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OH LOOK ITS AN UPDATE. Guess who's back and better than ever?! That's right, It's Dick Grayson

Thanks for the 1k views already guys, I mean seriously. I am glad to see I have so many fans for a story I was not even planning on continuing. Well little birdies, without further ado:

ENJOY! -throws update at you-


" There is no way you won! I call hacks!" Clint accused, staring at the screen saying he lost. No one, and he means no one, has ever beaten him in COD, let alone multiple time.

"Memorizing the map is not cheating." Dick grinned. "So, do you want to play again?"

"You said this was your first time playing this game, and I chose different maps every time! There is absolutely no way!" Clint sighed and placed the controller down. "I'm good, I am thinking about going out."

Dick stood up. "Out? Meaning out of this tower?" Dick stepped beside Clint. "I'm going with. The gadgets were fun for awhile, but I think if I try to touch something in Tony's lab one more time,  he will use that fancy suit of his."

"I don't know, Kid.. I don't think fury would appreciate you leaving." Tony walked in. "But yes, I would have set a missile on you if you change JARVIS to an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice again."

Clint sniggered at that, remembering yesterday waking up to ' GO! GET TO DA KITCHEN FOR BREAKFAST!' Tony had not been pleased. The whole day's mission reports and debriefings were said in that voice all day.

"The lesson learned in that situation was not to let a hacker get to that point of boredom. Totally not my fault..well okay it was, and it was asterous."

"Heavy on the 'dis' is more like it." Tony sighed, after having a few games of scrabble, he got used to the teen's odd vocabulary. Not that he would admit it to Dick, but he learned to appreciate the kid's quirkiness.

"Anyways' if you are tagging along, I don't think Fury would care. Hey Tony! if you are coming can we take one of your cars?"

"You are not driving one of my cars!" Tony gawked.

"Common, I drove a spaceship before, I think I can handle a car." Dick chuckled at the confused faces of his temporary teammates.

"No time to go sight seeing, we have a mission. "Steve walked in , grim look on his face.

"Oh no, I know that look." Tony groans a bit. "Can't you tell blondie to keep his brother in line? I don't think I can handle Loki right now."

"Loki? As in like the god of mischief?"

"That is right Son of Gray." Thor, who was behind Steve spoke up. "My brother Loki is planning to take me on again."

"Oh so it is a family squabble. What did you do to cause your brother to cause mass city destruction? Wow an evil brother, family reunions must be whelming."  Well there was Artemis and Cheshire..sisters on opposing sides. But the situation was different, they were both villain legacies considering their mom was an ex villainess and their dad was Sportsmaster.

"He's adopted." Thor said as if it was the entire explanation.

"Ooookkkay then... Wait..can I do the thing? Steve! Can I borrow your shield?"

"We don't have time for this!" Romanoff walked in, rolling her eyes.

"Come on! Just once!"

Steve sighed and handed over the shield cautiously "Just don't throw it. Okay, kid?"

Dick nodded and grinned , holding up the shield in an over dramatic pose, mimicking Steve's voice. "Avengers Assemble!"

"We are already here." Tony said while trying not to grin but failing. "JARVIS, get my suit ready."

'De inmediato el Sr. Stark'

Robin snickered, quickly giving the shield back to Steve before grabbing his mask and running off before Tony could grab him for messing with JARVIS again.


"I have seen odd choices of outfits, believe me, but what is with that helmet?" Dick was thrown against the wall with a thud, wincing a bit. The guy had magic, not traught at all.

"I see that you have a brat with you this time. Are you mortals that desperate?" Loki taunted , walking up to dick and holding him by the collar.

"Loki let him go!" Thor boomed, causing to look up.

"Oh brother, glad to see you have joined the festivities."

Dick did not need much, the second loki let his guard down, Dick got out of the God's grip. "He is right thor, the fun is just beginning" He let out his signature laugh before twisting out of the way and sidestepped out of Loki's reach.

"You insolent--" Loki stopped when he noticed something was blinking on his armour, the next thing he knew there was an explosion and a lot of smoke. When the smoke cleared up, Robin was no longer there. "Show yourself!" Loki demanded, looking around but was soon preoccupied with the rest of the avengers.

Dick sat at the top of a roof, watching the fight. He was not used to fighting in broad daylight, often missions, even with the young Justice League, had coverage from the night. Loki felt like a villain from his own dimension, Klarion: The Lord of Chaos. Lord of Chaos...God Of Mischief, yeah those two would definitely get along. Too bad he did not have Zatanna with him, that would give Loki a shock. Dick grinned at the thought before mentally slapping himself for getting distracted from the fight. He returned his attention to the fight , seeing most of the team down. What did he miss in that brief second? Dick hurried over, jumping onto Loki's shoulders, shifting his weight so that the god would fall to the floor. He could not do much, considering what thor said, Asgardians are pretty durable, How on earth is he going to fight him. Loki was already standing again. "A little help Thor!" Dick called back, taking a few steps back.

"You have a lot of nerve for a child." Loki grabbed his scepter, pointing it at Dick. "Maybe I could have some use for you."

"Thanks but no thanks" Dick did a back handspring back towards where Captain America was, who was standing up after being knocked down. "Hey, how do we stop this guy? Like kryptonite or something!"  Dick's eyes wandered over to the street, where in the middle of debris was Thor's hammer.  Thor had practically thrown across the entire city of New York, Dick almost could see a clear line through the skyscraper foundations that Thor crashed through. He would hate to be on cleanup duty after this. Dick rushed over towards the hammer, Steve was shouting something but the adrenaline told his body to ignore it and go for the weapon. Considering it was Thor's it must be Asgardian; meaning that it should affect an Asgardian.  Robin gripped his hand around the hilt before pulling it up. Apparently he must've done something wrong, because when he lifted it, he earned a glare from Loki, and wide eyes amongst the rest of his team.

"How did you do that?" Loki demanded, taking a step towards the teen. "No mortal can lift Mjölnir! Who are you child?"

Dick blinked a second "What?" He asked dumbly, glancing back down at the hammer in his hands. "What is so wrong with me--" Dick pointed the hammer towards Loki, and just seconds after there was a flash of blinding light .Wait a second, is he going to get struck by lightning!? Dick quickly dropped it and stepped back , hands shooting up. "Nope...No no no." He checked his body quickly for any signs of electrification. He did not feel like he got hit, but it could always be the adrenaline blocking the pain waves. Nothing..but what smells like it's burning? Dick looked up to see Loki on the ground, the rest of the team already seizing the villain, giving  Dick a questioning look and Thor appeared behind the teen, Picking up his hammer. "Okay... seriously, Someone please explain what just happened.." Dick tried to keep his voice level, but he was freaking out. There was a gut wrenching feeling in his stomach saying that he did something he shouldn't have.

"This is not over." Loki gave a sickening grin, and the next thing the avengers were gripping air.

"An illusion!" Thor boomed, the floor seeming to shake as he spoke, and Dick flinched away.

"Contact Fury, we need to tell him that Loki Has escaped." Natasha spoke up. "We do not even know why he was here, did he take anything while he was rampaging around the city?"

"Is no one going to say it?" Tony snapped gesturing to Dick's direction. "Because I as sure as hell want to know how the kid picked up Thor's hammer."

"We need to report back" Romanoff pulled out her communicator. "But we are definitely going to bring it up at the meeting." She glanced over to the boy, who seemed to recover from the idea that he was almost struck by lightning. Not only could he lift the hammer, but he used it...there was something off about that. One thing for sure that she knew, was that it was going to be a long day back at headquarters.

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