chapter 6

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The next day at the mandir neela shweta bebe and dayawanti were at the mandir while the Pandit ji was was checking avneil kundali

Pandit ji: the auspicious day for engagement is after 4 days and wedding date is after a week.

The ladies folded their hands and  went outside the mandir

Neela: I cant believe we got this early date

Shweta: exactly neela ji

Dayawanti:  first of all we need to decide on many things for instance venue and all decoration

Neela: though engagement will happen at metha mansion

Bebe: that is fine

Shweta:how about u all come to khanna mansion and we can discuss about this then

Bebe:perfect idea shweta

Dayawanti : that is done then

Shweta:, so tonight dinner at our place

Dayawanti: theek hai we will get going now and meet u at night...

All four left from the mandir after getting into their respective car and headed back home

Meanwhile at home avni didnt have to go work and had finished the office work from home which ashish and ketan had given her

Avni: aman what u doing she asked seen him chilling on his phone as she came down from her room after emailing the presentation to ashish

Aman:nothing di just checking insta out

Avni: mumma and dadi not back yet?

Aman:nope and Riya di has also gone out before u ask

Avni:thank u for The info but I know about riya she said taking The tv remote and was changing the channels

Avni looked at her phone to see it beeping and smiled to see Neil's message

Hey. Working ?

Nope at home u ?

Yup stuck in a boring meeting

Avni chukled

Aman:what happened he asked casually looking at her

Avni: nothing she said shaking her head and replied back

Ohhh so that is y u messaged me otherwise if the meeting wasnt boring u wouldnt have messaged me she texted back

Aman: di I'm craving for something sweet can u make millionaire shortbread like last time he said

Avni: ok she said getting up and walked to the kitchen

She started to get all the ingredients and was placing it on the work top when neil replied back

Ab what can I do as I needed a break from this boring meeting and thought u might be entertaining he said looking up every sec as he had kept his phone under the table as the meeting was going on

Avni chuckled after reading the message after few secs

Avni: I am entertaining but I wont be able to entertain u

In a sec neil replied back


Because I'm actually making millionaire shortbread for aman

Neil looked down as his phone beeped he smiled and then looked back at up for a sec and the back down

Havent tried it...need to try it some day as I have heard a lot about it

Avni smiled

Avni: well hopefully your some day comes concentrate on your meeting and I'll get started too she texted

Ok boss

Avni smiled and placed her phone to the side to get started with the millionaire shortbread..

20 mins later neela and dayawanti arrived back...both were able to smell the sweet smell cooking from the kitchen and knew avni must be making something

Dayawanti:avni beta what r u making

Avni: millionaire shortbread dadi .

Neela:where is hetal she asked

Avni: she said she is going to the market to get something with madhavi tai

Dayawanti: acha...neela do one thing inform ketan and ashish to come home early so that we can reach to the Khanna mansion on time

Avni: Khanna mansion ? She said looking at them

Neela: haan we r going there for dinner so that all of us can decide about the pre wedding functions

Avni:oh she said happy and continued with her dessert when she got an idea

Neela saw avni getting few ingredients and placing it on the work top

Neela: bacha what else r u making

Avni:maa I'm making the same thing again so that neil and his family can try some she said

Neela winked at dayawanti

Neela: do u see maa we have only fixed the engagement and wedding date and avni is already taking care of them and thinking about them

Avni looked at neela with her wide eyes

Dayawanti: haan just hope she doesnt forget us

Avni:u guys r mad she said moving to get a tray while she smiled shyly facing the other way

Neela and dayawanti laughed and left from the kitchen

avni happily got busy into making millionaire shortbread

Time went quick

at the metha Mansion neela had called up ashish and ketan and told them to come early as they will be heading to khanna mansion for dinner

While at the khanna mansion shweta had called up prakash earlier and had informed him to come home early with neil and not to be late and before prakash could ask y she had cut the call

around 5 :00pm prakash went to neil cabin

Prakash: neil

Neil: haan dad he said looking up from his laptop

Prakash: puttar come we need to leave for home

Neil looked at the time and then at prakash

Neil: but there is still some time right.

