Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: Another update on this one cause I'm super inspired for it, it also took me forever to type up that's why I haven't updated anything else, sorry :P

Chapter 26

Day 15 of tour: Kansas – Hotel: Afternoon

"You mean you knew and you didn't tell me!" Esther smacked Avi upside the head.
     "Ow," he complained. "Of course I remembered, he's my best friend, but Kevin didn't want a big deal made. But I'm starting to think now the fact that no one remembered has upset him."
     "Of course it upset him! All of your friends forgetting your birthday, I can't even imagine how upsetting that would be," she groaned, pushing her glasses to her head to rub her eyes.
     "Well not everyone, I remembered," Avi shrugged.
     "Okay, quit rubbing it in would you," she sighed. "I don't care if he didn't want a big fuss, we have to do something... I'm gonna go buy a cake, right now, and tell the others we're going out to dinner, my treat, dress nice. And tomorrow we have the theatre at night, so... um, you find something fun that Kevin will enjoy, but do it now because you don't take long to get dressed," Esther rushed, then snatched the keys off of the coffee table and left Avi in the room by himself.
     Kevin was in the next room with Kirstie and Mitch doing class work of course and Scott was most likely in the pool, he seemed to not mind going in by himself at the moment, that's not surprising though since no one was talking to him.
     Avi googled 'fun things to do in Kansas,' and didn't know if he was just being picky or was there not much to do? There were a lot of parks to pick from, but this was for Kevin, not Avi, so he was going to have to try harder. He was also going to have to subtly ask Kevin to pick between two that he did end up finding. Avi hoped for one of those two in particular, but knew Kevin would most likely pick the other one. What it really was, was that Avi refused to pick that option himself because he really didn't want to go there, but Avi would still go when Kevin inevitably picked it because it's Kevin.

Avi went next door, Scott was approaching on his way but luckily Avi got through the door before he had to have an awkward non-conversation with the baritone. He entered so quickly that Mitch and Kevin look up in surprise; Kirstie must have been in the other room.
     "Hey," Avi nodded.
     "What was that?" Mitch asked of Avi's speed.
     "Oh, uh," he gestured over his shoulder, "Scott."
     Mitch nodded in understanding. "Kirstie's through the other room," he pointed.
     "Oh cool, uh, Esther wants you guys to get dressed up for dinner tonight; we're going out, her shout," he smiled.
     "Yes!" Mitch cheered, slamming his book shut.
     Kevin's eyes narrowed, "Why?"
     "Why what?" Avi replied.
     "Why are we going out to dinner?"
     "For something to do," Avi shrugged.
     "Why are you acting so suspicious Kev?" Mitch frowned as he stopped searching through his bag for a moment.
     "I'm not suspicious."
     "Then hurry up and go get dressed," Avi walked over to the room Kirstie was in and knocked twice, "Kirst." He went to open the door, but she screamed at him first.
     "Don't open the door!"
     Avi turned with wide eyes to Mitch and Kevin.
     "I don't know," Mitch said before Avi even asked anything, because it was true: he didn't know anything.
     "Okay then. Um... Mitch just tell her what I told you, yeah," he nodded slowly before leaving the rom with Kevin close behind.
     "Will do," he gathered his things and sat on a chair directly facing Kirstie's door as he waited for her.
     A couple of minutes later Kirstie emerged sheepishly.
     "What the fuck?" Mitch asked with laughter.
     "Shut-up," she scowled. "You knew what I was doing, why'd you let him come to the door?"
     "Because I didn't think you were serious about it till you screamed like that, at no less the man you wish was touching you like you were just touching yourself," he smirked.
     Kirstie's face turns bright red at Mitch's words, "Just shut-up," she folded her arms. "What'd he want?"
     "Okay just change subjects then, you don't need to feel guilty though hon," he shrugged.
     "Shut up and just answer my damn question."
     "Okay you are clearly not any less wound-up than before," he paused but didn't give Kirstie any time to snap at him before he continued. "He wanted to tell you that we're going out to dinner, Esther's treat, dress nice."
     "Oh... he could have said that through the door, do you think I upset him?" She asked with concern.
     Mitch shook his head, "He didn't seem upset, just startled. Just get changed and go talk to him."
     "And tell him what? Oh Avi, sorry for screaming at you, I was just masturbating and needed privacy, and even though I did scream at you, if you had've walked in it would have turned me on more.
     Mitch's jaw dropped, "Okay Kirstie, I'd actually pay you 100 dollars to say that to him with me there, because that'd be the reaction of the century!"
     Kirstie rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't tell him that for less than a thousand."
     "Damn girl," Mitch laughed, "You drive a hard bargain."

