Chapter Thirty-Three

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Day 24 of Tour: Colorado – After the Show

"That was the worst performance you've ever done. I'm actually so disgusted and disappointed, you have no idea!" Esther ranted.
     Kevin was disappointed too, but he'd chosen silent disappointment, it was worse.
     Esther turned to Avi, "I cannot believe you bought them alcohol!"
     "We basically made him," Scott interjected.
     "He thought it was a bad idea," Kirstie added.
     "But I still did it," Avi sighed.
     "Exactly," Esther snapped.
     "So what are you going to do, punish us?" Mitch raised a rebellious eyebrow.
     "I'm not going to punish you, but there's no way the four of you will be left together again for the rest of the tour."
     Mitch rolled his eyes as he slumped back in his seat.
     "And how do you plan on making sure that happens?" Scott sassed. "We've gotten drunk before Esther, it's no big deal."
     "I don't care what you do in your own time okay, when you're back at school. But right now you are out and about representing the University of California Los Angeles on their dollar, if you mess up really badly they will expel you. And what you did today, last night, it was reckless. I won't report you, but let's hope no one else noticed that you were all so hungover today that you couldn't carry a fucking tune!" Esther stormed out of the room leaving the five members of Pentatonix behind.
      "Well now you can't leave Kevin, since we're babies and can't be left alone together," Scott snarked.
     "Scott," Kevin sighed. "Please just stop, it's really not worth it. Now I need to do some homework before bed so I'd really appreciate it if y'all would stay quiet."
     "Just first," Avi said to get Kevin's attention. "I'm sorry for what we did Kevin, it won't happen again. And does this mean the sleeping arrangements have changed?"
     "I know you're sorry and I really hope that's the case," Kevin acknowledged Avi's apology. "And I would think so, I have to stay here with two of you, then-"
     "I'm not sharing with Esther," Scott spoke quickly.
     Avi turned to Kirstie, "Can you share with me and Esther, help me navigate that?"
     Kirstie nodded, "Yeah but you can share a bed with her," she spoke of the two double beds situation.
     Avi quickly shook his head, "Nope."
     "Avi, she's your sister," Kirstie complained.
     "No, we'll just leave her to herself, give her some space... me and you could share?"
     Kirstie's eyes widened.
     "Or if you don't want that I'll sleep on the floor or the couch or something."
     Scott, Mitch and Kevin watch the conversation with surprise themselves.
    "No-no-no, no, no we can share," she replied almost too quickly, she didn't want to make a big deal or a smart comment so as to not scare him off. "Esther totally needs some space," she added.
     "Smooth," Scott coughed into his hand.
     Kirstie glared at her pain-in-the-butt best friend.
     "Well I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go now, goodnight," Avi left the room and Kirstie immediately followed, she didn't even bother saying goodbye to the others or anything, following Avi was so much more important.
     "I think I'm in shock," Scott snickered, just managing to hold back his laughter.
     "Don't be a smart ass," Mitch scolded him with a shove.
     "Ow, god, sorry," Scott scowled. "Okay, I'm gonna go in the pool."
     "Please do that," Kevin didn't look up from his massive pile of books and what not that he'd already gotten out and set up study. "And when you come back, comeback quietly," he added.
     Scott saluted him as he went into the bathroom.
    "It's dark," Mitch glanced over at Kevin with confusion.
     "Just let Scott be Scott," Kevin shrugged, not bothered either way.


Kirstie got into the bed first, mostly because she'd gone into the bathroom to get changed first because Avi was a gentleman like that. Esther was in her room and Avi and Kirstie just left her to herself, didn't announce themselves or anything.
     And when Avi does get into the bed he's so relaxed that Kirstie has to wonder what's taken over him, or has Esther's chat really worked? She knew nothing sexual would happen between them but this seemed like a big step in the right direction. He got into the bed with no fuss, like it was natural; he didn't sit somewhere else on his laptop for four hours to avoid her.
     Kirstie was reading her book when she started to notice how fidgety Avi was getting, and he was just sitting there, he wasn't reading or on his phone or anything, just fidgety sitting there.
     "Avi, what?" Kirstie asked, since she wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to her, and then she wished she hadn't sounded so rude, because what if he did want to talk to her and her being rude made him retreat back into his shell.
     But he didn't retreat; he was hesitant with his words though. "How stupid is it that I feel like I need to ask you how to initiate kissing?" His face went bright red and Kirstie's smile appeared as he kept talking. "Like we've kissed before, but ever since Esther talked with me I'm very conscious of how little I've done to show you my interest in you. And now I'm not even confident in how to initiate fricken kissing."
     Kirstie giggled as she put her book down.
     "It's not funny," Avi whined.
     "It's hilarious you dork," she smiled.
     "Hilarious or not, would you prefer it if I asked or if I just kissed you?" Avi turned to her, "Or is there times that I can just kiss you and times that I can't, and if so what are they?"
     "Avi, calm down okay, you're overthinking it, it's just kissing. I'm not even sure I know the answers to those questions myself, it's more about reading vibes, romantic settings and appropriate times, but all that's just intuition and it comes with practice," Kirstie shrugged.
     "And I haven't had a lot of practice," Avi nodded. "But I'm still just as confused, like I know how to, just not-"
     "When? Yeah I understand babe," Kirstie interrupted him with a warm smile. "Now's a good time," she added, trying to be as nonchalant as she could.
     "See, I kind of gaged that when you put your book down and gave me your full attention," Avi explained.
     Kirstie giggled, "Then why are you still talking?"
    Avi smiled, his cheeks seemed to go even redder, "Oh right."
    "Right," Kirstie shuffled closer to him and they lent in, lips finally meeting in the middle, slow but meaningful. They both couldn't help but smile into the kiss and Kirstie' positivity boosted Avi's confidence and he slid closer to her to close the gap between their bodies. They took moments to breath but their kisses deepened and Kirstie wrapped her arms around Avi's neck, he her waist so their chests were flush against one another. It was a slightly awkward position to be in long term but Kirstie didn't want to freak Avi out by slinging a leg over him or anything.
     She let him lead, that was the only way she could be sure he'd be comfortable, and that meant that she couldn't completely lose herself in the moment like she so badly wanted to. Kirstie had to keep her wits about her because the last thing she wanted was for Avi to not want to do this again, that'd be agony. So slow and steady does it.

A/N: Who (besides Esther because obviously it's her) is the most angry or pissed of character at the moment?

Hope you liked the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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