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Sorry I did not update everything yesterday like I usually do

So here I am with the update you all wanted...Sorry it took so long.

Without further ado...





"So, Parker... " Dick grinned, wrapping an arm around the other "Let's get along shall we?"

"Dude, you are scaring him" Wally laughed a bit munching on a bag of chips he had ransacked from the kitchen cabinet. " The parts are not even in yet and you are scaring away the help."

"I never agreed to help you know. I can say no and leave." Peter frowned, taking off his mask and scratching his hair. "You do realize that this whole thing is insane right? I mean we're a freaky fast guy that is a human vacuum cleaner , a kid who looks no older than twelve who somehow managed to hack into high security SHIELD files not one or twice but five times, and a friendly neighborhood Spider Man who is still on 'probation' for causing a complete mess while battling a man made of Sand."

"We have a man made of clay..maybe we should switch villains sometime." Dick cackled a bit but then went serious. "Pete... we need you on this..we need all the help we can get."

"Not to be the downer on this" Wally cut in "But we aren't doing anything until that Stark guy comes back with the list of parts I got him. Meaning, all we can do right now is twiddle our thumbs. Spider Guy does not need to help us with that." Wally shook his head slightly. "Dude at this rate, we are going to be stuck here for weeks and Artemis will find some other guy!" Wally groaned slightly, still a bit bitter.

Dick rolled his eyes "Wally stop being melodramatic. I said I was sorry didn't I? We will get back home soon. Art likes you, and she will understand the situation."

"We better." Wally looked up to Peter, and sighed. "Well...what are we supposed to do until then?"

"Hey, you guys are in New York." Peter grinned, trying to ease the sudden tension that was accumulating. "What better than to get a superhero tour of the place."


"Spider Man is a menace to society that---"

Dick stared at the large TV billboard "Wow, this guy is not cutting you any slack is he?"

"Jameson? Yeah the guy has the largest stick up his butt. No matter what I do he thinks that I am a crook." Peter frowned underneath his mask.

"Man, if that was me getting all that heat, I would go crazy. What is with that mustache, and here I thought Arrow's was ridiculous" Wally frowned a bit but then realized that the screen was showing now them along with spiderman.

"-- New gang of hooligans that--"

"Oh he did not just call us 'hooligans.' Last time I checked, I helped save the city from a god." Dick frowned and looked for where the camera was, seeing a reporter van not too far away. "What do you think KF? Want to show the public what the Justice League is made of? What happens in a different dimension...stays in a different dimension." He smirked slightly

Wally grinned "In the words of my uncle: be back in a flash" He sped over to the van and grabbed the camera and came speeding back to where the other two were standing. "Time for a close up!"

Peter groaned slightly. They were going to make things worse! There is no way that this was going to go well, and he knew it. These two are insane, he has made up his mind.

"Now that we have your attention" Wally spoke pointing the camera at Peter. "I would like you to meet the hero-- not menace, Spider Man! Last time I checked, saving people made you a hero, you might want to get your eyes checked if you can't see that." Wally soon sped over to a random citizen, pointing the camera at them. "Excuse me miss can you spare a moment?"

The woman blinked slightly,taken aback at the sudden appearance of the kid dressed in the yellow suit. She backed away, holding her son's hand who looked up at the other in awe. ' I---"

"What do you think of my friend Spidey? Hero or Menace?"

Peter could not watch this anymore, he cringed and looked away.

"He helped people out of a burning building next to my apartment. I wouldn't say that he was a bad per--"

"Hero! I love him! He is so cool when he saves people! I want to be like him when I grow up!" The son spoke up, which caused Peter to look back, a bit taken aback.

Wally pointed the camera back at himself. "There you have it folks! Spider Man is a hero that you should learn to respect. Back to you Jameson, hope you get that caterpillar infestation off your face!" And turned off the camera, speeding over and returning it to the shocked camera man before returning to the other two heroes. "What I miss?"

Peter looked up at the billboard to see a shocked and priceless expression on Jameson's face. "Well..that was an interview that will definitely leave a lasting mark.." He shook his head. "You two are insane..are you sure that you are not from this dimension and related to Wade Wilson?"

Dick froze "Slade Wilson?" His expression grew dark.

"No, Wade Wilson..dude that dresses in all red,completely insane, lover of mexican food, and forever a thorn in my side? --Nevermind, it's a long story that he changes every time you ask."

Dick sighed a little, he forgot that this was a different dimension for a brief second. There would be no reason for Deathstroke to be here. "Sounds like quite the character--" Dick was cut off by a beeping noise "What is that?"

Peter groaned and held up his wrist "Communicator, with a probably very angered superspy on the other end."

"Are you talking about the pirate?" Wally asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"This 'pirate' wants to question why you two are outside of the tower." The screen showed the face of a scowling Nick Fury.

The three flinched slightly. "We just went to explore a little and--"

"Return now. You too Spider Man." And with that the screen went back.

"Dude, we are so grounded." Dick sighed a bit, but laughed.

"This is not funny... Fury is going to have my head mounted!" Peter complained, wondering how the other was so calm.

Dick grinned and shrugged slightly. "I have a feeling that we will be fine. Come on KF, let's get going before Spidey here gets a heart attack."

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