Prakash: haan but your mom ordered me and before I could ask her as to y she ended the call

Neil chuckled the way prakash made his expression

Neil: ok let's go

Once neil and prakash reached home they saw Kareena sitting on the couch with bebe

Neil smacked the back of Kareena head and in return he got a cushion coming his way which he catched on time

Prakash: bebe what Is the matter ?

Bebe: nothing y ?

Prakash: shweta told us to come early and before I can ask her she cut the call

Bebe:ufff...that is because the metha family r coming here for dinner so we can discuss about all the arrangements

Neil got happy hearing that

Prakash: acha...what data has the Pandit ji given

Bebe:engagement is after 4 days while marriage will be after after a week 

Prakash nodded and went to freshen up and get ready

Bebe:neil u also go and freshen up

Neil:ji bebe he said and headed to his room

At 6:45pm the metha family had reached to the Khanna mansion..Neil smiled at avni

The khanna family and metha family greeted each other while avneil took blessing of the elders

Shweta : please please come she said as all walked towards the couch and sat down

Prakash: we r actually happy seen u all here

Ashish: even we r happy to be here by gods grace we got good dates for the engagement and wedding

Neela: haan that is y we r here so that we can discuss about other arrangements

Aman: can we please be in charge of all the programs  if that's ok

Prakash:of course after all due to u  youngsters our wife's will look young and bright while dancing he said

Shweta : prakash ji she said in a warning tone while all chuckled slowly

Bebe: avni puttar what is this in your hand

Avni: this is millionaire short bread I was making some so thought I can make it for u all to try too she said looking at neil who smiled as he looked at her

Shweta : here pass it to me..till then I'll go and get some water

As shweta was walking to the kitchen she stopped and came back

Shweta:  neil give avni a tour of our house  in fact y dont u show her your room she can have a tour of the house some other day she said

Neil nodded and got up while avni got up too noticing aman and riya giving her a teasing look.

Neil and avni started to walk up the stairs 

Neil: how r u

Avni: good what about u

Neil: even more good

Avni:how did your boring meeting go

Neil: it was less boring after texting u for some time he said making avni smile

They reached outside the room and neil opened the door for her and gestured her to walk in first

Avni: once I got to know we r coming here I thought I might as well make some millionaire shortbread for u and the family

Neil: well I know that I'm excited to try it he said blinking his eyes with a smile on his face

Avni: nice room neil...usually boys room is messy but yours is nice and well organised...or did u clean it up knowing we was coming

Neil  chuckled

Neil: no I make sure to keep it clean like this..this is how I am

Avni:I'm impressed

Neil:but now this wont be my room only but yours if u want to do any changes u r most welcome

Avni:no...its nice like this it feels peaceful the way things r she said

Neil smiled at the wind blew avni saw the curtains near the balcony moving back and forth ...she walked towards it and steeped  outside while Neil followed after few secs

Avni was in aww when the view from the balcony

Avni: neil the view is beautiful

Neil : it surely is he said standing near her and then turned to her but seenn how the way her face was glowing in the dark made his heart flatter

He stood sideways and took a step closer to avni who was lost looking at the view

Neil moved his hand up and tucked a strand of hair behind avni

Avni smiled lessened  suddenly she actually froze for a sec as she felt Neil's fingers tucking her hair behind her she turned her face towards him she saw how close they were with a soft smile on his face while his eyes shining with a emotion she wasnt able to figure out yet it made her feel butterflies in her stomach...avni was actually feeling confused with this feeling but she actually enjoyed it..for few secs both stayed like that

She looked down and then turned to face ahead of her while neil still continued to stare at her ... The smile on Neil's face brightened seen avnis cheek turning red slightly

Avni:umm I think we should go she said  tucking her hair back and the shyness was not missed from her face at all

Neil: let's go he said and both headed down

The rest saw avni and Neil coming down

Bebe: lo since avni and neil r down too how about we start dinner

Shweta: haan let's do that come please she said as all got up and shweta guided them to the dining table

Avneil followed the rest and sat down besides each other.

Precrap engamgemt shopping

Arranged marriage updated

Will be waiting for comments and votes so keep them coming

Lots of love

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