Hammer Time? Again?

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Wow, I feel very productive today..three updates in one day.

anyways, enjoy 




Tony almost threw up after watching how much that kid could put away, Dick was not kidding when he said that his little friend had quite the appetite. "I am never going to eat again.."

"It is amazing..." Bruce commented in awe. "Due to his speedy metabolism, he is able to eat unmeasurable amounts of food."

"He was kicked out of the Olive garden because he took them up on the offer of all you can eat soup salad and breadsticks." Dick joked but then returned his attention to his friend. "How is the Bat taking all of this, my disappearance."

Wally stopped shoving his face with food and looked up. "Well on the bright side, everyone one is Gotham is too afraid to commit a crime, with most of them ending up in body casts." Wally gulped. "I tried explaining to him what happened to you and--" Wally stopped, groaning a bit. " I was at mount Justice man! I was finally going to ask Art out and POOF!" Wally pulled at his hair, slamming his head into the table. " Man, not my week, I'm telling you."

Dick flinched slightly, feeling a bit guilty for bringing him here. "I'm sorry walls, there was no way of contacting you first..."

"Talk about bad luck." Tony cackled a bit.

"I don't believe in luck, only science, and there was a ninety-six point eight chance she was going to say yes!" Wally sulked. "Dude, you so owe me when we get back, you have no idea."

"We will have to get you back for that to happen." Clint chimed in, though he was amused at the speedsters actions. " You can help..right?"

Wally sat up straight again, almost looking offended. "Of course I can! Why else would Rob come for me for help?"

"Because he knew that you would get on Stark's nerves?" Natasha asked with a smirk in Tony's direction.

"Well now that we have our..team together, let's get this machine up and running." Steve butted in. trying to stop an argument before it erupted.

"Well I can't do much with my lab trashed like this?" Tony grumbled. "And Banner's lab does not have the right parts either, we are going to have to start from scratch." He noted sourly. "Meaning both time ,money, and connections."

"Well I hear your organization has some money to spare I am sure." Dick gave an apologetic smile, they both knew that their return would result in Tony's lab once again. "I will try to make sure that next time there will be minimal explosions."

Tony did not find the boy's words that reassuring in the least. "Well, Back to square one, excuse me while I go and order parts for the tenth time today." He left the room, telling JARVIS to call Pepper for some assistance on his schedule.

"Well..that went better than I thought." Dick sighed before looking back to his best friend. "Looks like we are stuck here for awhile."

"Boy of Wonder and Kid of the Flash" Thor commented, putting down his hammer, and examining the redhead " Perhaps to pass the time, you well tell us tales of your adventures in the other world you live in."

"Dude, who is this guy?" Wally looked up in awe at the Norse God. "What did he have to eat to get muscles like those!?"

Dick snorted at the other's comment. "He is Thor, you know, the God of thunder?"

"There is no way you expect me to believe that!"

"Your friend is speaking the truth" Thor lifted up his Hammer and swung it around, lighting beginning to accumulate.

Tony barged back into his lab, holding his phone away. "Do not destroy my lab more than it already is blondie!" Tony held the phone back to his ear, leaving the room again."

"Dude I am sure that anyone could do that! I am sure that the molecules in the hammer are just disrupted or something when you swing it around."

Thor rose an eyebrow and set the hammer down , gesturing for the speedster to try for himself, though wondering if he would have the same result as his comrade.

Wally walked over and tried to lift it , giving a yelp of surprise when it did not move an inch." Dude! What the heck!?" his face reddened a bit when the others laughed at his surprise. "Did you increase the gravity on it or something? You were able to lift it just a second ago!"

"Dude, It's magic. Only thor can lift that hammer." Dick said between laughs.

"There is no such thing as magic!" Wally protests, not liking the explanation in the slightest."

"Boy of wonder, you forget that you can lift it as well." Thor Pointed out, an amused smile appearing."

"What! Rob can lift it but I can't? Now I know this is rigged!"

"Wow, rude." Dick frowned a little bit but sighed going over and lifting the hammer just to shove it in his best friend's face. "Here~" He put the hammer in Wally's hand and letting go, the hammer hitting the floor instantly with a yelp from a speedster that could not hold it up. That made him laugh even harder. "Admit it Walls, it's totally magic!"

"Okay if it is magic, and I mean IF, why can you lift it and I can not?" Wally crosses his arms, pouting a bit in defeat.

"Something about being a worthy ruler of..Thor? What was the place called again?"


"Thanks Thor..Ruler of Asgard.. the place Thor lives...well when not here at the tower and what not."

"So..does that make you royalty or something? Dude, I cannot see you in a crown OR a viking helmet." Wally smirked.

"Tell me about it." Dick grinned. "No, I am not royalty, Thor is though."

Wally looked back to Thor, paling slightly "Crap, I'm not going to cause some war or something for telling him off am I?"

Thor Laughed. "No little one, your words did not offend me. Stark was the same way when we first met, and he is still to this day trying to lift my hammer."

"Dude, I bet he was not happy when you lifted it up, huh?"Wally let out a relieved and awkward laugh.

"Hey I was just as shocked as he was, literally I almost got struck by lightning and something tells me I would not end up like you." Dick joked. "Now, lets try and salvage what we can find in this lab so Tony does not have a heart attack."

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