Chapter 13

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"So they're running late, "Esther checked her watch for the millionth time and gave her brother and step brother yet another glare to add to their collection.
     "They'll be here," Avi assured her.
    "For the record Joshua isn't here yet either, so nunh," Mitch stuck out his tongue on the last word.
     Avi hit him in the stomach with the strong word, "Behave."
     Mitch gingerly touched the spot where he'd been hit, "Ow."
     "Just keep quiet and it won't happen again," Avi warned him.
     Mitch mimicked Avi as he turned away.
     "Josh warned me he might be late, have either of you had a courtesy text from them?" Esther's eyebrow rose in the most condescending way.
     That pissed Avi off just as much as it did Mitch. "They'll be here," Avi reiterated.
     "I'm sure they will," Kevin backed up his former best friend with a small smile that Avi returned.
     The Kaplan-Grassi-Olusola family were of course gathering at the airport. The Kaplan-Grassi parents, Esther's bridesmaids, Kate, Nicole and Candace were there with Kevin's groomsman Matt, his brother was also a groomsman but he was coming along with their parents and their sister tomorrow.
     "You know, even though Josh warned you, it is far more important that he show up seeing as he's walking you down the aisle and all," Avi let the bitter comment sit. Esther didn't have a reply; she just gave him a strained smile and decided to give her mother her full attention.
     Mike stepped up beside his son, "Do you have your passport Mitchell?"
     "Dad, please don't call me Mitchel, I feel like I'm in trouble, like you expect that I've forgotten it," he held his passport up with sass.
     "I had to check, you forgot it last time and I we missed our flights."
     "What, are you gonna ask Avi the same thing? You made him bring a date too, have you stopped lumping us together and finally decided that I'm worse than him?" Mitch watched his father unblinking.
     Mike just shook his head, "I don't have time for this attitude, nor any tantrums you're ready to throw," he backed away from his son.
     Avi placed a hand on Mitch's shoulder. "Bro, please just chill, okay?" He gently squeezed the shoulder his hand was rested on in what he hoped was a comforting manor.
     Mitch nodded, calm until his entire energy erupted again, "And there they are!" He pointed in equal smugness and excitement.
     Esther spun around, craning her neck to see.
     Scott confidently lead the way, he and Kirstin strolling along, wheeling their perfectly packed suitcases behind them. They looked pleasant, no tattoos and no unnecessary piercings. Kirstin was wearing a flowy blouse that just fell just past her elbows in dark and light shades of blue, with denim shorts that were the perfect length: not too short, they came to mid-thigh and then she had cute little blue and white cork wedges on her feet. Her sunglasses sat on her head of perfect black curls and she wore a kind smile with minimum make-up. As for Scott, he wore a baby pink button-up rolled to the elbows and tucked into cream chinos, he even wore loafers with invisible socks, in brown no less, and they matched his belt. His hair was styled into a perfect quiff and his sunglasses sat where his button met its button hole with only one button undone above it. They looked clean, smart and most importantly: classy.
     But Mitch noticed a flaw and pointed it out the second Scott and Kirstie came to a stop in front of them. "Where are your glasses?" He asked Scott.
     Scott pulled on a pleasant smile and pointed to his eyes, "Contacts, so I can wear my sunglasses," he pointed to those too, very pleasantly.
     Esther was surprised but she did her best to hide it, she was too surprised though to offer them any kind of greeting, luckily Kevin was quick to cover that. "Hi, it's lovely to finally meet you two," he held his hand out for Scott.
     Scott was blank for a second before he realised he was supposed to shake this man's hand, so he did and then so did Kirstin. "I'm Scott and this is Kirstie-in-Kirstin," he corrected himself. He had to remember they were rolling with Kirstin; it was at her request so that she could more easily keep her characters separate.
     Mitch jumped in to speed things up, pointing to each person as he named them, "Kevin, Esther, my Dad: Mike, Avi's Mom: Shelly, and the other ones are bridesmaids and a groomsman, I don't know their names," he waved them off, so Esther introduced them.
     They still had a little bit of time to kill, and Josh had yet to arrive, but they would be needing to check in soon so he better be quick lest he be left behind. The group chatted amongst themselves, except Mitch, he was on his phone. Scott was holding a decent conversation with Mike and Kevin while Kirstie talked with Esther and Avi listened in. Shelly joined her children's conversation taking a little more of Esther's attention and that gave Kirstin a chance to sidle a little closer to Avi; making the conversation theirs.
     "Hi," she smiled.
     "Hi," he smiled back.
     She barely cast a glance at Esther and Shelly, but she did see them and knew she still had a snippet of their attention. Kirstie knew how to make herself look good, look more Kirstin. She reached for the collar of Avi's shirt, it was unbuttoned dangerously low and Kirstie liked it. But as Kirstin she fought every instinct to run her hand down his chest and in-stead slipped her hands just so as to button up one of his buttons, taking him from sexy to family friendly and she pretended like she liked it better that way.
     "So handsome," she smiled and patted his chest twice quickly. She fluffed with his collar to make sure it was neat, "All better, I love your shirt though," she giggled and ran her fingers across the line of his shoulder and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
     All Esther and Shelly saw was Kirstin tidying Avi up, to their relief. Avi however had to wonder if this was the flirting Mitch had been talking about, not that he'd promised to do anything about it so he just smiled back. He low key wanted to flirt back though, see if she got flustered at all or had a reaction because he was definitely feeling something there, her hands on him and everything. But his family was around, so awkward, no flirting while they're watching. Although almost instantly as he thought that his mother and sister's attention went elsewhere and he was left staring at Kirstin. It was only a second later that he realises the fuss is over his brother, so that meant it was time to check in for their flights. And also time to keep a closer eye on Mitch, because as much as he dislikes Esther, he can't fucking stand Josh.

A/N: And so the vacation/wedding is about to get under way. Why do you think Mitch hates Josh so much?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please, vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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