Don't Jinx It

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I will have you all know that this was going to be the last chapter of this story

But then I was like: 'Why not keep going it's not like I have a life'

Yep I will update for now, but I will always leave with the cliffhangers! 

I know you love them all so much

Enjoy, If you can't take the "subtle"  hints of whats gonna happen in the near future: Well, okay ..I'm still not telling you.




"So...what you are saying..." Dick sighed heavily crossing his arms as he stared out his surroundings where they had landed after the blast. "That we are in a different solar system... same UNIVERSE...different solar system." Dick rubbed his temples, at this rate they would be lucky to even get back to earth."

"Hey, but at least we landed somewhere with the correct atmosphere.." Wally tried to to add. "I mean a planet where the environment is suitable for life is pretty lucky considering that the beam could have left of in space where we would suffocate and implode on ourselves."


The teens hesitantly entered the debriefing room, giving each other uneasy looks as they found the whole Avenger team staring (some glaring) at them.

"I will like to point out that I did not have anything to do with this." Peter gulped a bit, getting the feeling that a certain superspy was going to chop their heads off.

"Hey now!" Wally protested, "We were just trying to show--"

"Quiet!" Fury snapped, and both the teens froze in place, though Robin stayed pretty lax; after all living with one of the most intimidating heroes in the Justice league, he could handle angry outbursts. Fury cleared his throat before speaking again. "This debriefing... Is not why you are here." He glanced at Tony Stark who had stepped forward with a grin on his face. "Stark has--"

"Gotten the parts so you can get out of here." Tony interrupted, proud that not only did he get them all in record time, but also glad that his lab will be safe once more. He placed at fury who was scowling up at him, and he rose his hands in defence. "What? I have the right to tell them, I did it after all."

Wally grinned, speeding next to the two in a split second. "So we can go home?!"

Tony smirked. "We are getting you two home."

-----Flashback end--------

Wally kicked a pebble on the ground in frustration. "How did this even happen? I mean, the coordinates were already set!"

Peter was messing with his shield communicator, trying to get some message, anything out of it. No such luck was given to him. "Well kicking poor defenseless rocks is not going to help us here." Peter scowled, pulling off his spider man mask, the heat on this planet was killing. Yeah there was life on this planet, but he had been in volcanoes that were cooler. "Do you think there is going to be life?...I mean like Intelligent life?" Peter frowned, slightly.

"It's likely...though I don't want to find out if they are civilized or not" Dick quickly got into a fighting stance, hearing the odd colored trees and bushes rustle to his right.

"Dude, why does trouble always follow you!?" Wally Scowled.

----weeeeee back to a flash back-----------------

"Yo Pete, pass me that circuit board over there." Wally was working on the guts of the machine with Tony, just about finished up with everything, while Robin was at the computer finishing up code and coordinates.

"I can't believe that you guys are going to leave so soon" Peter chuckled handing the circuit board to Wally, who had started attaching final wires and cables to it. "I hate to admit it, but I think I'm going to miss you two."

"Get traught Spidey, we might come back after we get all the glitches out." Robin spoke , turning away from the computer slightly to face the others with a grin. "What about you Stark? Gonna miss us?"

"I'm not going to miss the messes you create that's for sure." Tony grunted, standing up and stretching, his body stiff. Normally he would have robots to do all this grunt work, but they are still under repair from a certain incident that trashed his lab once again. Let's just say this was the third reconstruction of this stupid machine, and his patience was growing thinner and thinner. "JARVIS start it up!" He announced. "Let's see how we did this time around."

Peter turned to the two teens. "Are you going to tell the others that you you're leaving?" He noticed that none of the others except start was there, where were they? Talk about a lame going away party, he was expecting at least a few party poppers and streamers.

"Nah, We really need to get back as soon as possible." Dick gave an apologetic smile, putting his domino mask on. "Everything looks like it is in working order."

"Of course it is. We made it." Tony joked slightly patting Dick on the shoulder. "Hey kid, stay safe over there okay? Both of you." Tony sometimes forgot that these kids were in the same business he was, and he has heard some of their stories, the villains they fight, and honestly; It makes Tony worry a bit for them.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you actually cared about us." Dick grinned. "Watch what you say Tin Can, you might ruin your reputation."

"Well, I am going to go grab some final things before from Bruce's lab, mainly a first aid kit in case this does actually go up in spoke. Stay right there." Tony walked out of the room for a moment.

"Finally, we are going to get back." Dick felt anxious as he stared at the machine which was humming, producing a door sized pale yellow vortex that occasionally sparked when the machine gave out for a brief second. Yeah, definitely still had some glitches he saw, but it will have to do.

"Hey Rob, you ready yet?" Wally called over. "It's time to go, everything is running smoothly!" He waved Dick over as Tony entered through the doors, though Dick was confused when he noticed that the other returned empty handed. Wasn't he going to grab something?

"Don't jinx it." Peter grinned, putting on his mask "Have fun you two. I got to go and check on something but send me a postcard."

"Sure thing web-head" Wally saluted with a wicked smile before facing back to the twisting yellow vortex the machine created. "Rob! LET'S GO ALREADY SLOWPOKE!"

Dick, snapped back attention and walked beside him staring at the vortex. He had a very uneasy feeling that he could not shake off. Maybe it is just his nerves, he does not want to get almost burned alive again. "Age before beauty?" He asked nervously, hoping more than anything that the third time was the charm.

"Oh shut up and get--"

"Guys get down!" They saw Spider Man running towards them, as they caught glance that Tony was no longer standing there, but Loki smirking darkly in the place where he once stood. but the next thing they knew, there was a bright blue flash of light , a zapping noise, and then a large thud where they got the wind knocked out of them they landed on their backs on an uncomfortable rocky surface.

-----End of Flashback------

"Dude, why does trouble always follow you!?"

"I think it comes with the gig" Peter gulped nervously. He did not sign up to be alien dessert.

The other two teenagers got into fighting stances, knowing that things that usually came out of a creepy rainforest, were not friendly ninety percent of the time. The foliage leaves rattled more and more growing closer.

"Quiet." Dick hissed, trying to keep his voice calm. He needed to be prepared for anything, he was on an unknown planet with unknown creatures that might eat people like him for breakfas--- "A raccoon?" What?

""A racoon?" Wally repeated, confusion and shock also in his voice.

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