United With Luck (1)

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Two Shots: United with her Luck (o1)

P.S. I was dead but not literally

How would one feel like dating a handsome hunk? How about if dating the popular boy in the college or university? A cute neighbor, who have everything in this world yet treasure you like the most expensive thing ever and you can be happy forever till you die with them?

Now how would a girl feel like dating a superstar, a talented, most charming, sexy, passionate, number one boy in the World Most Famous Boy Band?

Sister we are having a sexy, worldwide wanted Singer here!

Let's just have a moment here and imagine what the life would be.

If you ever had a opportunity like that will you miss it?


Sometimes life gives too much away to people for free that they start to be over confident and in the process forget who they truly are.

Yes, you are a lucky person but don't try your luck to hard that it get tired of you.

Avni is one of those people, who likes to try everything hard. No matter what it is, if the standers are low, there is no chance.

Avni is pretty from every angle. Every boy's idol type, every mother's idol daughter but is she really that "idol" type?

First of all what are these "idol" types?

Seeing her being actually herself will lead one to think, "Who the Fuck said she is an idol type?"

Unless a mother or guy wants a horny ass girl, who go around robbing other girl's boys and using them as a toy and playing hard on them.

Life is indeed complicated when there are two faced people living around because then a person gets compared a lot.

But it is all life. Once on your side and once not.

Same thing happened here

Avni, with her own hands, let the luck slip away.


There are two sides to everything.

Let's just focus on stories.

"Avni is dating the superstar"

"Avni is not dating the superstar"

"Superstar is playing with her"

"Avni is playing with him"

And so on

Like there is so much going on in this world with the same topic that a person can faint just by thinking all of sides of one story at once.

People gossip so much that at one point, who is not even involved have to go up and slap other for gossiping.

These side of stories aka the rumors give so much headaches, especially to these fan girls.

Power of Fan girls is more powerful than anything else in the world. Like within a second a girl's luck can take a downturn.

But so far Avni have been lucky

She had faced all of these rumors, fought back with these crazy powerful fan girls, fooled a lot of people, had fun, and what not.

Still she stand united with her luck

So cute right

Well it ain't lasting long........

Hi everyone please don't bash me after reading this part. Trust me it will be worth it.
Not everyone is perfect and we all make mistakes. With this on mind I wanted to try something new out with fear of being kicked out of here.

I'll upload part 2 to this series by tomorrow or during the weekend.

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