Chapter 12

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Kirstie rifled through her clothes for the millionth time trying to find enough decent items to make 'good' outfits.
     Scott walked into the room, popping his lolly-pop from his mouth. "How are you not done packing yet?"
     She sighed, "I don't think we should be ourselves Scott, we should be the good us. Like, I don't want to ruin the wedding."
      "We won't ruin the wedding."
     "And yet we always do," Kirstie threw a skimpy bikini across the room.
     "How can we ruin it if we don't even go to it?" Scott slumped on the bed beside her.
     "The whole point is that we're their dates to their sister's wedding."
     "So," he shrugged.
     "Scott!" Kirstie groaned. "We have to go to the wedding and we have to dress nice and cover our tattoos. They're good guys and I don't want to be mean to them."
     "They're not actually Kirstie; they're just as bad as us. And don't defend them, Mitch was a total asshole to you last night, they're not good," he spoke candidly, leant on his elbow.
     "Mitch was a jerk but Avi was nice, that's why we have to be good," Kirstie said, banging her fist on her palm and glancing at Scott.
     "You genuinely don't think he's gonna sleep with you if you be yourself do you?" His eyebrow went up.
     "He thinks he's getting a good church girl, so that's what he's gonna get," she flicked her hair back.


Avi stood over Mitch's bed at one in the afternoon; it was high time he was up. Avi was awake so Mitch should be too. So Avi tipped a glass of cold water over his step-brother, and Mitch woke up screaming, sitting up bolt-right.
     "No, no, fucking no!" Mitch yelled and swiped out at Avi who dodged him. Mitch clutched his head, "Asshole."
     "What did you do last night?"
     "You were in jail, how did you get there?" Avi asked.
     Mitch shrugged, "Don't remember."
     "You seriously don't remember what you did that was so bad that you got arrested?" If Avi sounded condescending, it was because he was.
     "Avi, I'll be honest, plain and simple, I was drunk."
     Avi didn't dignify that with an answer. "I'm gonna start packing for Hawaii."
     "We still have two weeks," Mitch frowned.
     "I guess I don't trust myself to not be high this time next week. I'll pack now so that I don't pack stupid shit then," he explained.
     "Why do you care so much about Hawaii anyway?" Mitch grumbled before Avi could leave the room.
     Avi sighed, "Esther might not treat me with much respect these days but she's still my sister, I still love her. It's her wedding and I want it to go well, that's why I'm doing exactly what she asked of me. She'd never forgive me if I screwed up her big day."
     "I guess that make sense, like I can't stand the woman, but I suppose you're obliged to like her." He pushed his hair back, lightly massaging his scalp. "I don't like Esther, I don't like Josh, but I like you, you're exactly what I wanted a big brother to be."
     Avi didn't know if that was a compliment or not because it made him feel warm inside but it was also a total backhand to who he used to be. "Well since I'm your favourite sibling, behave for me; be good at this wedding for me. Help me to not fuck it up," he half chuckled, fully deeply.
     Mitch smiled for a moment before it faded. "Do you want to know why I'm such a dick to Kristen?"
     "Kirstin," Avi sat down on the side of the bed, angled towards Mitch, away from the wet patch. "And yeah, I would."
     "Kirstin: right, well I was trying to make her like you less. It was an attempt to make myself feel better because it's clear that Scott doesn't like me nearly as much as Kirstin likes you, and that hurts," he sighed, keeping his gaze down.
     "Maybe Scott'd like you more if you weren't being a jerk to his best friend?" Avi knew he sounded a little snide, but maybe that was just what Mitch needed.
     Mitch's shoulders slumped, "You're right, that has to be it. There's like no other explanation because people love me," he pointed at himself.
     "And that's too cocky, if you want him to like you I suggest you tone that down too," Avi warned.
     "Yeah okay, I will, but I need you to do me a favour to ease my suspicions okay?" Mitch was a little perkier now.
     "I've already done you a favour by figuring out why Scott doesn't like you," Avi explained.
     "Maybe, why he 'maybe' doesn't like me," Mitch snapped. "Anyways, what I need you to do is the next time Kirstin does one of her sneaky little Jesus flirts is flirt back so that I can catch her reaction."
     "Why?" Avi was getting frustrated again; he was going to have a headache by the end of this conversation.
     "Because if she's coy, good, if she keeps flirting back then she's the liar that I think she is," Mitch stuck his nose up like he couldn't possibly be wrong.
     "What the fuck Mitch!" Avi stood up. "You're kidding right, you better be fucking kidding."
     Mitch took one look at his step-brother's face and nodded, "Yep, kidding, ha-ha."
     Avi visibly relaxed, "Good, because Kirstin and Scott are good people Mitch. I don't need your trust issues jumping in here please. This all needs to go well and I can't be doubting myself, least of all about my date. I'm gonna go pack and cool down okay?"
     "Okay," Mitch mumbled.
     "Good," Avi sighed as he left the room.

A/N: Do you think Mitch will actually try and be nicer to Kirstin?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)


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