Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: So I'm kind of inspired for this story again, woo XD

Day 12 of Tour: Oklahoma: Morning

"Please, please Esther, please!"
     "We don't have time Avi," Esther sighed.
     "Yes we do, we have all afternoon free, we got the show and then nothing else all day, please Esther," Avi clasped his hands together, ready to drop to his knees if he had to.
     "Everyone wants to do homework this afternoon."
     "I don't! I mean I don't have any," he corrected himself. "Esther please, you know how much I love western stuff, almost as much as medieval stuff, please?" He begged.
     "I don't know," she was starting to come around.
      "If no one else wants to go it could just be me and you, I'd go buy myself if I had to."
     "You really want to go that badly?"
     Avi nodded so quickly that Esther wouldn't have been surprised if his head had come off.
     Esther paused to think for a moment, "What time do they close?"
     "Five," Avi answered.
     "And the performance will be over by lunchtime, we grab a bite to eat then whoever wants to come along can and whoever doesn't we'll drop back at the hotel," she planned.
    "Yes!" Avi cheered. 
     Esther smiled, she loved seeing her little brother happy, so if she had to an Old West museum she would, and it'd make him smile so it'd be worth it.

     Scott and Mitch did not want to go and nothing in the world would be able to make them go! They must have expected more of a fight back from Esther because they were dumbstruck when she didn't care, she was more than happy for them to stay behind.
      Kirstie was eager to go, she didn't care for the Old West exactly but she could see how buzzed Avi was about it that it made her excited for it. Kevin had a ten minute debate with himself about whether or not he could take time away from his homework, he couldn't. At least he couldn't until Esther pulled up at the hotel and Scott and Mitch got out but Kevin didn't, he'd changed his mind.
     "I think I want to go," Kevin spoke quickly.
     "Okay then," Esther replied. "If that's the case though then you might want to shut the door."
     Kevin stared at the door, "Actually I might get in the front," he was in the middle of the SUV, he'd been sitting with Scott until the blonde had gotten out, Avi and Kirstie were still in the very back, but climbed through as Kevin got out. Kevin slid into the front seat where Mitch had previously been and gave Esther a strained smile.
     "Are you sure you want to come Kev?" Esther raised an eyebrow.
     "Avi, please convince me that I want to go," Kevin begged of his best friend.
     "Well Kev, you can't go through this trip having no fun, and you love museums, you know you do," he smiled, getting a smile from Kevin too.
      "Alright, let's go," Kevin shut the passenger side door and Esther pulled out.
     She did have to go back through when Scott chased them because he didn't have the key.

Scott and Mitch chilled in the pool, well Scott did, Mitch was sure the pool did not meet hotel standards, it was disgusting, worse than the one Avi refused to go in the other day. But of course Scott was determined to go in every pool at every hotel or motel they stayed at for the duration of the tour no matter how disgusting it was. He was at four of four and had many more pools to come.
     "Please don't drown," Mitch told him, "Because I won't jump in to save you," he smirked.
     Scott spat out water, ready to gag, "If you saw me drowning I reckon you'd jump in."
     "I wouldn't be able to pull you out Scott, you'd drown me before we got to the edge," he scoffed.
     "Well I wouldn't let you drown," he spoke, a little hurt.
     "Okay, get out, now I'm scared you're gonna drown," Mitch rolled his eyes, but he was serious.
     "I'm not getting out because you told me to," he swam over to the stairs. "I'm getting out because I'm worried I'm gonna become radioactive or something if I stay in here any longer."
     "It's more swamp than pool Scott," Mitch joked.
     Scott smiled, "True, well I'm gonna go wash this swamp gunk off me then." He and Mitch left the pool area, it was an outdoor pool at a hotel, and it wasn't a great hotel either. Fancy hotels normally have their pools inside anyway, at least in Scott's experience.
     Scott and Mitch were oddly okay with each other now. The first couple of days had been super awkward, especially when Scott drove and Mitch was always in the front seat, so... awkward. Twelve days in and they were doing just fine, it was just the two of them at the hotel and they didn't feel the need to rip each other's throats out, it was looking positive.
     Mitch sat on his phone while Scott took a shower, a long shower, anyone wanting to take one later would be shit out of luck, but that was a problem for later. Scott stepped out of the bathroom and Mitch finally looked up from his phone.
     "About time," the brunette commented.
     Scott pulled a face before he threw his stuff in the general direction of his bag. He saw the look Mitch gave him for it and replied, "Don't worry, I'll tidy it before they get back."
     "Just tidy it now," Mitch shrugged.
     "Why do it now when I can do it later?"
     "Why do it later when you can do it now, when it's fresh in your mind and you won't forget about it, which you inevitably will," he snarked.
     "Oh my god, chill."
     "No, you can shut-up, I brought twice as much stuff as you and yet there's no mess, the only person worse than you is Kirstie, and yet none of her stuff is out."
     "That's because Avi is tidying it because he's as annoying as you."
     "Yeah well maybe if you weren't such an asshole you'd have a boyfriend to tidy things for you too!"
     Scott was in shock, how dare Mitch! "Get out of my room," he snapped.
     "It's the fucking lounge, you can't kick me out!" Mitch protested.
     "As long as I'm sleeping here it's my room and I want you to get the fuck out!"
     "Fine," Mitch jumped up, "You know what, I won't even sleep in this hotel room because being this close to you makes me physically sick, I'll swap with Avi, and I'll tell him that you think he's annoying, so good luck with that. You're gonna end up with no friends the way you're going cause Kirstie' not gonna appreciate that either," Mitch knew he was being too mean, but he couldn't help it, Scott was infuriating him.
     "Jokes on you asshole, Kirstie's already mad at Avi since he won't have sex with her, he's not gonna sleep in the same bed as her, he won't even touch her. This is just gonna make you look like a dick for making him go in the same room as her."
      Mitch shook his head in disgust, but his volume did get lower, "No Scott, the only one who looks like a dick right now is you for telling me that. Kirstie would have told you that in confidence, you're turning out to be to be a pretty shit friend Scott. But because I'm a good friend I won't tell her, and save poor Avi the embarrassment. Just don't bother talking to me for the rest of the tour okay." He left the room, he didn't wait for a reply, it was okay though because Scott didn't give one.

A/N: Sorry about that... but you know stuff has to happen so... is Mitch a good friend?

Hannah :)

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