Forgetting Something?

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Hahaha You all are going to hate me at the end of this.

But remember, I still love you.

Much love,




Dick entered Mount justice, only to be tackled to the ground not even a second after.

"Robin! You are okay!" Miss Martian cried out with joy.

"It is good to see you again My friend." Kaldur greeted

"Took you long enough." Superboy commented

Artemis was too busy kissing Wally. Hm..seems like she said yes. He told Wally that he was worrying for nothing.

Dick let out an awkward laugh. "It takes more than alternate universal travel to kill me Miss M." He joked, looking up to see that the three guests to Mount Justice were simply staring at the girl who was hugging the life out of Dick. "Miss M if anything is going to kill me, your hugs are" Dick jokes.

M'gann blushed and pulled away, helping the other stand up again. "Sorry.."

Dick dusted himself off and gives a warm smile "No problem, just need to get the introductions out of the way, taking that Bats will be here any minute when he hears the news." The Zeta beam announced Batman's arrival. " Speak of the devil." Dick grins as he sees the Dark knight enter the room. "Batman!" He grinned and rushed over to his mentor's side. He rose his arms slightly but then quickly stopped himself. Robin CANNOT hug Batman... He will have to wait until he gets to the Manner. Man, Dick hoped more than anything that Alfred made cookies. That would be the icing on the cake today.

"So this is the Scary Batman?" Stark questioned, causing the group to stop and look over at the new face.

Dick cleared his throat. "Everyone, this is Tony Stark. He is a hero in the other universe we were trapped in. Known for his vast ego.

"I will have you know that my ego is right where it should be." Tony said in a defensive tone, earning a sarcastic snort from Wally, Dick, and Bruce.

Dick rolled his eyes and went down the line. "This is Bruce Banner, He is also a hero, crazy smart and a super cool scientist. And last but not least; this is Spiderman, and as you can guess--hero as well. He became one of our biggest friends through all of the chaos on the other side."

Spiderman stared at the group of teens in awe, mainly at M'gann's green complexion. He had seen green, mainly Bruce's "other half" but not like this. Dick noticed this. "Oh..she's a martian." He spoke nonchalantly as if this was an everyday conversation. "Kaldur is an Atlantean, before you ask too."

"Sure why not." Peter nodded. "It is not like we haven't traveled across the galaxy with space pirates one of them being a talking tree and a talking racoon."

Robin laughed at the comment peter made, giving a nod in agreement. The rest of the team looking confused. "We had a lot of trouble on our way back." Dick concluded.

"So are we just going to stand here and braid each other's hair or are we going to start finding a way back home? This whole ordeal has been one headache after another--" Stark stopped as a red blur zoomed past him and to wally, hugging Wally tightly."

"Looks like Flash found at his nephew returned." Robin joked, Stark paling slightly.

"There are two of them..." Tony groaned. "I could barely handle one!"

"We seem to have something in common." Batman nodded, who at some point stepped beside Stark, scaring the crap out of him.

"What the!?"

Bruce let out a slight laugh at the reaction. Steve would love to hear about this. "Tony way to embrace your inner teenage girl"

Tony's face reddened, and if as reading Banner's thoughts spoke up. "Shut up, Banner!" He pointed his finger at the other in warning. "Never speak of this." The last thing he needed was Natalia or Clint on his case the whole time about this. He would never live it down.

"Do any of you want to explain what is happening right now, I am so lost." Barry interrupted. "I get the whole universal travel and all that...but how exactly did you two...five... get back here?"

"We blew up Stark's lab a few times." Wally commented, the new arrivals bothe snickering, well all except stark. "It took a few trials and errors to get it up and working and even then a norse god came in and ruined everything and then there were the space pirates..I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Groot. Wally rambled on, not really seeming to care that every face other than the the five who had entered (and batman because the world will end when Batman shows any emotion other than anger) had a lost expression on their face.

"Walls, you're confusing them." Dick laughed and shook his head. "Let's just all agree that it is a very long story and I will tell you all about it later when these three get back home."

"Exactly why I can't have nice things" Stark grumbled. At the mentioning of his lab... giving silent agreement that it was indeed a long story. "I am going to need a drink."

Wally frowned a bit. "Hey... Why does it feel like we are forgetting something?"

"What are you talking about--" Dick paused, looking confused at what the other had said, but then the feeling arose in him as well. What were they forgetting?

"Well whatever it is we will figure it out later." Barry interrupted again, wanting to find out how exactly they traveled through universes. Sure the teens were smart, being his nephew and Dick being a mini version of Batman, but there are still some boundaries that the two had to face. Then again, they had the help of these three-- "Why did these three tag along with you?" Barry questioned.

"Well it wasn't planned." Dick commented. "There was an incident with Deadpool--" Dick froze in his tracks. As did the rest of the five who came to the mountain.

Wally paled. "Dude...We forgot about Deadpool."

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