Ground Rules

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I finally got around to updating this story! Took me long enough am I right?You all should be excited, the last chapter was supposed to be the last one and I was going to blow off the sequel, hoping you all would forget about this story. But alas, I thought 'why not make it a little longer?' just kidding, I was thinking about fans coming at my door to kill me

So instead of being burned alive, I thought I might as well continue the story.

Hope you enjoy this update. 

Your lazy Author'



"You better not be joking, Dick so help me." Wally opened his eyes and sat up. "Gotham? WE ARE IN GOTHAM!" the next second he was standing up, pulling Dick to his feet and giving him the biggest hug ever. "DUDE WE MADE IT BACK!"

"Yeah I see that--" Dick paused in realization. "Peter is here too." He glanced at their friend, who just sat there frozen.

"So it worked..just not to my favor" Peter groaned. "Talk about a string of bad luck."

"Hey hey..If we got back surely we can send you back. Wally's Uncle has been to different universes multiple times." Dick tried to reassure, though his mind was already lost to the idea of having to head back to Batman after the whole ordeal they went through. If Wally said that he was angrier than usual after his absence, he had no doubt that his mentor would not let him out of his sight from now going on. "Wally, think your uncle is at Mt. justice?"

"How would I know, Dude? I was gone almost as long as you!" Wally grumbled then realization struck. "Artemis might be there though!"

"Love struck teenagers, a force to be reckoned with." A new voice called from above. Causing all three of the teens to look up to see Bruce Banner and Tony Stark tangled in the branches of the tree.

Dick grinned. "Gonna go out on a limb and say you are stuck?" Peter snickered at the pun.

"If I had my suit it would be a different story." Tony grumbled. "So a little help would be appreciated."

"I'm sorry? I could not hear you over that ego." Dick laughed but started to climb up the tree to break free a few branches so the two adults could escape. "So, how about we stop back our place and get things situated."

"Is it my turn to blow up your lab multiple times?" Tony remarked sarcastically.

"If I personally had my own lab, Stark I'm thirteen--the bat would never let me mess with stuff. And not because I didn't know what I was doing." He grinned, Wally given a shiver.

"Prank warfare will never be the same with this one." Wally mumbled to Peter, who had a curious expression on his face.

"Remind me then never to start a battle with Dick then."

"Oh and on that note. It's back to Robin, same Universe means same alter ego. So do you want your names to be known when--"

"Well Just in case I would like to stay Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, just in case this incident happens again." Peter paused "Good thing I am wearing my suit." He glanced at Tony and Bruce.

Dick smirked slightly at the idea of calling out the name bruce in front of Batman just because the other Bruce was in the room. That would definitely take some getting used to. "So I guess we should set some ground rules while we walk through Gotham to get to the nearest Zetabeam. Rule one: Try not to look too wealthy, lookin' at you Stark"

Tony scoffed "What?"

Wally chipped in. "Gotham is well...a very crime oriented area..."

Dick nodded. "Exactly, It would be different if it wasn't night time, but every shadow is a mugging risk. Which brings us to rule two" Dick held up two fingers to emphasize what rule they were on. "If you see a guy that looks like a clown, a scarecrow, or has half a face skulking about: Don't and I mean DON'T engage, especially without your suit Stark."

"Why are all of these rules being directed towards me?" Tony asked defensively.

"Because you like to challenge them." Bruce added plainly, all the teens nodding in agreement.

"And finally rule number three" Dick held up a third finger. "Never try to argue with Batman unless you are a Kryptonian. That is if you want to keep your teeth in tact."

Peter glanced at Wally about to ask what a Kryptonian was, but wally was nodding very enthusiastically at the last rule. This Batman character sounded like a terrifying person from what he has heard. Wasn't he Dick's mentor too? Peter glanced and the raven haired boy, who was smiling. Something told him he could get pretty scary too.

"So basically stay quiet and don't start fights." Bruce commented before once again giving a pointed glance to Tony. "Good luck with that."

Dick grinned and clapped his hands together. "Good! Now let's get going before Wally here starves to death."


"I hate walking in gotham." Wally grumbles. "It gives me the creeps, sorry Rob."

"No biggie, it's a scary city with a scary hero." Dick joked.

"You can say that again." Wally nodded.

"And hereeeee we are." Dick gestured to an old phone booth.Trying not to laugh at the confused expressions of the their three new friends.

"What are we in, the 50's" Tony grumbled sarcastically, not at all looking impressed.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Walls you take Bruce and Peter first, I will go with Mr. Skeptical here."

Wally nodded and stepped in the phone booth. "See you on the other side Rob, I'll try to hold the masses for the few seconds of mayhem before you arrive."

Dick laughed "Thanks dude."

Wally saluted and the next thing they knew, the three who stepped in the booth vanished, which seemed to shock Stark for a brief moment, the science side of his brain trying to sort out possibilities on how it happened.

"Ready to go Stark?" Dick grinned and stepped in. "Come on old man we are going to miss the welcome back party!"

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