Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: Some stuff is about to start getting sorted :o

Day 16 of Tour: Kansas – Morning

Kirstie scrolled through her pictures from the museum, she'd told the others she was doing homework and needed to be left alone, Mitch winked at her, but it seriously wasn't that this time. She'd shut herself in the room she was sharing with Esther and she had done some work but she'd felt like it was enough for the day, plus she'd probably be interrupted soon to go to the water park.
     Kirstie had only wanted to go to the museum because Avi had been so pumped for it, she thought it'd be pretty lame but she actually enjoyed it. They had fun, Esther's a lot better to be around in a fun environment, forgetting all the things she'd been stressing about on this tour. Kirstie learnt that Esther is kind of a dork, in the good kind of way, like Avi, and some of these pictures prove it. Like Esther in jail, Esther swinging on the jail door, Esther unable to get on the interactive horse statue so she posed next to it like a goofball despite her claims of knowing how to ride a horse, her and Avi both but Kirstie didn't believe it. She did eventually get on though and with a big cheesy grin, hands on her hips, she posed. Esther made Kevin get on the horse with her because she wanted a picture of them together. Then to try and make him feel better, or just less awkward, she tried to make Avi go on with her, he adamantly refused. Kirstie didn't, even though Avi had to boost her on, then he took the picture for them. Kirstie's absolute favourite picture came next, see Avi refused to get on the horse with Esther, but he did get on with Kirstie. And he got on effortlessly, Kirstie had begun to doubt her earlier doubt of the Kapan's knowledge on horse riding. And he sat right behind her, she could feel him against her back, sure there was limited space on the horse but she hadn't sat this close to Esther, not that Kirstie was at all complaining. And to top it all off, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. And as corny as it was, she felt butterflies, she felt warm and her smile was giddy and so real as she leant back into his embrace. It was such a small thing, but with what little he's given her so far it felt like a big step in the right direction for them. She had to wonder if maybe Avi didn't overthink it like he did they could take more steps in the right direction.
     Kirstie was interrupted from her thoughts when Esther entered the room.
     "Before we go to the waterpark I'm having one on one chats with everyone so that no one explodes at someone else while we're out, or whatever we want to call it. I'm talking to you then Avi then we can go," she spun her finger in the air then sat on her bed in the room.
     "Okay," Kirstie sat up so that she didn't feel like it was a cliché therapy session.
     "What is bothering you?"
     "What makes you think that something's bothering me?"
     Esther cocked her head, "This is my fourth chat, I'm up to speed so cut the crap," she spoke bluntly.
     Kirstie's eyebrows shot up, "Um... okay I presume you know that Scott called Avi annoying and I didn't appreciate that."
     "And you and Scott aren't talking because of that?" Esther asked for confirmation.
     "Yeah, it pissed me off," Kirstie spoke fiercely.
     "Okay, see hon, I know you're dating my brother but I'm still a firm believer in picking your friends first. I mean you've known Scott since middle school right?"
     Kirstie nodded.
     "And you've been dating Avi for four months and a roundabout a total of two of those you and him were in separate states. Sure you might not like what your friends have to say about your boyfriend, but don't pick a 'so called' four months over years of friendship for something as trivial as 'annoying.' It's something so small and easy to smooth over that you can still keep both of them," Esther spoke.
     "What if Scott said something unforgivable?"
     Esther's face darkened, "Did Scott say something unforgivable?"
     Kirstie shook her head, "No."
     "Then don't worry about it. You cross that bridge if you get to it." Esther seemed lighter again, her protective sister vibes pulling back, composed.
     They both went quiet for a moment as Esther thought of the best way to phrase her next question. "I know this probably isn't the kind of thing you want to talk to me about, but who better to talk to about it since I know."
     Kirstie frowned, "About what?"
     The younger girl's eyes widened, "You're gonna tell me what happened to him high school?"
     Esther quickly shook her head, "No, I'm sorry Kirstie; I couldn't tell you behind his back. But I can tell you that part of the reason it is all as traumatic for him as it was because of something I asked him. It was a tipping point I guess, a last straw if you will... you know what, this is just making things more confusing. What I really wanted to ask you is, is Avi acting like a normal boyfriend or is something off?"
     "I can see why you thought that I might not want to talk about this with you."
     "I'm sorry," Esther apologized.
     "No, but you're right, who else? I told Scott but he just thinks it's funny. And at first I thought it was sweet how slow and unsure about everything he was and then at some point it makes you start to think that there's something wrong with you because your boyfriend won't even touch you," Kirstie finished talking with a hitch in her breath and tears ready to fall.
     Esther reached out to rub Kirstie's arm, "I can assure you that it's nothing to do with you sweetie. He thinks the world of you, he's just... he's a stupid chicken. And it's not okay that he's making you feel this way."
     Kirstie took a deep breath to calm herself, to stop any tears from falling, "But he doesn't even realise he's doing it."
     "No, I know, he's a clueless stupid chicken," Esther smiled a little.
     Kirstie let out a small giggle and rubbed at her eye.
     "I'm gonna talk to him," Esther told Kirstie.
     "Oh god, don't tell him what I told you."
     "Wasn't planning on it, I'll imply that I think you're upset and you know 'pinpoint' it with my big sister genius," she chuckled.
     Kirstie's smile grew, "Thank you Esther."
     "Aww, it's no problem sweetie."
     Kirstie pulled Esther into a tight hug.

A/N: That's technically four members down one to go right? XD

Do you think Esther's on the right track with the conversations?


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