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Thor looked over the boy with confusion, he did not seem to worry the rest of the team, matter of fact, most of them were smiling at the youth. What was this about him being to help with his problem? "Stark,explain why a youth is in the meeting room."

Once again, Robin had to explain who he was, his problem and how he needed to get back to his dimension. Although Thor was supposed to help him, he looked absolutely clueless! "So yeah.. Need to get back home and I was hoping that your travel abilities would.. Y'know..."

"I do not believe I could be of help boy of wonders." Thor frowned a bit, setting his hammer down. I have never heard of this world..this is more science." Thor's eyes gazed over to Stark and Banner before back to the youth, whose shoulders slumped.

"... So I will have to reverse engineer the Ray from scratch..." Robin sighed heavily, calculating in his head what basic things he would need. This place obviously was not short on modern technology, he could make something work.

"You're like what, ten? You can't reverse engineer anything, let us help." Stark frowned, the kid was acting like he already had a blueprint in his head. Sure when he was ten he was already studying nuclear fusion.. But this was ridiculous.

" I'll have you know I'm fourteen. Also, screw you ,I'm a mathlete." Yeah he was more than that but he did not feel like explaining." Everything to them.

" A hero at the age of fourteen.." Steve mused a bit.

" Well, I have been a partner of batman since I was nine." Dick shrugged again turning to the one they called Hawkeye. " You have asterous you have another pair that I could have? I don't want to wear this mask all the time and it looks like I'm going to be around for awhile." He smiled widely before sitting next to Clint.

"Why not just take the mask off?" Natasha frowned.

"..Thanks , but no thanks." Dick placed his feet on the table.

"What, something wrong with your face? You can't honestly wear the mask for the whole 'secret identity thing'..right?"

" Wait you let people know who you are? Are you crazy?!" Dick gawked at the group. They just openly say 'hey, I'm a hero fighting crime out in the open be sure to get my good side if you are taking pictures' ? Dick looked at Tony. Yeah, he seemed like the type. Playboy millionaire, and not the fake kind that Bruce portrays, no he is the real deal.

"Wait, you seriously don't let anyone see your face?" Tony mused a bit, staring at the kid.

"Not even to my teammates." Dick frowns

"And I am guessing this Wayne character is the 'Batman' correct?" Steve puzzles together, earning an uneasy look from the young teen. " I will take that as a yes."

"Do not ever speak of his identity outside of this room, we might not be in the same demons ion, but we still have many enemies with a very long reach." Dick sighed removing his mask and setting it gingerly on the table.

Thor eyed the boy of wonder, his eyes were bluer than the skies, showing innocence in them and that he was truly a youth. " You are a child, yet you have many foes as well?" Surely his parental figures would not allow him to go into such dangerous situations.

"Gotham, my city, has very twisted people. Let's just leave it at that. Dick Grayson by the way. Ward of Bruce Wayne."

"Ward, I take it you are adopted then?" Natasha frowned a bit. Was this Wayne character training this child as a weapon?

" He took me in ,yes, made sure that I did not go down the wrong path." Dick's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Wrong path?" Clint asked, leaning in a bit.

" killing my parents' murderer. Instead I took Batman's side and put the man behind the ripe age of nine I became a sidekick." Dick struggled to keep the memories of his family falling to their deaths from resurfacing, but it was difficult. He forced back tears, not wanting these strangers see him cry. "Well that's basically my life story. I would like to leave the topic alone." It was not a request, he would not speak of it again.

Steve observed the boy. He could tell that the boy has gone through many traumatic experiences. It was sad that such a young boy would have to go through this. "... So Tony has a lot of gizmos upstairs in his workshop. Tony why don't you show him a few while we get Fury on the line and explain this...situation." He spoke calmly, trying to ease into a different topic of conversation for the kid's sake. " Perhaps you could find something useful to help?"

" Do I look like a babysitter?" Tony scowled but got a warning glance from Steve. He sighed and stood up. " Bruce, Clint? Want to come along too? I'm sure together we could entertain a kid."

" Not a kid." Dick protested unhappily but smiled at the idea of seeing what kind of tech that this dimension had.  Dick stayed by Bruce and Clint, liking the two more than Stark, the very egotistical hero with a metal suit. " Clint, it's Clint right? Your arrows, do you have wine with high density polyfoam?"

"" Clint rose an eyebrow.

"Bruce we are stopping by your lab, we are going to do some science."

The team watched as the boy started messing with chemicals, Tony gave the other two a questioning glance as if to ask 'should we really let a kid play with this stuff?'

" A friend of mine taught me the chemical composition for these. Anyways I figured if you are helping me out, I guess I could do some show and tell. Hey Clint hand me a few of your arrows." Dick held out his hand smiling."

Clint hesitated for a brief second before handing over four.

" I see you have ones with explosions attached, it is a similar concept, activated by these prongs attaching to a surface." Dick pointed to a canister, attaching it to the shaft of the arrow. "Care to try one?" He handed the modified arrows with a smirk, imagining Clint in a green arrow outfit made him smirk even wider at the thought.

Clint notched the arrow on his bow, aiming it at the wall before releasing it. The second the arrow latched itself, a plastic like  foam substance expanding in a mass about the size of a car and then hardening. Clint whistled slightly, he had to admit it was impressive. And the face the kid made it ten minutes , was even more impressive. "...looks like we have yet another science enthusiast in the building"

Tony scoffed and laughed a bit. Things are about to get a lot more interesting with this kid around.

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