Chapter Forty-Two

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Day 39 of Tour: Nevada: Early Morning – Hotel

Kirstie sprung up in her bed, "It's Halloween!" She threw the covers off and jumped out of the bed, launching herself at the door, she was lucky the person she'd shared a bed with slept like a rock.
     Esther was on the couch bed and Kirstie dropped to her knees beside their tour manager. She gently shook the brunette's shoulder, "Esther, Esther, we almost forgot Halloween."
     "You're an adult," Esther grumbled, "You need to calm the hell down, it's just Halloween," she squinted at the girl in front of her, her eyes had to adjust, but more importantly: she needed her glasses.
     "I need to figure out a costume," Kirstie stood up, totally disregarding Esther's words. "Do we have time to go shopping before the show today?"
     "I don't know," Esther groaned, she knew it wasn't even six thirty yet because that's when her alarm would go off. "Go wake Avi and talk to him, he'll be thrilled."
     Kirstie knew that was a lie but she was going to do it anyway. She went back into her and Avi's room shutting the door behind her. Kirstie covered Avi's nose and mouth until he woke up, he was startled, as usual, but she just smiled at him. "Good morning gorgeous," she said before he could get mad at her for waking him up.
     "Hi," he replied. "Did I sleep in?" He slowly sat up.
     "Nope," Kirstie grinned. "Do you know what today is?" She bounced a little in her spot.
     "It's Halloween!" She squealed and climbed over him to get back to her side of the bed, to which Avi's entire body went rigid but Kirstie didn't notice, she was far too excited. "I can't believe we almost forgot."
     "I can't believe you almost forgot, if I remember correctly you told me you were obsessed with Halloween," Avi chuckled. "What's the time anyways?"
     "It's time to figure out our costumes!" She got louder.
     "If it's before nine then I'm gonna be pretty mad," Avi picks up his phone from the bedside table and Kirstie smacked it from his hand.
     "I've never had a boyfriend on Halloween, we could do a couples costume."
     Avi chose to ignore the fact his phone was on the ground, "It's before nine isn't it?"
     "We might have to figure out costumes just from what we have, difficult but not impossible," she nodded.
     "Is it before eight?" Avi asked with as much patience as he could muster.
     Esther never gave me a straight answer about whether we have time to get to the mall before our performance," Kirstie sighed.
     "If it's before seven then I won't talk to you for the rest of the day."
     "Do you want to go in the pool? We can do what we did that other time but also talk about costume ideas?"
     "Might be real difficult if I'm not talking to you," Avi spoke bluntly. "What is the time Kirstie?"
     Kirstie's hands twirled in her lap, "Please don't not talk to me," she frowned.
     Avi slumped back against the headboard, "It's before seven," his arm rested across his eyes.
     "It's before six," Kirstie corrected him.
     Avi groaned, "Why?"
     "Because I love Halloween and I'm excited for it, and I'm sad I almost forgot it and I'm sorry I woke you up early, I knew you wouldn't like it but Esther said to," she pointed at the door.
     Avi lifted his arm to look at Kirstie, "Did she now?"
     Kirstie nodded quickly, "She sure did Avriel."
     "Nope, I'm too mad at you to accept the use of the word Avriel," he shook his head.
     Kirstie smiled just a little, "Okay, whatever, since you're awake now anyways and no one else will be up yet, we can go in the pool again like last time!"
     Actually I just want to go back to sleep and get up at a more humane hour," he nodded.
     "Aww, come on Avi, please!" Kirstie begged.
     "Kirst," He whined, "We didn't go to sleep till past midnight, how on earth are you this awake?"
     "I don't know, I just am," she pouted. "Did you know if you go in the pool it'll wake you up?"
     "Yeah, or I could fall asleep and drown," he joked.
     "Haha," she spoke mockingly and shoved him, "I'm starting to get the vibe that you don't want to hang out with me," the pout reappeared.
     "Aww, Kirst it's not that I don't want to hang out with you, because I always want to hang out with you, just not right now because I'd like to sleep some more."
     Kirstie's pout didn't falter, "Please Avi?"
     He sighed, "I actually have a better idea, how about you go back to sleep too, we could even cuddle till you fell asleep?" He held his arms wide open.
     Kirstie's eyes narrowed, "Tempting."
     "But you're not gonna are you?" He dropped his arms.
     "No, I might, I'm deciding," she pretended to stroke her fake beard then with a giggle she reached out to stroke Avi's actual beard.
     He couldn't help but laugh too, "You are such a dork," he chuckled.
     "Well dorks date alike, so you should come in the pool with me!" She got louder.
     Avi's head tipped back and he tried to stop laughing, to act mad, but he couldn't. Instead he sat up and pulled Kirstie into a hug and back to lie down.
     She tried to pull back, full of laughter, but he was stronger, so she gave in, laying her head on his chest and her hand beside it, the other arm was under him, so it was trapped, she was trapped but she didn't mind.
     "You know what?" Avi said and Kirstie was sure she could hear his voice in his chest.
     "I'm actually wide awake now," he chuckled, and Kirstie loved that feeling against the side of her face, it was like his chest vibrated with the sound, she'd never experienced this before, it was awesome.
     "Keep talking."
     "About what?" Avi chuckled.
     "Actually keep laughing, that's even better," she angled her head just so she could smile at him.
     "What's going on here?"
     "Did you know that your chest vibrates when you talk, just a little, but still... keep going," she tapped his chest.
     "Anything, as long as it means we're staying here and just chilling rather than going in the pool."

A/N: Just some cute fluffy Kavi, lol XD

And I can't think of a question this time, so please just vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)


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