Is This A Joke?

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-bursts in with an update-

Oh ,why hello there. Don't mind me little birdies, just minding my own business and actually getting all my updates done and out of the way.




"So you're telling me that lifting that hammer is a big deal?" Robin blinked, glancing at the Avengers and then back at Thor's hammer. "Okay, it must be a fluke." They had returned to Stark Towers and were now sitting in the debriefing area waiting for Fury to arrive.

"Only one way to find out" Tony nodded to Thor, who set down the hammer. "Go for it kid." It still astonished him that the kid lifted it up like it was made of plastic.

"The last time I almost got electrocuted!" Dick shook his head and held his hands up " Not to whelming of a thought being zapped to a crisp" Dick flinched, he was surprised his retinas were not burned at the bright flash he had witnessed. They say lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, but he did not want to test his already rotten luck. "Why don't you lift it Stark, Mr. Ego too big for this world."

Tony rolled his eyes and pushed him to the hammer "Come on, you won't get zapped!" Tony walked over and tried to lift the hammer with a grunt but not moving it. "See? No sparks, this used to be a game you know, to see who could move it. The only one who wasn't Thor was Steve and he only moved it like an inch."

Dick rose an eyebrow, looking and steve for confirmation. When steve nodded, Dick sighed heavily before wrapping his hands around the hilt. He slowly and hesitantly shifted his weight to lift the hammer. Just like before, the hammer lifted off the ground. "..Okay, not a fluke.." he muttered before fully standing up straight with the hammer in his hand. And with his luck not failing him, as he lifted it, none other than Nick Fury walked through the debriefing room doors. Dick quickly set it down and backed away, giving an innocent smile.

Nick Fury gave his usual scowl, giving a questioning glance towards the rest of the Avengers before returning his gaze to the Boy Wonder. "Care to explain what is going on?"

Dick let out an awkward laugh. He was not exactly sure if he was in trouble, or if Mr. Eyepatch was empressed, it was like reading an emotion of a dead fish. "Well, funny thing... Apparently I can lift this hammer..what does that mean again exactly?" Dick wasn't sure if he asked before, but he knew it meant something.

"It means you are worthy." Thor chimed in, looking at Dick with wonder. How could such a small mortal child be able to lift up his hammer.

"Worthy of what exactly?" Dick egged on, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Maybe you should take him there Thor." Tony jokes a bit. "Maybe he will give you a run for your money!"

"Guys..still here, and still not understanding what you are talking about." Dick cut in. He felt like he was being left out of some vital information, who knows, maybe it is the solution to getting back to his dimension.

"The Man of Iron speaks of Asgard, my home." Thor confirmed for the boy. "Those who are able to wield Mjölnir are ones who are worthy to rule and lead Asgard."

Dick gawked for a second, looking around to see if they were joking or not. Even Fury gave a slight nod. "I know I have been called a royal pain..but this is too much." Dick's throat felt dry. "So wait...that makes Thor here a king?"

"A prince." Thor corrected. "My father Odin is still alive."

"Odin , of course...sorry I am rusty on my Norse mythology. I know all about the greeks and romans because of school but no one ever went into the maybe they should change their curriculum.." Dick trails off, getting distracted by his own thoughts. Thor is a prince because of blood and the hammer, so he should not have to worry about being swept up to a throne that is not his, being royalty is not Dick's style anyway. Could you imagine a fourteen year old ruling?Well actually that was not uncommon in egypt in the time of the pyramids..should Dick have to worry about Egyptian gods too?...Anyway, in this case, he guessed being called an excellent leader was flattering enough. When he gets back, Wally will flip when he hears this story. "Yeah, he will definitely be whelmed.." Dick absently muttered to himself, forgetting that he was in the middle of a conversation and was now muttering to himself.

"What?" Tony asked, looking as confused as the rest of the team.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about home and--" Dick paused, something in his head making a connection. "THOR!" he said a little bit too loudly

Everyone jumped at the sudden outburst, though Thor rose an eyebrow when his name was shouted out. "Yes, son of Gray?" he asked in a quizzical tone.

"Asgard you travel there often yes? How exactly? I know you said that it would not be in your expertise, but it actually might be more useful than I thought. " Dick grinned widely, already planning on something that will probably get him killed by a select few. "When working in Tony's lab, I managed to track traces of energy from when I first arrived. If I follow the pattern..."

"Oh no..I know where this is going and I say no way!" Tony held up his hands "Do you know how much energy it will take to bring someone here from your dimension!? All of New York will have a black out!"

"But if I know this person more than anyone, he probably reverse engineered the machine that sent me here and is trying to find a link to this world..he could create the machine here and I will be all set!" Dick grinned. "Besides, what is another science partner Stark? I'm sure there is going to be a lot about him that you would want to pick his brain about."

Tony sighed a bit, considering the possibilities of learning more. He was sure Nick Fury would be more than pleased to have yet another way to improve technology of SHEILD. "One question...How old is this friend of yours? Please dont tell me there is another kid out there that is exactly like you, I might go insane."

Dick laughed "He is older than me if that is what you are asking." He grinned widely. "You will just need to stock up on some snacks..and by snacks I mean an entire grocery store." 

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