Didn't meant to geek out there. Just wanted to make sure of many things to come.

Oh, and about Nick Fury being dead... but is he though...? Who knows. Heh heh...

Welp, anyways, Finals are coming soon... so I better get ready. (Just applied for San Diego university, so hopefully I can transfer there.)

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed, and laters! Arrivederci!

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