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A/N: The picture of the man who helped Avni.👆

Avni came out of the hall lost in her thoughts.

She was not aware of her surrounding. She was walking aimlessly on the road.

Suddenly a car came and just hit Avni. The driver applied the break but the car hit her slightly. She fell down and hit her head on the ground. Blood started coming out of her head. But this physical pain was nothing in front of that emotional pain which she was feeling right now.

A man in tuxedo came running out of the car and bent on the side of Avni to help her.

“I m sorry. I am so sorry. You came suddenly on the road. I didn't see you.” The man said inspecting any sign of injury.

“It's okay. I am okay.” Avni mumbled.

“No, you are not okay. Blood is coming out of your forehead. Let's go to the hospital.” The man said.

“No.. it's fine. I will go myself.” Avni said again lost in her own world of misery.

“Please, let me take you to the hospital. Otherwise I will feel guilty all my life.” The man said feeling really guilty.

“Okay. Let's go.” Avni finally said.

He helped her to stand up and then sat her in the passenger seat. And drove to the hospital.

He saw how she was lost in her own world. So he didn't try to interrupt her thoughts.

The car halted in front of the hospital.

They went inside the hospital. The doctor attended Avni and bandaged her head.

She came out of the nursing room.

“I am again sorry, you were so lost and suddenly came in front of the car that I didn't nearly see you. I hope you should hurry back.” The man said.

“Huh?” Avni asked her like where I should hurry.

“To your marriage. You should hurry to your marriage. Your groom must be waiting for you.” The man said making it obvious as Avni was still in her bridal gown.

“He is not waiting for me. I was waiting for him to come back. But he just left.” Avni started mumbling.

The man saw the grief on her face and it really made his heart wrench.

“Hey, it's okay. He will come back. Let's go back. I will drop you.” The man consoled her.

“No, I don't want to go back. I want to go away from here for sometime. Thank you for your help. You can go now.” Avni said moving out of the hospital.

“Hey, Miss. Where are you going? It's not good to roam around alone at this hour in bridal gown. I will drop you wherever you want to go.” The man said.

“I have nowhere to go right now. I just want to clear my thoughts.” Avni said pouring out her misery to this stranger.

“If you don't mind, you can come to my house. And can leave in the morning. I don't mind.” The man offered.

“Excuse me? What type of women you think of me? I am not that type. Understand.” Avni fired back.

“Calm down tigress. I am not thinking of you any type, I was just offering help to you like a friend. If you don't want then it's okay.” The man said and started to go.

“Wait! I am really sorry. I am just upset at this moment. I will come with you.” Avni said and followed him to the car.

He took her to his Bunglow. He made her the coffee. And they talked for a while. Then he showed her the guest room. He was just about to leave when Avni called him.

“Hey, thank you for all this. Can I know your name?” Avni asked feeling her head getting heavier.

“Sure, why not Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna.” The man said with smirk.

“How do you know my name? I didn't tell you.” Avni said frowning and then held her head as she felt the room around her revolve.

“My name is Raghav Pandit. Son of Ragini Pandit.” He said with smirk.

And first Avni’s eyes widened at this revelation and then it all went black.

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