Chapter Forty-One

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A/N: It feels like forever since I last updated this!

Day 38 of Tour: Nevada: Morning – Shopping Mall

The other five had been abandoned by Kirstie in the food court with claims she had to go to the bathroom, but really she wanted to take a closer look at a shop. She glanced at the display in the window, she'd seen this on her way in, it's be perfect and her eyes hadn't deceived her, it looked like scales, one could say dragon scales. It was truly perfect, too bad she was thirty dollars short, so said the price tag at least, and it was already on sale. "Damn it," she mumbled to herself. She took a step back, now she was annoyed, maybe one of the others could lead her to the money?
     By the time she ran back to the table she was out of breath so she just grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him with her.
     "Woah, ow, okay," he half laughed.
     "I want to buy something but I'm thirty dollars short," she barely managed to get out as she rushed him towards the store.
     "Oh no," Scott stopped her, "I have no money left, I fucked up," he was sheepish.
     Kirstie knew exactly what he'd bought, he'd been eating candy non-stop this entire trip, "You spent it all on candy?" She spoke accusingly.
     "In my defence it was really good candy," he held his hands up surrendering.
     Kirstie groaned, "Fine then, go get someone that has money and send them to that jewellery store," she pointed it out, "I'll be there."
     "Can do," Scott doesn't question her, he just went back the way they came and Kirstie made her way to the shop once more.
     "Hi," Kirstie spoke to the saleswoman behind the counter, "I'd like to take a look at one of the rings in the window," she smiled.
     "Sure which one?" The lady asked.
     "The one that kinda looks like dragon scales right down the front," Kirstie could see the lady's confusion that was laced with humour, so the singer offered an explanation as the lady unlocked the drawer and pulled it out. "My boyfriend loves dragons, and I thought the design looked kinda like scales, so...," she shrugged, "Might as well call them dragon scales."
    "What's dragon's scales?"
     Kirstie jumped a mile at the sound of Avi's voice. Of all the people for Scott to send, he sent the one he shouldn't have.
     "Hey Avi, hey, hi," Kirstie smiled nervously, "What cha doing here?"
     Avi frowned, "You asked Scott to send me- or well someone at least."
     Kirstie nodded, "That's exactly what I did... You know what, can I just borrow your card and can you wait outside?"
     "Gladly, as long as you tell me what I'm buying," one eyebrow goes up.
     Kirstie's tongue traced the edge of her teeth as she tried to think of a solution in which this still stayed a surprise from Avi. "Can't you just trust me?" She asked with a hopeful smile.
     Avi was about to answer but the lady behind the counter spoke first, "If he has similar sized hands to your boyfriend then he could try the ring on so we size it correctly the first time?"
     Kirstie's face fell into a scowl as she turned to the lady who clearly hadn't read the situation very well. "He is my boyfriend," she spoke bitterly. "It was supposed to be a surprise."
     The lady behind the counter looked sheepish, "Oh, my bad," was all she said by way of apology.
     "Your bad indeed," Kirstie sighed, covering her face with a hand.
     Avi chose to ignore the fact that this lady's first instinct was that there was no way he and Kirstie were a couple, he pushed past it because he could see Kirstie was upset and that mattered more. He gently squeezed her shoulder as he pulled her in for a half hug so that they were both still facing the counter. "Why are you getting me a ring Kirst?"
     Kirstie sniffed, she didn't know why this upset her so much, it's only a ruined surprise, it's not even a big deal if he knew. She wiped her eye, "I just wanted to get you a ring that you could wear where you used to wear your A Capella ring before you lost it. I know how upset you still are over that and I know this couldn't replace that one, but I thought that maybe if it was from me you might like it," she sniffed again, wiping her eyes again, glad she'd chosen to forgo make-up today.
     Avi smiled down at her, "That's so thoughtful," he placed a kiss on the top of her head, then became suddenly aware of the fact that the saleslady was still watching them. He cleared his throat, his arm around Kirstie became more rigid and she noticed. He scratched the back of his head with his spare hand before he finally spoke again, "So which one are you looking at?" He glanced at the pillow of rings on the counter.
     "That one," Kirstie pointed out with another sniff, "I thought it looked like Dragon scales."
     Avi's smile grew again, "It kinda does look like dragon scales," he agreed.
     "Do you like it?" She asked.
     Avi nodded, "I do very much. But you don't have to buy me a ring Kirst, it's not your fault I lost it. I should have never taken it off," he shrugged.
     Kirstie looked away from Avi and back at the rings, "Well maybe I just want to buy it for you."
     "It's expensive Kirst, 109 dollars, it's too much."
     "That's not expensive for a ring Avi," Kirstie scoffed with laughter. "It's almost November anyways, and you know what that means, it's almost December so it's practically Christmas, I don't care right now if you're Jewish, this can be your present but we'll just get it now," she rushed her words so that Avi couldn't interrupt her like she could see he so badly wanted to during that spiel.
     Avi gave in, "Okay, fine. So do you not have the money now, is that why you need me to buy it?"
     "Oh no, I have most of it, I just need thirty dollars," she explained.
     "Okay, but is that all your money?"
     "Yeah," she nodded.
     "So then what do you plan on using for the rest of the trip?"
     Kirstie's smile dropped, "I didn't think about that."
     Avi laughed, "I can see that. You still sure you want to get me the ring?"
     Kirstie nodded slowly that turned surely, "Yes."
     "Okay, I'll pay for it now and you can pay me back when you get the money," he shrugged.
     "Sounds good," she smiled.
     The ring turned out to be the perfect fit so it didn't need resizing at all and they left the store with Avi wearing the ring, both of them smiling, hands linked together.

A/N: How are we feeling about a more lighthearted chapter this time?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)


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