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Heya dear readers.!

Its been long, and i have missed this place like hell.!

Let me begin with Thanking you all for Praying for me and wishing for me.! I am being better every passing minute and yes bored too.!! 😄😄

So i am here with a quick sneak peak of what do i have in store for you all in upcoming chapters. And trust me its going to be Very very very interesting.! 😉😉

So scroll down to know it.!




eil safely parked the car, or perhaps the cab, at the frequently unvisited area of college campus, just behind Avni's hostel, that gives the impression of dark shade created by numerous sky-rocketting trees.

He slightly turned towards the passenger seat where his Munchkin was improperly slouched against the seat, befuddled of her own condition, down with god knows how many shots of Taquilla, her hands still motioning at the beats of disc, mumbling something probably the last song she heard in the pub, And still manage to look too innocent and serene to stop his beats.

He smiled at the antics of his tipsy Fiancee and affectionately caressed her hairs, combing them with his fingers. She was a little less than half sane and little more than half drowsy.

After adjusting her seat to a comfortable level, he was reclining his own seat when suddenly Avni leapt over him, sitting exactly on his lap with her flexed legs resting by his thighs. The abruptness of her actions startled him, the proximity sent a shock wave up and down of his spine giving whiplash to his thought process, and who he have to blame to, Taquilla.!!

She held on to his collar to stabilize herself from the spinning she was feeling, "Neeeil, Yoou r chooo sweeet, My chweetuu.!" She slurred pulling his cheeks and again tossed her head backward, while Neil embraced her in an attempt to prevent her from falling back and injuring herself from steering wheel.

She smiled uninhibitedly though her eyelids drooped, jabbing her finger on his chest, "T.. Tu..Tummm, Bohooottt Acche ho." She paused with a thoughtful look before outstretching her hands, "Innnee Acchee" making Neil grin widely.

As she was trying to stretch her hands further, her body drooped behind, but Neil stablised her in his arms. "I m fine.!! Toootally fine."

"Yeah i can see that, how fine you are.! You should sleep now."

She shunned him by keeping her finger on his parted lips, swiftly leaned closer, dangerously closer, so much that her breath was fanning the skin around his mouth giving him goosebumps all over.

"I' wanna saaayy... tha..that.. M not.."

He couldnt concentrate on anything beyond her lips that were merely an inch away from his, as if even if he will move to breath he will end up claiming them. To top it all, she was constantly wiggling and waggling that too over his lap. How he is supposed to think straight.

"He is going to ban this Taquilla thing for lifelong, or atleast untill he is denied to savour this tempting girl with all his might.! Tought test of self Control.!"

He gulped down his corrupted thoughts and held her shoulders trying to maintain a safe distance, "Avni, Whatever it is we will talk tomorrow, you are far from being sober now.!"

Instantly her lips puckered up into an exaggerated pout, demanding every ounce of control from Neil to not taste them. "Kal, Pakkaa.?" She asked in childlike tone.

"Promise.!" He replied without missing a beat.

She extended her little finger, "Pinky Promise.?"


"I wish Avi You would have given me one chance to explain myself.!"

"I just wish you would have cared to listen to me."

"I just wish, Someday in future you will Forgive me."

"I Am just Wishing for some "Miracle" to happen."

"I Just Wish.!!!!"

Rhea cried sagging more into the cushion of her couch.

Her self cursing trip came to a halt by a sudden buzz of the landline phone from the side table.

Composing herself, She answered the call, "Hello.!"

"Miss Rhea Singh.?"


"I am Mr. Sharma from Khanna Industries, Mr. Neil Khanna wants to have a word with you personally, When can I Fix this Appointment.?"


Ahh, do I Left you with lots of Questions.?

Or did i give you things to look forward too.?

How do you like Talli Avni.? Want me to explore more.?

Ufff, so many questions.!

To know it All.!

Stay tuned.

And do read "A Millionaire's First Love.!"


Oh boy.! This became a chapter itself.! 😂😂

Anyway, do Drop down ur thoughts, suggestions and reviews.!!


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