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*Does a flip and barges in with an update*

And the brain. Man why did I promise updates today?Anyways...miss me?  I know it has been quite a while since I updated this story I am surprised that I even managed a chapter. BUT HEY Look!..I HAVE AN UPDATE! ITS A MIRACLE 

Sit back and (try to)enjoy,




"Dude..we made it.. WE FINALLY MADE IT" Wally grinned staring at their blue planet."We battled robots, hostile aliens, other space pirates--it was fun but man it feels good to be home! Well sort of. We are still in a different universe."

"It only took us, what? Three weeks?" Peter shook his head. "Man, Aunt May is totally going to flip!" Peter was struck with realization. "We were gone for three weeks and I did not contact her!"

"Dude...When you walk in she is going to think she is seeing a ghost." Wally nodded. "You are royally screwed my man."

"I'm sure Tony thought of something...that is if he does not think we are dead too." Dick chuckled. "Knowing him he has the whole thing covered."

"You're joking."Wally said

"Absolutely. " Dick laughed

"Hey you three, buckle up, we are getting ready to land" Star-Lord called back to the three who were standing and staring out the window.

"Can't we just 'drop them off' right here? We actually have to land on that rock?" Rocket folded his arms.

"And here I thought we bonded over explosives." Wally sighed. "You wound me Rocket."

"I am not seeing any wounds caused." Drax commented.

"I am Groot."

"I don't care if you are going to miss them" Rocket grumbled. "Because I certainly am not!"

"I am Groot."

"So what if I somewhat enjoyed the ride here."

"I am Groot"

"I hate it when you are right you know that?"

"Sorry to cut things short, but we have somewhere to be." Star-Lord commented. "We have a breich in an intergalactic jail."

"The same one we escaped?" Rocket grinned. "They really need to get better security."

"I don't want to I?" Wally shook his head.

"I am Groot."

"I think I am going to miss you the most you overgrown shrub." Wally grinned


"STARK WE ARE HOME!" Peter shouted.

"It's a shame Star-Lord and the rest couldn't stay. I'm sure Rocket would have been useful in trying to figure out the mechanics of the interdimensional portal we were creating."Wally sighed. "It would make things go so much faster and smoother."

"Well though unbelieveable as it is that the group are heroes--" Dick grinned slightly. "They have other things to do. Y'know...guarding the galaxy and all."

"Whatever, let's go find Stark already." Peter started walking. "I need to find a phone and-- oof!" Peter fell back on the floor. "Hey watch it you--" Peter looked up confused. "Wait who are you?"

"Richard, Wallace, Peter... I see you have returned."

"Why does this red dude sound a lot like I missing something here? I feel like we are missing something here."

"I thought I heard familiar voices. I see you met Vision." Tony stark stepped into the room , Holding a few parts in his hands. "I was beginning to wonder when you three would show up. For a while I was thinking you were dead."

"Hey Tony." Dick beamed. "You miss us?"

"More or less." Tony smirked. "Though unfortunately I did not get to enjoy the peace and quiet for very long."

"Lookin' good JARVIS..or..Vision.." Dick grinned.

"So whats up with the human-like JARVIS..what happened?" Peter asked, staring at vision.

"The world almost ending...the usual. Vision is not really JARVIS's..complicated " Tony grinned and waved towards the door.

"So what possibly could have been so dramatic that this happened? Star-Lord was right about that gut feeling."

"Star-Lord?" Tony asked

"Just like's a long story. What did you think we were doing? WALKING back across space?" Peter laughed. "Oh no..Aunt May!"

"Don't worry kid, I got it covered. Guess who has a summer internship here?"

"It's not even summer--" Dick started.

"Well okay LIKE a summer internship. I told your aunt that you wanted to learn robotics under my wing and that you would be staying here."

"And she believed you?" Peter asked skepticallly. The other two needs nodding in agreement to Peter's skeptisism.

"More or less." Tony grinned. "Would you expect anything less? I'm convincing and charming."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Tony." Dick grinned

"The one time I was not on earth and all the good stuff happens!" Peter complained. "Can't I guy catch a break?"

"Just another world crisis nothing to worry about--" The alarms went off, and Tony checked his earpiece "You gotta be kidding me. " Tony frowned. "Stay put..we have a problem."

"Problem? Can we help?" Dick asked. Not even ten minutes back and there was already trouble. This universe was insane.

"No..It is not a threat..rather..." Tony paused "An annoyance than has been showing up more than I would like."

"What someone more annoying than us?" Dick joked, pausing when he heard footsteps and the clattering of metal-- gunshots shot off. "What the!?"

"Sarrrrk My main man! Imma borrowing a few of your weapons. That okay? Of course it's okay 'cause you love me!"

Peter froze. "I know that voice..why is HE here!?"

"He?" Both Wally and Dick said at the same time.

"You don't want to me."Peter groaned, putting his mask on his face. "You REALLY do not want to know."

"I agree with Pete on this one."Tony nodded

"Spidey is that you!?" The voice called out. "Buddy ol' friend how have you been!"

"Oh please someone hide me. " Peter groaned, slinking behind wally. "Do you think if I make a run for it, he won't see me?"

"He already called your name, I'm sure it is too late." Dick shrugged, curiosity growing. "Who are we exactly letting in here?"

"Oh trust me. I would not willingly let him in." Tony scowled. "HEY! You better not be touching any of my things!"

"Oh you mean the shiny things that have your name on it? Would you believe me if I said no?" The sound of a heavy metal object hitting of the floor echoed through the halls. "Oppsie"

"Seriously who is this?" Wally asked, sounding frustrated. "Should we be worried?"

"Extremely worried." Peter nodded, rubbing his temples "This is going to be a long day..I just know it. So much for relaxing."

"Ah lasers, the best way to make chimychangas!" 

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