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Have no fear, A writer with an update is here!


Dick grinned widely as he started typing coordinates on the computer in Tony's lab, ignoring the many stares he was getting as he did so.

"Tell me again why we are bringing this friend of yours over again?" Tony complained, knowing very well there was a high chance of his systems getting fried.

"Simple ,it is just like it is easier to destroy something than put it back together, The same is apparent for dimension travel." Dick shrugged. "It is easier to pick someone else from a different dimension instead of someone being placed back. Walls can help us with this little problem."

"Does he even know that you are planning this 'pick up' ?" Natasha glanced over the screen with a slight hint of curiosity.

"Probably not. There is no way of communication to the other side. I don't think my cell phone, which can't give service in other countries, can give service in other dimensions." Dick rolled his eyes as Clint chuckled. "Anyone else want the honors of pressing the big red button? I purposely made it red so I can dramatically press it like in the movies." He looked over To Tony "Deal...or no Deal?"

"I was unaware we were making this a game show." Tony scoffed. "Am I allowed to say No deal?"

"Nah, the question was rhetorical." Dick cackled

"I recommend we get this over with before Tony gets cold feet." Bruce laughed, knowing that Tony was dreading the destruction of his lab while at the same time glad that his lab was out of the Boy Wonder's reach.

Dick did a slow 180 in the swivel chair, trying to be as dramatic as possible. "Any last words Stark?" He spoke in a fake british accent.

"Don't make me shoot you." Was Tony's reply before dick grinned and pressed the button.


The smoke in the lab caused everyone to cough, the lights flickering on and off. "Well, I was hoping for more of a bang.." Dick groaned, trying to make a joke but it did seriously hurt when he and his swivel chair flew into the wall.

"Is everyone alright?" Steve called out and did a quick role call.

"Feeling the aster." Dick winced, slowly standing up only to be knocked down by a force that felt like he was nailed by a truck. The smoke cleared enough where Dick could see a glimpse of yellow. "Dude, You need to lay of the chips." He grinned before propping himself up and leaning on his elbows, letting the speedster cling to him.

"I take it this is your 'friend' Son of Gray?" Thor was the first to speak, as the lights finally turned back on thanks to the backup generators. Soon after the smoke completely cleared, revealing another teen in the room for the rest of the Avengers to see.

"Is any of your heroes above twelve?" Tony frowned. Dick said his friend was older, but obviously it was not by much. His lab got trashed for yet another brat to look after. Just his luck.

The redhead looked up, looking Dick right in the eyes, before tackle hugging him again. "Dude I thought you were vaporized or something! Do you know how pissy the Bat has been since your disappearance!?"

Dick laughed awkwardly, his face reddening slightly at the clinginess Wally showed while in front of the Avengers. "Dude, I'm alive, but I won't be for much longer if you keep hugging me to death!"

Wally let go and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry man, it's just good to see you. I figured you were still alive but When I finally figured out what the machine was, I had no idea where you went--" Wally paused, looking up quickly " Where are we and what's up with the walking American flag?"

Dick laughed and motioned to Steve. "I picked up a few few friends in this dimension. They are heroes, like us."

Wally zipped over, removing the distance between him and steve in less than a second, which obviously took them all by surprise. "Sup, I am Kid Flash, A friend of Rob's" He extended his arm for a handshake.

Steve gave a questioning glance in Dick's direction before shaking Wally's hand. " Steve Rogers, Captain America." He introduced but barely got his sentence out before wally zipped pass to shake the hands of the rest of the Avengers, stopping at Natasha.

"Well hello there beautiful." Wally winks

"Walls, I don't recommend that course of action, she is packing heat." Dick grinned and dusted himself off before walking over to stand next to his friend. " This is Natasha, also known as Black Widow.

Wally shivered a bit, never being a fan of the eight legged species. "She does not ..uh.. have extra limbs does she?" HE whispered to robin "Or venomous?"

Dick shook his head as it was Natasha's turn to give a questioning look. "No KF, the limbs you see are the limbs you get, but I am sure she probably has something with poison on her person..so no touching"

"Got it.." Wally gulps slightly before his eyes glanced over to clint. "Let me guess, an archery enthusiast?" Wally was now standing in front of Clint.

" That's Clint, also Hawkeye..just Like Art, his expertise is shooting at people with arrows."

"I think Artemis could use some of those shades, they look totally awesome!"

"Uh...thanks?" Clint blinked, wondering why the kids of this other dimension were so enthusiastic about his eyewear.

"This is not the time for introductions."Nick Fury stepped in, sounding more than a little agitated. The new teen in their midst definitely had superhuman abilities, which to him made him more of a threat. "Are you able to create the machine or not?"

"Dude...who is the pirate, and why does he look like he is trying to master the bat-glare?" Wally hid behind Dick slightly.

Dick as well as the rest of the team struggled to keep a straight face when Wally called Nick Fury a pirate, knowing that the crack could most likely get them shot at by the super spy. Things were definitely about to get more interesting at Stark towers.

"Hey" Wally quickly chimed in, going completely off the subject at hand and ignoring Fury's question. "Anyone else hungry? I'm starving!"

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