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Woop! finally an update!

please enjoy.




"Dude..what the heck is a raccoon doing on a different planet--?" Wally started, but was cut off.

"Who are you callin' a racoon?" Rocket growled slightly.

"Dude it talked!" Wally jumped a bit.

"Rocket!" He grinned, talk about luck! Looks like they were not as stranded as they thought. "Guys chill, I know him." Well, he knew Nova...and Nova knew them... Speaking of them...if Rocket was here, the rest of the team cannot be that far behind. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I think the better question is what are you doing here. I'm pretty sure that this is not 'in your neighborhood'." Rocket glanced between the other two teens, folding his arms.

"Friends with a talking rodent...great, just great." Wally grumbled. "We are never going to get home-- wait why is it pointing a gun at me!? What did I do!?"

"My bets is on that you called it a rodent." Dick snickered but then turned to Peter. "So you are friends with a racoon alien...asterous."

"I am Groot."

Dick jumped back at that. Did one of the trees just speak? "Uh..."

"About time you showed up!" Rocket glanced into the trees. "You are getting slower by the day, you need to lay off the fertilizer pal."

"I am Groot."

"Don't lie to me, I saw the bag on the ship."

"Uh...What exactly are we listening to?" Wally rose an eyebrow.

"Trust me, it is better just to accept it." Peter sighed as he watched a wood like creature emerged from the foliage. "'Sup Groot."

"I am Groot."

"I think we get it." Wally grumbled. "He is Groot." He rolled his eyes before returning his glance to Dick. "Dude, we are doomed aren't we--Wait..the racoon said ship. You guys have a ship!?" He asked hopefully.

"Not that I would let you on it." Rocket replied. "Quit calling me a raccoon, you are worse than Quil!"

"Who?" Dick frowned but once again the trees and bushes started rustling. How many people could possibly emerge out of the trees?

"Rocket we don't have time for--" A voice called but then paused. "Who are these people?" A man dressed in red stepped out into view.

"Oh, just join the party, I'm sure the snacks will be out shortly" Wally said sarcastically. "Spidey, if these are your friends, could you please ask them to take us back to earth so we can get back home? That would be great."

"I am Groot."

"We get it!" Wally snapped at.

Dick sighed heavily, knowing that Wally has just about had it with the mishaps. Now they were on some unknown planet with more unknown was getting rather complicated. He turned to the man dressed in red, who was wearing some sort of weird mask. "Might as well introduce ourselves while we are stuck here... Robin." He extended his arm to shake the other's hand.The figure's mask retracted revealing a human face, which Dick admitted was a relieving to see that even this far out there was some sort of human lifeforms...well at least he hoped he was human. Perhaps he could reason with him.

"Star-Lord." The man grinned, shaking Dick's hand. "Legendary outlaw slash guardian of the Galaxy."

"You are sticking with that name, aren't you." Rocket laughed sarcastically, shaking his head. "Come on Groot, let's go find the others and leave, we got what we came for."

"I Am Groot."

"I will not apologize for what I said, now hurry up!"

Wally watched as the 'not raccoon' and 'Groot' left the clearing and back into the forest. "Okay, I seriously have had enough excitement for the day...and I am starving." He complained.

"KF shut up." Dick rolled his eyes before looking back to 'Star-Lord'. "Cool name by the way, Star-Lord sounds totally asterous."

"Get on with it Rob, I don't want to starve to death on some unknown planet."

"What my friend is trying to say is that we need your help." Dick glared slightly at Wally. "You apparently know Spidey here, so I take it that you are if you could do us a favor...we would really appreciate you taking us back to Earth."


"So you are from a different dimension." Star lord laughed, sitting in the pilot seat of his ship. "That is some serious sci-fi stuff right there, like the old movies."

"Yeah, something like that." Dick grinned, not bringing up that the whole being in outer space in a ship was pretty much the definition of sci-fi. "So, you said does that make you like a space pirate?"

"Something like that." He grinned as he opened up the hatch where two out of four familiar faces boarded the ship.

"Are we really going to take them back? Do you know how much fuel costs? We really should get paid for this." Rocket grumbled before taking a seat.

"Why helllooooo." Wally grinned and sped over to one of the new faces that entered the ship. A woman with green skin and dark hair.

"Would not recommend, she will kill you if you touch her." Star-lord pointed out with a grin."Besides, she is taken."

"Why is every hot women in this dimension a freaking assassin?" Wally grumbled before looking up at the other new face, jumping back slightly. "Whoa there.."

"I swear if Artemis caught you hitting on on other woman, I'm sure she would kill you to, death by love" Dick snickered, at his friends horrified expression.

"Love is not a sufficient way of killing" The new figure commented, looking slightly confused at what Dick had said.

"It's a metaphor--" Dick started, not really sure why he was explaining himself, but was cut off.

"Save your breath, Drax and his people are a literal species, he is slow when it comes to metaphors." Rocket shook his head, pulling out some sort of gun and polishing it.

"I am not slow when it comes to anything, I can out run most people" Drax commented, obviously still not catching on.

"Okkkaaayyyy then..." Dick gave an awkward smile. least the flight back home will be an interesting one, that's for sure.

"Are there any snacks on board?"

That is if they don't get kicked off the ship.

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