Mustard Bottle

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Thank you for The reads! I can't believe how many this is getting. For being a trashed idea that I dug up, it sure is getting more than I expected. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy.



Robin sighed a little bit, glancing at his best friend who was munching on a bag of potato chips, wondering if he could possibly chew any louder. It would be a miracle if Artemis would ever say yes to going out with him" So we could not save anything from the lab, things just got more time consuming." He glanced over to some fried computers, cringing slightly.

Wally looked up from his bag of chips " Sorry Rob, but honestly I would like the new parts anyway... I don't want only some of us returning back.. Just saying—" Wally paused, eyes shooting up and glancing past Dick, a frown forming "did you hear something?"

"It is probably just you chewing obnoxiously.." But Dick paused as well, hearing shuffling noise fill the room. " Okay, I heard it too.." He glanced over to see somethings, or someone move across the wall. Well, that was definitely not normal.

"Dude.. Do they have mutant bugs here? I can't handle that!" Wally complained "Are you sure the Black Widow can't crawl on walls like a spider? " he asked hopefully. "If not, I am getting a bottle of RAID."

"Not that I am aware of..let's follow the way it went." Dick motioned Wally to follow before walking stealthily in the direction of the sound.

"Sure, walk right into danger, the perks of being a hero." Wally grumbles slightly.

"Will you shut it KF,--" Dick paused staring at a man in a red outfit in front of a computer. "Hey!"

The figure flinched "Okay, not my stealthiest moment but you guys--" The figure turned and gawked. "'re not the Avengers."The figure paused, staring at the top kids in front of him

"And neither are you!--wait...are you?" Wally asked, getting elbowed in the side by dick "Ow! What? It was a serious question!"

"He sounds far too young to be an avenger..He is a teenager, maybe there is a Younger version of the Avengers just like--"

"Uh, excuse you, last time I checked you look far younger than me." The figure snapped back, not seeming all that pleased with the blow to his age.

"What are you doing here?" Dick asked calmly, ignoring the comment.

"Well a large power outage in New York catches everyone's attention, and the source came from here. I came to....investigate." The other answered lamely. "And what about you? Last time I checked there were no heroes that looked like a walking mustard bottle." The Figure paused and then jumped a second "Wait a second! I know you! You were that kid that took on Loki the other week!"

Dick stifled a laugh at the mustard comment but tensed when the other brought up the battle with Loki. Wally growled unhappily at the other "If you are a so called hero, why are you creeping around like you are a crook!" He challenged.

"I was about to ask the same question." Footsteps echoed and got louder as Tony Stark entered the room. "You were not permitted access here. I was just curious to see what you would do next." He crossed his arms and rose an eyebrow.

"So, he is a friend or yours?" Dick smirked slightly. "Well, can't judge, I hacked Bats computer all the time now that I think of it. You a hacker--" He glanced out the outfit, observing a spider symbol on his chest "Spider?"

"Close." Tony gestured to the figure. "This UNWELCOMED guest is Spider Man, one of the heroes New York."

"Hey, Fury was not giving answers, and the 'because I said so' was getting old when I asked why I was left out of a freak power outage."

"Our bad.." Wally laughed awkwardly. "That was our fault."

Spider Man turned to face the other two heroes. "What could you possibly do to cause that much power drainage?"

"Travelling to different Dimensions." Dick smirked and looked over to Tony who was rolling his eyes. "I am sure you saw the Trashed lab on your way here."

"I take it that you did not manage to save anything, did you." Tony frowned deeply, almost glaring at Dick, who raised his arms up in defense.

"Hey we tried--"

"Am I missing something here?" Spider Man pointed to the two kids. "These kids are from a different dimension? Like the twilight zone?" He folded his arms. "And here I thought Fury was charging like a million phones." He added sarcastically.

"I like this person.." Dick grinned slightly. "Witty"

"Well you won't be seeing much of him, he needs to leave." Tony grumbled, he did not need a third teen wrecking stuff in his already crumbling apart lab. At this rate, the Tower will fall victim to teen meddling.

"Hey! He could be useful! he looks like he knows his stuff, Stark. Let the Spider stay! The more help , the quicker we get out of your hair."

"Dude, do you think he can really help? We don't even know what his skills are."

"Have a little Faith KF" Dick smirked

"I'll stick to science not fate thank you very much. And this mustard bottle prefers not to work with wall crawlers." Wally huffed.

" Come on Walls, get traught! If he can't help I will buy you lunch for a week when we do get back."

"Does dessert get included in this deal?" Wally Raised an eyebrow.

"Depends on the dessert, Icecream or cake?"

"Both, obviously."

"Is anyone else here find the subject change confusing?" Spider Man asked, feeling lost at the negotiations happening in front of him.

"Finally someone who feels my pain." Tony remarked, rubbing his temples with a heavy sigh. "Get out while you still can, don't let these two suck you in." He glanced back to the two teens who seemed to be negotiating food like it was a hostage situation and making a mental note never to get in between the redhead's food.

Both heroes turned their heads, smiling from ear to ear. "Looks like you will be joining us Spidey." Dick cackled.

Spider Man flinched as the cackle echoed in the room, not sure what he just got himself into.

"Looks like it is too late." Tony shaked his head, giving a look of pity to the Spider. "Good luck Parker, you're going to need it."

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