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Heya My Lovely Supporters.!

So As a Celebration for our 100K+ Views and 10K+ Votes(didnt i mention earlier, only 10% people are responsive, rest are silent), i have a little Surprise for You all, and its Nothing but the very First Page of My soon to be published Novel.! The Preface, the Sneak Peak of what "A Millioanire's First Love" is going to deal with.

I know i know, i am mad.! Like who writes a preface when the story is almost 70%completed.!! But expect the unexpected when it comes to me and this Story.!!

I suggest to read it with a blank mind, as if u dont have any idea about the story.!

Lets see how much it impacts you.!!




One Word

~That rings a myraid of definitions in our ears.

~That wraps our Hearts in plethora of feelings, that are either unexplainable or unaccounted for.

~That possesses as many meanings and perceptions as many individuals.

~That is a new dynamism in its whole sense.

Gone are the days when It used to be there in the misty air around us, now though it is in the space around us but largely limited to some wireless devices that are run by electromagnetic waves.

Gone are the days when it used to be in the Monsoon rains, in the cold breeze, in the typical smell of Mud after the first Rain of the year, in the sunsets and the sunrises, in the clouds, in the poems, in the stories and in all of those soulful old romantic songs.

To sum it all, Back were the days when it used to be a gushy, beautiful yet simple feeling. Today it is largerly defined by a phrase, "ITS COMPLICATED.!"

In an attempt to un-complicate or simplify our lives to cope up with the change in time and generation, we have intricately complicated our feelings and notions.

With the escalating pace of our technologically upgraded life, somewhere we have lost the "true" meaning of somethings as pure as "Friendship" and "Love" and all we do now is confabulate it with our own defined meanings acc to our likings and taste.

As a result those strong relations that are supposed pillars to our lives, now need the support of "prefix" and "suffix" contriving a whole new set of classes and categories that were alien a few years back, stating a few like - BFF or Friends With Benefits, BAE, Chance buddies, Fuck-buddies etc.

The repercussion of which lies in the extreme dilution of our love stories, that are devoid of those innocence, purity and simplicity that used to be pathognomic for its elucidation. Mainly because the popular notion about Love is no longer the same.

With "A Millionaire's First Love" i have tried to disentangle a few threads of complications in an otherwise overrated newly budding relationship during a beautiful phase of Courtship.

I have vouched to recreate the vibes of Love in its pure, innocent and unadulterated form. To unleash the essence of Love, fully concentrated with nothing but true feelings, which we have lost somewhere down in the process of growing up.

In an era of complications, i have played the gamble of "Simplicity"

With a story as elemantary as a Boy falling in a deep ocean of Love with a girl whose life has unerringly crumpled up her beliefs on Love, how amidst straightening out the creases of her Life, he Ends up explaining her the Meaning of "Selfless Love", This novel is here To fill the void of a smiple, relatable and connecting Love Story.


So how was it.?

Do you think its good enough to draw more reader's attention.?

Drop down ur reviews.!!!

This has been updated on 1st Intro Page too.!! 😊😊

Also, there is a quick Questionaire, Exclusively for u all.! (Compulsory to all)

Do You Enjoy Reading "Millionaire".?

Do You Think its deserving of more success and reach new heights.?

Do you Think it has potential.?

If ur Answer to all the previous questions is Yes, then check whether you have voted for all the previous chaps.!!!

If done.!!! More appreciations from me.

If not, do it now.! And show your contribution.!

Lastly, If u think This story is something You are loving to read, and some of ur friends might Enjoy it as well who are missing on a good entertainment till now, Plz share the word with them.! I'l be obliged.!!

Much Love

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