AvNeil Random Shot # o2

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Random Shot: The Gang and Love


P.S: This part is from a book that I have drafted. Most of you know I am lazy to actually finish anything especially a book. So, I present to you my idea as a One Shot.

Three people. A girl and two man were standing in front of a apartment door.

They have been banging on the door from very long time but no one had opened the door. Are they FBI agents, well I do not know. But they seem like some kind of agents.

Guess someone is in real trouble.

A man around 30 came up the stairs and stood behind them, "He is not in the right state of mind right now. Just give him space. " Hearing him the girl turned around, "But chief he is wild. You know he can do anything."

She turned toward the boy on her right and than looked at the door, "Tell him that he is crazy when it comes to handling thing like that, AJ"

The boy, AJ seem to be a teenager with a handsome yet child face. Good looks and muscluar body (but we are not going in the depts).

"AV is right chief. NK is terrible at handling situation like these. Don't you remember what he did last time? Rocky say something"

Rocky, the left man.

"Yes cheif. He...."

When chief is around, you can not complete a single sentence. This especially applies for Rocky.

"Rocky it seem like you want to waste your last forty years of life just the way you wasted your first forty"

Yep the statement is correct. The chief is a actual mouth shutter.

Rocky had his mouth wide opened and was staring at his chief. AJ moved AV aside and slapped shut Rocky's mouth. In return, the old fancy deadly stares welcomed him.

"Now all of you be good kids and go down. I brought fried chicken and some beer."

That was it. Two mouths were being watery already. Fried Chicken and beer! Especially when they are out of someone else's pocket, they taste even more preciously delicious.

And zoom they went down the stairs to their apartment yelling what piece and how much was for whom. AV still stood near the door rooted like the roots of a tree in the ground.

"Avni I know you are worried but everything will be okay. If you keep on worrying about him, you will land in the hospital. Now you be a good girl and go down. I will talk with him."

Avni was not buying it. She wanted to trust chief but something seem missing. Like she was not being told about something.

But she went away.

Like always, she was welcomed in the apartment with a fight. Oh no, not the general kind of ones, it is very day food fight. Fight over why did you ate that when I said, it was mine. Here men fight like girl. No offense since a girl said it herself.

"Cut the crap up you two. It look like two childish girls are fighting over why one wore same kind of socks as the other." AJ turned around to face AV, "So you mean that once upon a time, our greatest beauty, the champ fighter, AV used to fight like that. No wonder you are a fantastic fighter"

Before AV could come and punch the pretty face, Rocky saved it.

"Hushhhh up children. You are forgetting that a elder is here. It seem like I have to knock some sense in you chidren now."

Avni ignored them and walked up to the table and picked up beer to drink.

"Is there something that I am missing out on?"

Okay that was out of blue. There should be a alert before something AV say, which doesn't make the men choke on air.

AJ and Rocky looked at each other and laughed like she have been cracking up jokes from past decade.

"There is nothing that you are missing out on Avni. And I already told you stop stressing yourself. Enjoy your meal."

AV had a clear question written on her face, which the chief answered, "I have talked with him and NK is okay now. Just give him sometime. He said he was going to rest now."

Without listening to anything else, AV grabbed one of the fried chicken boxes bag, along with the beer container. On her way out with one hand, she dragged AJ with her from his collar, while he scream for help.

"Hey wait for me. I also want to go on a adventure" and our dear Rocky went away too. Mostly because cheif make him nerves as hell and he can not do anything as.... well he is his chief.

Like always, the chief was left alone to enjoy the lovely fried chicken by himself. The number one reason he loves to take the gang out to eat.


"AV I'm about to die. I can walk and that too beautifully. Please let go, I ca....can...n...not brea....the."

"We are here, you are free. Now open the lock."

And there he came again, in front of the door of NK apartment.

Sometimes, it is so hard for AJ to live with his wonderful talent. It is so hard for talented people to survive a cruel world these days.

"I said open it. Just crack the dame thing up like you did last time."

Yep there was a last time, a time before that and before that and even before that.

"What the hell are you thinking, AJ. Open the dame thing up before I blow up your brain"


Being dramatic is in the blood baby.

"Did you blew him up? He was my one and the only in this world, how can you do this Avni? How will I forgive you now?" Panting and crying Rocky said.

Nothing new though.

"Rocky please"

"Sorry so, did it worked" Rocky asked AJ, who was busy in his mission.

