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"So you live in a place called "Gotham"? And you are..a hero there." Nick fury sat down at the table. He got the gist of who the boy was, but he wanted to confirm as well as assess where his loyalties lie.

" I know this is supposed to be an investigation, but does the rest of your team need to be behind the one way mirror? I know they are there so in is very anti productive." Dick smiled and waved at the mirror. " why not just grab a bunch of chairs and we could all enjoy the conversation." Dick paused slightly when he got a warning glare from Fury. " Hey, it was just a suggestion" Dick rose his hands up in defense. Why was everyone so uptight? Sure he worked with batman, but at least Bruce appreciated his sense of humor. Patches here must have a heart of stone or something.

"Again, why are you here?" Nick Fury questioned, a bit irritated that the boy in front of him did not find him at all intimidating. Every time he gave the kid a glare, he would first give a slight look of confusion before he smiled in amusement.

" I was transported here by some sort of ray. I am not exactly sure of the functions or science behind it. It could be alien technology." Dick shrugged. Honestly, even with all the technology in this tower, he still had no idea how he was going to get back home. Man, he really wished he was stranded here with Wally, science was always more of his thing anyway.

Nick froze at the mentioning of aliens before slamming his hand on the table, still not even getting a flinch from the boy. " Do you know of the Chitauri?"  Was this kid a part of an invasion? It was unlikely, but he needed to be sure. The Chitauri traveled in a way very similar to the boys, he could not look passed this possibility.

"Isn't that a small dog that shakes a lot and is kept in purses?" Dick had no idea what the man in the eyepatch was talking about, but it seemed like a serious subject. Of course, being himself, he had the need to try and lighten the mood. Yet once again the eyepatched spy did not find humor in his words. Where was Tony when he needed him, at least that avenger had a sarcastic sense of humor.

Tony stood in front of the one way mirror, smirking as Fury continued to question the kid. Clint and himself found the whole thing very amusing. Dick didn't even flinch when the big man demanded answers, he even got a few snide remarks in.  " The kid has spunk, that's for sure."

"Thought you disliked him." Clint chuckled, crossing his arms. " what did you say? 'Too smart for his own good' pot and the kettle Stark."

"I'm just saying that he reminds me a bit of myself."

"I hope he'll freezes over before that happens. We don't need another Tony Stark in the tower. I can hardly handle the one as it is without a bottle of Advil at my side." Clint laughs, pretending to shiver at the very idea of stark. " you are not going to make the kid into a mini you, God help us all."

" Now that's just rude." Tony scoffed " I will have you know that I am very endearing. This place would be dull without me and you know it."

"Will you two shut up" Natasha scowled, trying to listen to the interrogation. She wanted to know everything she could. Information was the number one priority, not making 'friends'.

" The kid definitely has leader potential, I think he could be trusted." Steve noted, watching as the boy talked, using small hand gestures as he spoke, smile on his face. " He seems to love what he does, even in this situation he is telling stories of his endeavors." He even noticed a slight smile on Fury's face a few times, which the whole team knew was very rare.

" The son of Gray is an excellent warrior. Worthy of praise." Thor grinned as he listened to the stories the boy told. " Being a youth no less."

"It's the fact that he is so young, can we really trust a child who has been brainwashed into fighting?" Natasha glanced back at the team, obviously the team does not share her concerns. He did defeat her in a spar, did they forget about that already? He was lethal and no matter how young he was, he was dangerous. Still with that being said, the boy just screamed innocence.She did not want to admit it, but the boy had a bit of a charm to him where his smile was contagious , she caught herself smiling and had to force herself to return to a frown. Perhaps she was being to tough on the boy.

When the interrogation was finished both Fury and Dick stepped out of the room. The team straightened as Fury stepped in front of them. " Avengers, until we get Grayson back to his world, he will be taking part of the team."

Dick froze, this was not part of the deal they had made. All he said was that he could stay in the tower and do research under supervision. Now he was going to be a part of a team he basically knows nothing about and do what exactly, fight crime? What villains does this universe even have that needs an actual Norse God fighting on their side? Come to think of it, he has not seen any sign of chaos since his time here... It seemed relatively calm. " Hold the phone. I thought I was just doing research here at the tower. That is what we agreed on. I don't think your team needs me here.."

"What better way to research your surroundings then to be out in the field. You will take part of the team." Fury deadpanned , eyes narrowing.

It wasn't the bat glare, but Dick knew that this was not going to be up for debate. What on earth did he get himself dragged into?

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