Nick Fury

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"Seriously, 'Traught' is not a word." Tony scowled a bit, staring at the game board. Why he was playing scrabble with the kid was beyond him and the fact that the words he used were not correct irritated him.

"Well, distraught is a word, I don't see why 'traught' would not be its opposite." Dick grinned, gesturing with his hands slightly as he spoke.

"I find this reasonable, the boy of wonders has a point." Thor agreed, sitting adjacent to Dick, staring at the tiles in front of him.

"Have you ever even picked up a dictionary since you've been here?" Tony crossed his arms. Why was he even playing this game. That's right, he was on babysitting duty with Thor until Fury comes to assess the boy.

" This game is boring, can't we go play with the stuff in your lab again?" Dick asked, his blue eyes glancing up at Tony with a childish smile.

No. No way is he letting him back in his lab, he was fiddling with everything in there! Tony glanced at Thor nervously, wanting the God to assist him in distracting the boy, but the clueless looks he was returning gave Tony little confidence in help.

"Do you have a training room?" Dick leaned on the table slightly. " I don't want to get rusty while I'm here."

Tony rose an eyebrow but nodded, but he was not going to fight the kid. From experience from their first encounter, he knew the kid was pretty nimble. But then again, Thor was probably too much for Dick considering he was a god. Perhaps he should get Clint or Natasha. " We do have a training facility–"

"Let's go then! " Dick cut off  before putting his hands back, twisting his body into a back handspring before standing. It has been two days since his arrival and he was already going stir crazy. Not being on missions or patrol means he has all this excess energy and no where to put it. What he wouldn't give to go out and fight crime. He might need to sneak out later to fight some here, that is if his 'babysitters' didn't boost their security after his arrival.

"JARVIS, could you ask Natasha if she wants to meet us in the training room?"


Natasha stepped into the training room, she still not trust their new 'guest' . His eyes were cunning as if he was observing for weaknesses. The kid would definitely make a good spy if he was not one already. She gave Tony a questioning look before glancing at the 'boy wonder'.

"the child wishes for sparring partner" Thor chuckles, gesturing to Dick. " He seems quite water to prove his worth."

Natasha almost smiled at this. You could tell a lot about a person by how they fight. This could be just the thing she needed to find out about the boy. "Very well, I don't mind sparring." Natalia stepped onto the padded wrestling mat. "Even though you are just a kid, I will not go easy on you." She got into a fighting stance ready for the boy to advance. However he did not, the boy side steppers and they circled each other. The boy was patient, not blindly charging into combat. Natasha noted this and checked the boy's stance to see that no openings were present, showing the boy was well trained in combat. At this rate, no one was going to make a move, both their guard was up. Knowing this, Natasha purposely left an opening, seeing if she could lure the boy to make an advance.

The second Dick saw an opening , he side stepped into Natasha's range, ready to strike a punch, however she blocked it effortlessly. As he figured, it was a trap, though what she didn't know is that taking the bait was a trap of his own. He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, trying to doable her movements and get her on her knees. She seemed to be taken aback by this, but quickly recovers, sweeping her legs from under Dick. He let go , falling back but recovering with an agile twist and flip, getting back into a fighting stance.

Natasha was impressed at the boy's nimble form and fighting style. With all the twists and flips, he could be an acrobat. Not only that, the boy was reading her next moves as she advanced. The boy smiled, Natasha knew right then that he was not taking the spar as serious- but it made her wonder how many life threatening fights this kid actually had. The kid advanced again with a kick aimed at her head. The second she blocked and grabbed his leg to offset his balance, the boy's body twisted so his legs were around her neck and pulling her body to the ground in a matter of seconds. Natasha got the wind knocked out of her for a brief second, staring at the training room ceiling before a hand was brought into her field of vision. Recognizing it was Dick's , she slowly took it and pulled herself up.

"Thanks for sparring with me, it was fun." Dick smiled but stopped when he heard a slow clap coming from the door. His body froze and was on full alert at the new presence of a face he has not seen before. The ban was clad women in all black, with an eyepatch. For a brief second, Dick's mind trailed off to the thought of Slade, but relaxed slightly when he realized that none of the other people in the room took his presence as a danger. Though, they did seem on edge about his arrival. Taking this into consideration, Dick concluded that he was a higher up and straightened his body in a diplomatic form of respect. He watched the man advance him along with Bruce and Steve behind him.

"You are very skilled in hand to hand combat, you were definitely raised to fight." It was not a question. From what Fury has heard about this boy, he was a large asset. The boy looked him in the eyes without fear and a small smile graced his features.

" Natasha is also a very skilled fighter. If she took the first advance, she would have beaten me." Dick added in Natasha's favor, adrenaline still flowing through his veins but he resisted the urge to fidget under the man's stare. Not out of fear, but wanting to see if he could also best him in combat.

"The boy of wonders is an excellent warrior!" Thor boomed, placing an enthusiastic back pat to the boy's shoulder, which made him cough slightly at the impact.

"So Banner tells me that you are not from here." Fury got right down to business. He needed to be sure this boy was not a threat to the world. From what he just witnessed, the child could be if he really wanted too.

"I just want to return back to my dimension..I have teammates and family to get back to."

"You mean the one known as 'Bruce Wayne' or the 'Batman'. Fury nodded slightly. He was informed about his situation and Steve's input on his morals. The kid definitely had a rough life, but so did the rest of the Avengers. " I have questions that need to be answered." Fury half expected the boy to be hesitant or plain out refuse his request.. Well more like order to interrogate him, but instead the boy nodded and gave another smile.

"I understand, after all you have to look after your team as well. But, I want to let you know my only intent is to get home, not to harm anyone here."

Fury almost smiled at the boy's diplomatic way of speaking...almost. " I will consider that, now let's go to the interrogation room."

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