"Yep almost and ahhhh. He is so stupid man." As soon as those words came out. Avni slapped him on his head. And he rubbed that place as it hurts, while making faces. "I mean he have no sense of being creative. He made his new password with the same letters while backward."

And off they went in.

"Sit, eat, and make as much mess as you want. I won't say a thing"

Hmmm. Is this the clean freak AV? Something is missing here.

AJ and Rocky were speechless and were watching AV sitting with her legs up on the sofa with fried chicken in her one hand and in other a beer bottle. They thought she was going to do something else but no she just break into NK's apartment to eat fried chicken on his sofa. WHAT?!?!

"What are you staring at? Come and eat. He won't dare to say a single thing. I'll back you guys up."

"Oh no sis. If you front us up than we will sit down and chill, right Rocky?"

"Absolutely ma'am "

"I'll be on all four directions now sit on your butts  or else the chicken is mine"

Well no ma'am you thought.

"What if he walked out in the condition he doesn't want you to see him in Avni?"

"First of all don't call me Avni, only chief can and it doesn't matter. I am not his girlfriend."

Coughs and smirks entered the chat y'all.


After the coughs and smirks entered the chat, NK also decided to enter.

NK aka Neil. The handsome, good looking, tall, muscular, charming, every single word that a girl say, when she see a boy of her dreams, but with the touch of unlimited attitude and bad boy look in him.

"WTF!!!!" What are you three doing in my living room?And how did you all get in here? Wait AJ did you....."

"Next time be creative instead of putting a password like '9876543210'"

Yes, his last password was '0123456789' sadly.



"Just stop it and if you have a problem than talk with me Neil"

"WOOOOO, NEIL" yelled Rocky and AJ "SINCE WHEN???"

Angry Neil was now not so angry, looked descent, and the smell of anger was now replaced with his shampoo, wait is it strawberries that we smell?

Well we will see about that later.

"Anyways come and eat. Since you weren't coming downstairs, I thought why not go up. Have some beer and chill."

"I do not like beer." said Neil crossing his arms and standing against the wall, while facing Avni but looking around.

"Hmm, I don't want you either to have a strong beer like that. It will be some trouble for me after all"

The tension man, the tension here now.

"Hmm, why would you be in a trouble if he drank AV? Do you know Rocky why she will be in trouble" AJ asked innocently to Rocky, "I get it if I try to seek it but why him"

"No champ I have no idea why she will be in trouble. NK knows right NK"

#Smirk #PlayALong

"No I don't. Why would it trouble you AV?"

"Gosh!" Avni started to drinking her beer in one big sip and fast.

It is serious matter kids. It is a dangerous thing to do.

"Heyyyy!" yelled Rocky and AJ

But they are not faster than NK. He ran for four steps and snatched the bottle out of AV's hand.

"Don't ever do it. It is dangerous and it will trouble me" said Neil while snatching the bottle and cleaning some that spilled on her beautiful face. Smile in the end, always do the Neil charm on Avni. And dame, it did it this time too.

Avni blushed. Her cheeks turned red, hot red color probably the same color of Neil's strawberry shampoo.

Staring complication and breaking complication as bonus entered the chat.

"AWWWW. This looks like a scene from what was that movie called? Dang it, I cannot remember it."

"It is yet to come Rocky" said AJ while still looking between Avni and Neil.

"You guys finish your food and get out of my apartment. I do not want unwanted people here. You all have 5 minutes."

Saying that Neil went to his room. While Avni stared at his direction.

Rocky made AJ face him "It is dangerous and it will trouble me" and pretended to wipe away beer like Neil did from Avni's face.

"I'm going home now. You all enjoy, bye"

Rocky and AJ still busy in their what they call "AV-NK Looks" did not replied to her and AV went out, technically ran out of Neil's apartment hearing the laughing sound of two dumbasses in her life.

It was hack a lot of a day at that moment.

Word Count: 1953
No Re-creating allowed.

In form of not respecting, you will be banned from Wattpad. So, help your own self. If you came across anything similar to my os please contact me. You will be in my special group.
Sorry for disappearing but life hits hard sometimes and you got to leave somethings behind. I was also writer block and now as you can see my come back is terrible.

Again, please do not re create this os, make it part of your story or gave anyone idea of adding this to their story as I know many writers ask help from their friends, who either writers or readers.

Please respect me and my work and I'll respect you with all my heart.

sonali0115 seems to be dead and this is for her so she can remembers me.

Thank you for reading and sticking around. Much love

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