Esther bustled into her, Mitch and Kirstie's room with a cake in its box.
     Kirstie sat up, her strappy heel only halfway done up, "Oooo, what's that?"
     "Kevin's cake," Esther answered quickly and placed it on the table.
     Mitch flicked at his hair in the mirror, "Why did you get... oh my god it was his birthday the other day!"
     Kirstie's hands shoot to her mouth, "No!"
     "Yes, it was and the only one who remembered was Avi, and that little pain in the ass didn't tell anyone!" She quickly checked on the cake. "I'm glad to see he at least passed on my message, you two look great," she gave them a small smile before rushing into the bedroom to get changed herself.
     "Oh, we must be going out to dinner for Kev," Mitch realised.
     "I feel really bad," Kirstie sighed as she finished doing up her shoe.
     "Me too," Mitch sat down beside her.
     Avi knocked on the sliding glass door before he entered. "Hey," he smiled.
     "No, no-no," Kirstie scolded.
     "Making us all look like bad friends," Mitch narrowed his eyes.
     "Yeah," Kirstie glared at him.
     "What?" Avi asked, very confused.
     "This is all for Kevin's birthday, why didn't you tell us the other day!" Mitch got a little louder.
     "Oh, well because that's not my responsibility. And to be fair to me I didn't know that anyone had forgotten until Kev told me the next day."
     Mitch's eyes narrowed, "You should have just said that and not the 'not my responsibility' shit, that just made you look like a dick," he folded his arms.
     "Wow, awesome," Avi rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry that you forgot Kevin's birthday, it's totally all my fault."
     Esther stepped out of her room, "What the hell is going on?"
     But no one answered.
     "For God's sake all of you need to stop arguing like four-year-olds, it's getting ridiculous. We are going to go out and have a nice dinner, then come back and eat cake and sing for Kevin then tomorrow we're gonna-" Esther looked over at her brother.
     "Water Park, Kev wants to go to the water park," he sighed.
     Esther nodded slowly, "We're going to the water park tomorrow apparently to freeze our asses off," she shrugged.
     "Well it was that or the zoo, there's not really much to do here," Avi argued in his defence.
     "Then when I get hypothermia I'll blame you," Mitch gave Avi a snide smirk.
     "No come on guys this'll be fun," Kirstie tried, she hated the tension.
     "Not really, I hate the water park," Avi sighed.
     "Why?" Kirstie asked. "It's so much fun."
     "He's had nothing but bad experiences," Esther snickered.
     "The first time I went my shorts ripped on a slide, the second time I forgot my swim shirt and got the worst sunburn I've ever gotten and the third time I slipped on my way back to my towel and fractured my tailbone."
     Kirstie snorted with laughter, "Well bad things come in threes Avi so you're done."
     "Yeah I'm done until another three start: round one tomorrow, just you wait and see. Can we get going now though? I'm starving," Avi's hand went to his stomach.
     "I'll just get my shoes," Esther tossed Avi the keys, "You can drive, I'll tell you where to go."
     "Fine," Avi left the room.
     "Is he seriously that bad with water parks?" Kirstie stood up.
     Esther nodded, "Oh yeah, except he doesn't remember the time I pushed him in the pool when he was two," she smiled too brightly for those words as she left the room.
    Kirstie and Mitch exchanged a glance before they followed her.

The second Esther told them they were going to a Chinese restaurant Kevin knew it was for him. He knew because Esther did not like Chinese food and she must have felt bad, hence going to a restaurant he would enjoy but she wouldn't, and she was paying. Kevin didn't know how he felt about it; it wasn't like they were pretending they hadn't forgotten, they owned up to it and apologized and now they're doing something for him. And it wasn't that he didn't appreciate it, but it felt weird and Kevin couldn't put a finger on why. What he did know though is that he didn't want a big fuss made, and this was starting to become a big fuss. Thank goodness they didn't sing Happy Birthday though, Kevin always feels so awkward when that happens, he doesn't know why but he just does.
     The dinner went smoothly, apart from when, what Kevin assumed was Avi's knee hit the table from underneath and made everything clang, that got some attention and it made him red in the face. On a side-note he wouldn't look at Kirstie, who was beside him, the rest of the meal after the incident. But no one argued, snapped at each other or made any snide comments so that was the important thing. That at least made Kevin smile, even when they sang Happy Birthday later, even though Esther and Avi know how much he hated it.

A/N: So that was a lot that happened there, lol.

Who do you guys think is the most wrong, with all the arguments and in-fighting, of all six characters who is the most wrong (with whatever they're arguing for) in your opinion and why?

Hannah :)

P.S. Almost 2000 words, I am on a damn roll XD XD

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