Chapter Thirty-Four

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Day 28 of Tour: New Mexico – Hotel.

The second high school they were supposed to go to in Colorado cancelled the performance after what happened at the theatre. But Pentatonix put it behind them and moved on (despite Esther's disappointment lingering), no other schools have cancelled so it was proving pretty easy to do so. They just had to make sure they didn't do anything else stupid, and that could be harder seeing as the Trio didn't surrender the left over alcohol, it was still hidden in Scott's bags. Scott had to be careful every time he got something out that they didn't clunk together despite being wrapped in his t-shirts, this was covert stuff.
     "The fact that the last motel didn't even have a pool was a real let down," Scott spoke loudly as he dug in his bag for hid swim shorts, he had to keep talking just in case. "But this one is so fancy that it has an indoor pool," he grinned. "And it's like right down the bottom, practically underground," his hand clasped down on the correct fabric and he breathed a sigh of relief, because why did Esther have to be so close to him right now? "Is anyone gonna come in the pool with me?" The blonde asked hopefully.
     "You know what, I might do," Esther looked up from her planner.
     "Yeah, I should probably take a break myself," Kevin commented, rubbing his eyes after taking off his glasses.
     "We could all go?" Kirstie suggested, looking between Avi who was beside her and Mitch that was on the armchair on his phone.
     "I guess," Avi sighed.
     "First I need to get red bull for later, I saw some in the vending machine," Mitch stood up and turned to Kirstie, "I'll need some help."
     "How much red bull do you need?" Kirstie asked but followed him anyway.
     "All of it," Mitch answered as they left the room.
     "I'm getting changed," Scott announced, entering the bathroom.
     The other three state searching for their swimwear, Esther being super organised found hers first and got into the bedroom so Kevin and Avi had to wait their turn.
     "Why do you think that Mitch wants red bull?" Kevin asked.
     "Maybe he's tired, wants some energy," Avi shrugged.
     "Do you think he was being sarcastic then when he said he was going to get all of it?"
     "Probably," Avi agreed. He entered the bathroom as Scott vacated it, and Kevin the same with Esther and the bedroom. Avi forgot something and had to come back for it, Esther raised an eyebrow at her brother but she knows how he is so she doesn't question it.
     Kirstie and Mitch were back quickly, Mitch was holding two cans and Kirstie was holding about six.
     "Did you clear out the machine did you?" Esther asked with a smile.
     "Of red bull yes," Mitch replied, directing Kirstie where to put them.
     Kirstie gathered her bathing suit and waited by the bathroom door. Avi stepped out for Kirstie to push past and close the door behind her. She was the last one because Mitch just changed right where he was, even though Kevin had vacated the bathroom. The other four people in the room averted their eyes, as you naturally would.
     Scott frowned; he looked Avi up and down, seeing as the bass was in front of him now after they turned around for Mitch's privacy. "Why are you wearing a shirt Avi? You do remember it's an indoor pool?"
     "I always wear a shirt when I swim."
     "But why?"
     "I just do okay, leave me alone."
     Scott's frown deepened, "It's weird Avi, you're not gonna get burnt."
     Esther eyed up the tall blonde, he really wasn't going to bad-mouth Avi again was he? Piss everyone off a second time?
      "It's not weird, it's nothing to do with you, just mind your own damn business please," Avi snapped.
     Kirstie entered the lounge to raised voices; she hated it, why did Avi and Scott have to clash like this?
      "Okay, wow, there's no need to get loud, calm down, it's just a stupid t-shirt!" Scott got louder himself.
      "I am calm; I'm just loudly but calmly asking you to leave me alone!" Avi responded. "You know what, all of you just go. I'm just gonna stay here, just... yeah," Avi dropped onto the sofa.
     Scott immediately left the room, Mitch was more hesitant but he did follow Scott. Kevin, Esther and Kirstie didn't move, and Avi noticed that.
     "Go swim, don't let me spoil your fun," he gave the three of them a half smile.
     "You're sure?" Esther asked.
Avi nodded in reply, "Go on, it's all good, and don't be mad at Scott. I'm not even mad at him, I just realised I don't want to go swimming," he let out a half-hearted chuckle.
     "Okay," Esther replied sceptically but slowly started to make her way out the door with Kevin behind her. Kirstie stayed put, she waved the other two on, she'd stay a moment longer.
     The false blonde whose roots were starting to show, yanks at the back tie of her halter swimsuit to undo it but holds it together as she stepped in front of him. "My shoulder's a little sore; could you tie this for me?"
     Avi stood up again, "Sure."
     "Thank you," she let him take the pieces of fabric and dropped her arm, pulling her hair out of the way at the same time. "What's wrong?"
     Avi let out a half laugh, "Nothing's wrong Kirst."
     "I didn't catch what Scott said but I did catch the yelling," she frowned.
     "It doesn't even matter," Avi finished tying her swimsuit.
     "Clearly it does if it's stopped you from coming swimming." Kirstie turned around; looking up at Avi she took his hands.
     Avi sighed, "He just made another crack about my swimming t-shirt."
     Kirstie looked down at the item in dispute. "I want to ask why myself, since the pool is inside, but you do you, so I didn't ask and I won't because I don't want to upset you," half her mouth curled upwards.
     Avi stayed quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath to get his nerve up, "I don't like taking my shirt off in front of people because I don't like how I look."
     Kirstie's bottom lip popped out, "Aww sweetie," she cooed and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm sure you look fine, we are after all our own harshest critics."
     "I'm not exactly fit," he grumbled into her shoulder.
     "So what if you're not, I'm not either." She pulled back a little as he scoffed so she could see his face, "What, you think I look good?" She raised an eyebrow.
     "Well yeah," he laughed, his cheeks heating up a little.
     She shrugged, "And I think you look good, so where does that leave us?"
     He shook his head, "You haven't seen me without a shirt on so-"
     "Well I'd like to if you'd let me."
     "Um... uh, not now, not yet," he shook his head again.
     She shrugged, "Alright, well I'm gonna go for a swim, I hope you come down too, shirt or no shirt, I'll be happy to see you either way," she gave him one of her side smiles before she stretched the small distance to peck him on the lips.

A/N: So that was a thing, it wasn't the thing, but it was something XD

Why do you think Mitch wanted the red bull? And is Avi going to go down to the pool?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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