Happy Endings?

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"Should we be scared?" Robin whispered to Peter as the sound of footsteps got closer. Who could possibly cause Spidey to get so uptight and worried?

"OH SPPPIIIDDEEEYYYY!~" The voice called out, a man in a red and black suit stepping out into view, carrying a load of weapons from Stark's Lab. "Wait, Robin is that you!?"

Dick froze, looking completely confused. Did he know this guy? Apparently the others had the same thought because now everyone was staring at him.

"HAH! And Kid Flash too! Oh my little comic book nerd dreams are coming true!"

"Comic books? What are you--" Wally started but was bombarded with stuff being thrown at him. "What the!?--"

Deadpool wrapped an arm around Robin like they were best buds, Robin giving the others a 'please help me' look'. "So how is the Boy Wonder? Still kissing ass to Batman?"

"Do I ...know you?" Robin questioned, feeling slightly more than uneasy with the other around. He spent his fair share with Joker, he knew insane when he saw it.

"Oh no. But boy do I know you!" Deadpool poked at Robin's cheeks. "Little crime fighter all grown up oh I am so proud!" The mercs voice sounded like an emotional proud parent.

Dick, being completely weirded out, slipped away from the other's hold and retreated to his best friend's side, who was still trying to remove himself from all the stuff thrown at him. " So this is..."

"The name is Deadpool. Mercenary by day, sweet lover by night." Wade winked in Tony and Peter's direction, both of them looking like they were going to throw up. "So what's with the Comicon meetup and why was I not invited? I left my Aquaman outfit at home because no one informed me!"

"Okay hold up!" Wally stood, finally removing himself from the pile of tech. "Can we please get to the point of why someone from your universe knows about ours?"

"I learned not to question logic when it comes to Wade, Just ignore him." Peter scowled.

"Awe come on Spidey! After all we been through!?" WAde held his chest and spoke in a hurt tone. "I thought we had something special."

"In your dreams wade."

"Yes, in my SEXY dreams."

"Okay thats enough!" Tony spoke up, having enough of this complete madness. "Why are you here Wade. Last time you stole and CRASHED one of my personal jets, what do you want this time?"

"Oh come one Stark, Can't a good friend just stop by and say hello and take a few weapons to do a mission on an island where I am hoping the most of the population is beach babes?" He sounded offended.

"I can relate to the beach babes"

"Wally shut up." Dick whispered, but it was too late. Deadpool came back into their view.

"See Kid flash knows where I am coming at! Maybe I will just take him since he appreciates this mission!"

"I ..uh.." Wally laughed awkwardly.

"You are not taking them, they have somewhere else to be." Tony commented, saving Wally from his fate. "Unlike you, we have been productive with our time."

Dick turned to Tony. "You mean?" He asked hopefully.

Tony gave a nod. "It is rebuilt and working. Just needs two annoying kids and it it's complete."

"No way.." Wally beamed. "Dude, you are the best!"

" Don't know what's goin' on but I feel like it's a group hug worthy moment! g!" Deadpool called out.

"Wade don't you dare!" Peter shouted, but it was too late the five of them were in the most awkward group hug of all time.

"Oh I am a sucker for happy endings! Especially at this nice little chinese massage place I found in--"

"Wade You better shut up before I find the most painful thing in here to shoot you with." Tony warned, already escaping the group hug. "So what do you say boys? Ready to finally get back?"

Wally grinned "Is that even a question!?" He beamed.

"I don't know Tony, we just got back. You sure you don't want us to catch up and mess with your lab again?" Dick questioned

"Tempting but no." Tony smiled slightly. Gesturing for the boys to follow. "Wade stay here, I will deal with you later." Though he knew that the mercenary would not listen and probably follow them anyway, why did he even bother?

They all followed Tony to the lab, the portal already up and running, bruce there checking the biometrics.

"Hey Bruce! Long time no see!" Dick grinned, walking over to the scientist. "I should have known that Stark needed a little help. The lab isn't on fire some one else had to be involved."

Bruce laughed a bit at the boy's comment. "Yeah while you were gone, Tony here had to hunt me down to get help on this."

"Hunt you down, Don't you like..live in the same tower or something?" Wally asked."

Bruce frowned a bit. "A lot has changed since you were gone, but we won't go into that." Bruce glanced back at the computer. "Everything seems in order."

Dick punched Tony in the arm, causing the him to hiss in pain. "What was that for!?"

"Y'know, just making sure you were not an angry norse god trying to seek revenge on us." Dick grinned.

"Tell me about it." Peter grinned. "I had enough space travel for a lifetime, that's for sure."

"You know you loved fighting intergalactic villains don't you even deny that Spidey." Dick laughed, but then paused. "Boy, it's hard to believe that this is going to be goodbye for real this time."

"I am sure it's not truly 'goodbye'." Peter laughed awkwardly. He was not sure if he would ever see the two again, and in a way that was really saddening. He had become such good friends with them..and it is never easy to say goodbye to friends.

"Ohh what's this?" A voice no one really wanted to hear in the lab. Deadpool was sitting on top of the portal.

"Wade, get down from there now!" Tony demanded. He did not need that idiot messing around with his hard work.

"What's with big red buttons? They just scream Push me!"

"Wade don't!!" But it was too late.

Dick groaned and woke up. "Uhg...We really need to work on the landing---" He paused staring up at the smog filled sky. "No way..."

"Dude, if I open my eyes will I be on a different planet again? I really do not need that right now." Wally groaned.

"I am going to kill wade I swear---where are we now?" Peter sat up looking around.

Dick beamed. "Gotham...We made it to Gotham."

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