Gut Feelings

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Fans: *Bust though door when they saw an update*




"No..this is too confusing. Your name is Peter...and your name is ....also Peter?" Wally glanced between Spiderman and Star-Lord. "And before you even say it, Yes..the talking tree is Groot." It has been a day in space and there has yet to be really any important information going around and felt like he his brain was slowly dying from the talking tree that could only say its name and the alien that could not seem to comprehend metaphors. He knew their names, that is basically it. Why were they even called "The Guardians of the Galaxy"? Every time they call themselves that, they smirk like it was some kind of inside joke that he was not a part of. Not to mention Star-Lord seems to think everything is a joke, and Dick seems to be fitting right in with the group, something both he and Spiderman both feared.

"Don't think too hard now." Dick grinned a bit. "You might kill what brain cells you have left."

"I swear Rob, sometimes I wonder if Artemis has possessed you sometimes." Wally gave a dramatic sigh but grinned as well. "Besides, You brought me here BECAUSE of my brain cells." Wally retorted, folding his arms.

"True True... oh do I regret that decision too." Dick teased, earning a shove from Wally. "Hey, Spidey, what is up with that Loki guy anyway? We have nothing to do with this universe, so why bother messing up our way home?"

Peter paused slightly "Well, he is a 'bad guy'...maybe he just doesn't like you." He shrugged but was deep in thought about the subject as well. Loki always had a bigger picture in mind, and it seems his two new friends are at the center of it. "Did you do anything other that kick his butt to get him upset at you?"

"I just saw the guy for a brief second and that was the first time we met...So it is all Rob this time." Wally glanced to Robin, who gave an absent shrug like he was just asked one of the seven wonders of the world.

"Does making fun of his helmet count?" Dick asked, honestly curious himself" Wait...the Hammer...He got really angry at me when I picked it up.." Dick remembered the grin Loki had given and claimed 'it was not over'. "Honestly, why must all villains hold grudges, totally not whelming."

"I am Groot."

"You got that right." Robin nodded, just supposing that the giant tree creature was agreeing with him. "Anyways, Star-Lord, Why are you helping us exactly? Sure you know Spidey, but it sounds like you are taking us all the way across the galaxy to get us home..and some of your..are you a team or a crew...both?" Dick trailed off for a moment, losing his train of thought.

"I don't really know myself kid. Something in my gut was just screaming 'Hey this kid needs to get where he needs to or something bad will happen' Always listen to your gut. It has gotten me out of a lot of things"

"It was your gut that got you into most of them too." Gamora commented, smirking slightly at the offended look Star-Lord gave

"My gut says it needs food." Wally chimed in, though even though he said in a joking matter, everyone knew that the speedster would not ever take up the opportunity to eat.

"So it is a 'written in the stars' fate kind of thing." Robin commented.

"You can't write in stars, they are too big and too hot." Drax commented.

Dick laughed a bit at that and shook his head "Nevermind then, you get my point."

"I don't think he did." Wally sighed as he saw the puzzled look on Drax's face.

"Well tell your gut that its feelings is costing us" Rocket chipped in, fiddling with something in the back of the ship."

"What's that?" Wally asked curiously, speeding over to where the other was.

"A bomb." Rocket commented as if it was a normal thing to be doing."

"Rocket what did I say about building bombs on my ship!?" Star-Lord turned.

"Not to do it." Rocket said, but was not making any movement to stop what he was doing.

"Hm..this is very similar to the structure of a particle reactor" Wally mused a bit watching over the "raccoon's" shoulder at the technology he was fiddling with. "It won't have much of a radius if you put the fuses there.." Wally pointed to a circuit board, if you put it there, less air blockage equals more distance."

"Hm...." Rocket huffed slightly. "I suppose that would work..." He tinkered with a few more parts, making room like Wally had commented. "At least this one is not completely stupid."

"Uh...Thanks?..I think..." Wally gave an awkward and unsure smile.

"The world would surely end if those two joined forces and went to the other side.." Peter shook his head, counting his lucky stars that during their little tinkering fest, that the bomb won't accidentally explode and blow up the ship and themselves.

"Tell me about it." Dick grinned, smiling a bit. "Space travel always seems so exciting..."

"Never really gets old, if you know where all the fun is." Star-Lord Grinned.

"I bet."Dick cackled a bit. "But I will have to take your word for it. Unfortunately we do not have the time to go sightseeing." Dick frowned a bit more, trying to push back an uneasy feeling that Loki had more planned than just a little space detour. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Spiderman next to him.

"Whatever Loki is up too, we will figure it out. He has an IOU butt kicking that he needs to pay back."

Dick grinned slightly at that, giving Peter a small nod. He needed to stay level headed. Wally is a teammate that he dragged into this, and Peter is a teammate as well. He needed to be a leader and get Wally and himself back home, and that gut feeling Staar-Lord was talking about, he was feeling it too.Something was going to happen, something big. "When we get back, we need to find Stark right away.I'm sure he misses us." Dick joked slightly, trying to ease the tension that filled the air.

"Yeah who else does he have to trash his lab a few dozen times."Peter laughed.

"Hey, it was only four!" Wally protested, but smiled as well, relaxing slightly.

"Well sit back and relax, the car ride is a long one" Star-Lord finally chimed in, pulling out a small tape and plugging it into a radio which soon started blasting "Hooked on a feeling" throughout the space ship. "Next Stop: Earth"

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