Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: I might update this again tomorrow, I'm on a real roll with it :)

Day 15 of Tour: Kansas: St Johns High School

Most of the group weren't talking to each other at this point, only 15 days in and everyone was sick of each other. The confined space of the SVU wasn't doing anyone any good.

Kevin had isolated himself, when he wasn't performing with them he locked himself in a room to do homework, he had a lot of it. He stopped only to eat, take bathroom breaks and sleep; he probably needed to shower more than he was, it'd only been two days since the trip but still; they could see where this was going. And besides they didn't even remember, so that was upsetting.

Mitch refused to be in the same room as Scott with the only exceptions being on stage and in the car. But the less he had to sit or stand next to the tall blonde, the better. Mitch didn't feel comfortable talking to Kirstie knowing that she was sharing far too much with Scott, sure the two of them were best friends but there had to be a limit. What if Avi knew, knew that Kirstie would run off and tell Scott everything and that's why he didn't want to take any steps further with her. That brought him to feeling so bad for Avi that it was hard to talk to him too, it wasn't Mitch's place to interject in their relationship, and he knew that if he talked to Avi too much that he'd say something he shouldn't.

It wasn't that Scott didn't want to talk to the others; it was more that they didn't want to talk to him, even Kirstie. He'd fucked up, a blow up with Mitch and now no one is talking to him.
The group would go through the motions of the performance; their cover of OMG was going over really well and it was more comfortable for the band to perform before Dog Days. But being winded or unfit or whatever was the least of their problems.
    Scott knew why Mitch wasn't talking to him, and he took comfort in the fact that Kevin wasn't talking to anyone: so at least that's one person who didn't hate him, he hoped. Esther hated him, but then again she hated anyone that had even a minor discrepancy with her brother, that's just who she was.
     Avi was in a mood with the blonde, not talking to him obviously, which Scott thought was stupid, it was one damn word: 'annoying.' Scot had been called that a million times but did he act like a whiny baby about it, no. But the fact that Kirstie was mad at him was what got to him, the worst thing was that he knew that if he made up with Avi, that Kirstie would forgive him. But Avi's acting like a baby and Scott's not gonna apologise for being honest.

Kirstie didn't understand how Scott could call Avi annoying, what did Avi do to him? Is Scott pissed off because Kirstie's spending too much time with Avi and not him? Because if so he needed to man up and tell her, and apologise to Avi because that was uncalled for, Avi was not annoying. Scott's just being a dick all around because he was still cut up from the break-up with Mitch.
     Esther seemed to be in a grouchy mood, Kirstie assumed it was because Esther is a beyond over-protective older sibling. And because of that Kirstie couldn't handle talking to her for fear of being snapped at, she had felt that wrath before and didn't need to feel it again.
     Kirstie wanted to talk to Avi, about the serious stuff, they were having basic conversations just fine, but Kirstie thought if they had one big serious conversation everything would start to sort itself out with them. It's funny though because if Avi is scared to talk to Kirstie, it was making Kirstie more and more afraid of talking to him because what if whatever it was that happened was entirely his fault, that he wasn't the innocent and kind person they all thought he was and she ended up hating him because of it?

Avi was grumpy that Kevin wouldn't talk to him and he had no idea why Mitch wouldn't look him in the eye; if Mitch wasn't gay Avi would have assumed it was something to with Kirstie or even Esther. But most of all he was just mad at Scott, not even mad though, Scott upset him, what did he do to annoy Scott? Or is Avi just a person that annoys everyone and was Scott just the first person to come clean about it? Either way Avi felt crappy about it. And even though Avi knew why Kirstie wasn't talking to Scott, he didn't know why she wasn't talking to Avi himself much either, and that made him more upset.
     Esther was talking to him, but not much because ever since the museum everyone's been quiet for some reason or another, the car rides were downright painful.
     Avi wanted things to be better, but he didn't know how to make it so. He felt like the only person he knew well enough to help was Kevin, but Kevin didn't need help, Kevin just wanted to focus on his assignments which was fair enough, they should all care about their school stuff as much as Kevin. But was it bad that Avi didn't feel like he knew his girlfriend well enough to help her, they'd been dating for four months now and he didn't know how to talk to her about things they need to talk about. Avi was scared; he'd go as far as to say terrified, what if she asked the same question his own sister did? 'Well you didn't, did you?'

It was all well and good to joke about Esther being tour mom, but right now she felt like a failure. All her tour babies were arguing, or more accurately: not talking to each other. She was wracking her brain to try and come up with an idea to solve everything, but she couldn't figure it out. But how could she even being to figure it out when she doesn't know any of the full stories. There are some chats that need to be had.
      The only member of the group that wasn't giving her any trouble was Kevin, in fact he's a true role model for the others right now. Sure he wasn't talking either but at least his reason was legit and everyone knew and understood what it was. And yes, she was at least a little bit mad at Scott for calling her little brother annoying, but really that was Avi's problem to deal with, not hers. Esther needed to think of – Holy shit, they forgot Kevin's birthday!

A/N: So many questions to ask I can't pick one, so if you like you pick a question someone in the story asked and try to answer it, that'd be fun right? XD

Hannah :)

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